Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Chapter 22: Five thousand to thirty thousand

  Anton is very proud now, he is riding on a horse righteously.

   A month and a half ago, he combined with his two companions, Abel and Abbott, to instigate the peasants and set off an uprising.

   The reaction of the Britannia Empire is also very fast. In the past month and a half, they have dispatched three armies to encircle and suppress them.

   But Anton and his two companions are also quite talented in military affairs. After clever command and mobilization, they defeated all the crusaders of the Britannia Empire.

   This rebel army has also expanded from hundreds of people to 30,000 now.

Now, this 30,000-man army is divided into three groups. Anton, the most capable and prestigious at present, commanded 15,000 people and served as the Central Army. Abel led 10,000 and served as the Left Army. Specially led 5000 people to serve as the right wing army.

   Three-way army, the front of the soldiers directed towards the city of Cordoba.

The reason why they chose to attack Cordoba City is because they have received reliable information. Cordoba City has a large stock of supplies, and because it is deep in the interior, it has been in a relatively safe place for a long time, so Cordoba Wa City did not have a large number of soldiers.

   This is simply a suitable goal for them who lack supplies.

  Anton turned his head and shouted with the messenger next to him: "Go on! Let the army go faster! Faster! It's still too slow now!"


Watching the messenger's departure, Anton sneered and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "I don't want Abel and Abbott to take the credit, if I can take Cordova. , Then my prestige in the army will overwhelmingly surpass Abel and Abbott, hum."

   At this moment, he saw his own sentry, rushing towards him on horseback, rushing to and behind him, loudly said:

   "The leader! Having received reliable information, Britannia has sent troops to encircle us again!"

  An Dong's complexion sank.

   "How many people have been sent this time? Is the commander in charge the new knight or the double oak knight?"

   "Only 5,000 people have been sent this time! And the person in charge is neither the new knight, nor the double oak knight, but a civilian who is not even the captain of the army!"

  An Dong was taken aback, then looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahahahaha! Did the **** emperor of Britannia have his brain flooded? Last time he sent two new knights commanding nearly 20,000 troops to encircle and suppress us, but I defeated them. This time I sent a civilian Commanding 5000 people? That's a laugh!"


   At this time, Pendragon, the residence of Earl Hyde and unified knight Ithel.

   Issel, who was reading, suddenly put down the book in his hand, and asked Alissa beside him: "Alissa, do you think he will win sincerely?"

   Alisha raised her eyebrows. Said in a mocking tone:

   "Father, haven't you always liked that Su Cheng? You think that Su Cheng is extremely talented in military affairs, so why are you still worried now?"

   "He is very talented in military affairs, there is no doubt about it," Ithel said in a decisive tone.

   After listening to Alisha, a flash of discomfort flashed across her face.

   Issel sighed.

"However, no matter how talented you are in military affairs, you can't be so haste. He should take his time step by step. Let him start with a few people, then slowly accumulate experience, and finally become a general who can dominate thousands or tens of thousands. Instead of letting him step through the many steps in the middle, let him directly bring 5,000 men and horses, and let him use 5,000 men to deal with 30,000 men. With such a disparity in strength, even you and Enli will not be able to win. . Jacob is really...too haste!"

   "Father, you seem to say that it was Jacob who proposed to the Emperor that Su Cheng should lead the troops on the expedition." Alyssa said indifferently, "Why would he do this?"

   "Huh!" Issel gave a sneer, "Jacob said that he saw that Su Cheng was an inexperienced military genius, and thought that Su Cheng would be able to complete the task. I really don't understand Jacob where he is confident!"

   "So, Mr. Jacob is very confident in Su Cheng, so he proposed to assign this task to Su Cheng?"

   "It should be, but I think he should have assigned this task to Su Cheng for another reason."

   "Another reason?" Alisha asked puzzled.

   Issel pondered for a while and asked, "Alyssa, how many unified knights are there in the Britannia Empire now?"

   "Huh?" Alisha was taken aback, "Now you are a unified knight."

   Issel sighed again.

   "Then you should also know how bad the situation in Britannia is now, right?"

   After hearing this, Alisha closed her mouth and stopped talking.

"The national power of Britannia has declined a lot compared to the past," Issel said slowly, "At this critical juncture, we and the other three empires: the Lorraine Empire in the south, and the Holy Hiran Empire in the north. And the relationship between the Frankish Empire in the East is not good, especially the Hundred Years War with the Rollin Empire and the Frank Empire, and the Frank Empire has not yet ended. The defense of our Britannia Empire is now very tense, and now it is only me. A unified knight, it can be said that I alone can't hold up this bad situation."

"Jacob definitely sees that the state of defense of the Britannia Empire is not optimistic. He is so anxious to send Su Cheng to the battlefield, he should also hope that Su Cheng’s military talent will burst out. So that the empire can now have one more powerful knight to ease the tense defense situation. However, I really don’t know if Jacob has carefully thought about the consequences of such haste. I can also see that Su Cheng has a good military talent, which is good. Miaozi, but I don’t think Jacob is as godly as he said. Without ever leading a soldier, Su Cheng can directly control 5,000 people and defeat 30,000 people. This is too hasty. If you let Su Cheng, a good seedling What should I do if I fold it before it is fully developed? I really don’t know what Jacob thinks..."

   Before Ithel finished speaking, Alisha suddenly stood up with a "whoop", and screamed:

   "Why do you both think that Su Cheng has a good military talent, father and Mr. Jacob?! From my point of view, I don't think he is just a talkative person!"

Ithel was taken aback, but quickly returned to normal, and then said: "Alyssa, you have to understand that sometimes the eyes of the elders and wise men are very accurate, and sometimes the person clearly doesn't do anything, but But you can see that person in his words and deeds, face, voice..."

   "Enough!" Alisha interrupted Ithel roughly, and then hurriedly left the room.

   "I don't want to hear what you say about Su Cheng and Su Cheng anymore! It's annoying!"

   Issel looked at Eliza's leaving figure, shook his head helplessly, then completely closed the book in his hand, and closed his eyes to rest up.

   At this moment, Issel suddenly remembered Jacob's evaluation of Su Cheng.

   Iser closed his eyes and murmured:

   "Military genius... I hope Su Cheng is really the kind of genius who is rare in a thousand years."

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