"No! As far as I know, not all countries in the Seven Kingdoms have second-generation gods."

"Among them, the water goddess Funina is the only one who will give a speech when taking office."

In the movie"The Second Generation of Thunder God", Ina Wisdom doesn't even know that she is the second generation god.

In Ina Wisdom's view, the General is the General, and the God of Thunder is the Thunder General from beginning to end.

Sumeru's Little Lucky Grass King is here After being found by the Order Council, there was no more news.

The Sumeru people seemed to have forgotten that there was such a thing as a second-generation god in their own family.

Then there was Fontaine's Water Goddess Funina, was this the original speech she gave?

"That’s really helpless. I don’t even have a decent reference. I can only try to figure out what everyone thinks of the gods."

"hehe! What does Hall Master Hu think of the God of Justice?"

Wendy asked with a smile.

Hu Tao is very interesting. He really wants to know what Hu Tao thinks.

"Of course, it’s flamboyant, arrogant, and arrogant."

"All actions of the God of Justice need no explanation, because the God of Justice represents justice itself"

"My heart and actions are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I say and do is righteous."

This is what gods should be like, this is what the God of Justice should be like.

The God of Wind threw Mond for five hundred years, the God of Rock appeared once a year, the God of Thunder secluded himself in the country, and the God of Grass lived in seclusion and did not appear in the world.

You see Do people in the Four Kingdoms have ideas about gods? No! Because in people’s minds, this is what gods look like.

As long as the country does not get worse and worse, they will always be willing to believe and believe in gods.

"Isn't it what Hall Master Hu is talking about that Funina is playing?"

"Lo and behold, she's starting to get into the zone"

…… in video.

Faced with everyone's doubts, Funina fell into a brief panic.

But soon, she found her groove.

Not to imitate the gods, but to play the role of the gods in people's minds.

It’s not about groping for divinity, but how to confront humanity.

Strong, with a strong sense of presence, able to dispel all doubts, that is what a god should be like

"Hahaha... Yes, yes, our people, only you like this are worthy of my rule, Funina."

After finding the target, Funina showed a healthy and crazy laugh.

That flamboyant Funina, that arrogant Funina, that water god Fukalos who made the other six nations of Teyvat fearful.

"I was thinking before, if one day a cowardly puppet steps onto the stage and claims to be the master of this opera house, will the people of Fontaine also obey?"

"It looks good now. You are not boring guys, you are qualified to witness those wonderful trials with me."

The response was good, and the audience in the audience was already stunned.

The more Funina spoke, the more confident she became.

"alright! The performance just now was a welcome gift from me to everyone. It was an appearance that I thought suited the atmosphere of the opera house."

"Next, let me address you again."

【Genshin Impact: Yun Jin: beautiful, perfect transition, able to quickly make reasonable explanations for her unreasonable behavior, she is really a born actor】

【Genshin Impact Nero: Dramatic, the opera house is full of drama, the new water god takes the stage to give everyone a perfect performance that is simply impeccable】

【Bengtie·Qingque: Wow! She's really good at acting. If I had such acting skills, Taibu-sama wouldn't notice me.】

【Bengsan·Alicia: It makes people feel distressed】

【The original god is Lady Funina. She looks exactly like Lady Funina in my memory.】

【The original god·I think there is nothing wrong with a gentle and humble god]

The timid and cowardly state was swept away, replaced by the arrogance and arrogance unique to the superior.

There are gods in the continent of Teyvat, but ordinary people will never see them once in their lifetime.

The appearance of gods is more in the imagination of the mind, and Fu Nina's performance at this moment completely conforms to most people's fantasies about gods.

Only such gods can lead them to another peak.

The Fontaine people in the video were full of excitement, and they all believed that their previous cowardly image was a clumsy joke played by the new water god on them.

She faced the audience with her hands open and her voice was loud and confident.

Paired with that melodious voice, he is like a rising star on the stage.

"It turns out it was just a performance. No wonder, I forgot this is an opera house……"

The audience in the audience suddenly understood and expressed their approval of Funina.

"The new gods actually have personalities, which scares me, but it's better than the cowardly image before."

"It’s great to have such an interesting and courageous god. I can feel more at ease in the future."

Gods are like nuclear weapons. They can retire, disappear, or not show up in the world, but they cannot live without them.

And the words of the audience were heard by Funina and remembered in her heart.

Funina told herself in her heart, Never, never, never show that cowardly look again

【Genshin Impact: Skirmishers: Isn’t this the real Fontaine people? It's really ridiculous. You haven't changed whether it was five hundred years ago or five hundred years later.】

【Original God: Skirmisher: I like to lead and be strong. Do you want me to be the new god of Fontaine?】

【Genshin Impact: You are dreaming! Even if you die according to the prophecy and everyone dissolves in the sea, Fontaine will not let you become a god.】

【Genshin Impact: If an executive wants to be a god, you are worthy of it. No one will really think that they can do it after reading Lady Funina’s experience.】

【The original god Fontaine has not fallen so far that he wants you to become a god.】

【Original God Navia: It seems that we are no longer needed. The Fontaine people can already protect Lady Funina on their own initiative.】

【Original God Charlotte: It has always been possible, but because of death and deception, my mind was temporarily blinded]

Judgment is a very solemn and sacred matter, but there is no need to demonize it.

The accuser has the same status as the accuser, standing on the same platform, in the most just place, under the scrutiny of everyone.

Guilty or innocent, justice will give the answer.

For example, Vashe, who accused Lady Funina, may not be able to escape unscathed after the trial is over.

She investigated the serial disappearance of young girls for a while, and although she found nothing, she still learned something about it.

She found something called Lex……


(The public’s views seem to have reversed. Let’s give the inaugural speech again based on this feeling.)

In the video, Funina is firm in her belief.

Her legs no longer trembled, and she even left the podium, left the desk that protected her, and walked in front of people.

Go under the light and show your confidence to more people.

She is the new Water Goddess, everyone’s hope, the Demon God of Justice, Fukalos



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