Chapter 1

“Master, don’t the police station have any big cases?”

Ye Feng was bored and sat in the patrol car with the old policeman Fan Jingming, staring at the people coming and going on the street, and couldn’t help but complain.

Such days are completely different from the glorious work of the police in his imagination.

After watching “Detective Sherlock Holmes” as a child, Ye Feng became fascinated by reasoning and investigating. He vowed to become a big detective or a big police officer when he grows up, and he used many criminal clues to reason the truth and get justice.

But in China, detective is not a legal profession, so Ye Feng has only one option left-to be a policeman.

This ideal has been accompanied by Ye Feng’s growth. After graduating from the police academy, he passed the public security recruitment examination and successfully became a policeman.

After intensive training and learning, Ye Feng was assigned to Wanshuihe Police Station.

The veteran policeman Fan Jingming who was sitting in the driving seat was assigned to him by his master. During the internship without law enforcement power, Officer Fan always took him with him.

It’s just that the work of the police at the police station is not as tall as Ye Feng imagined. In the past few days, police officer Fan took him to deal with trivial matters. It was not who lost his wallet or dealt with the conflicts in the neighborhood, which was not challenging. And it’s so trivial.

It would be great if it could be assigned to the Criminal Police Team!

Officer Fan naturally understood Ye Feng’s mentality. The young people who had just joined the work were full of vigor and energy, and they wanted to solve big cases every day.

But only after more experience do you know that there is no major incident that is the time to be quiet.

“Don’t go too far, even if you send out all the big cases, you don’t even know the most basic investigation process now, what role can it play!” Officer Fan said to Ye Feng angrily.

At this moment, the policeman on Officer Fan suddenly rang.

“Officer Fan, some people called the police and lost an electric car in the riverside community. Go and take a look. I have already sent you the call of the caller.”

It is the voice of Li Yanfei, an internal police officer in the post, answering the call from the command platform, and then assigning police information to the police is one of her jobs.


Officer Fan responded, hung up the police service, started the patrol car, turned around and said helplessly to Ye Feng: “Come on, come to live.”

Ye Feng has a lot of energy, and he can’t wait to fly to the scene right away.

Don’t look at just losing an electric car, but for Ye Feng, who can only patiently mediate the conflicts between the uncle and aunt’s neighbourhood these days, this is already an out-and-out “big case”.

I have already begun to fantasize in my heart. After arriving at the scene, I pointed to the core clues from the clues left by the thieves at the scene, and traced them all the way. The thieves were arrested and the owner sincerely thanked himself…

This is really a sense of accomplishment!

The patrol car drove swiftly, and when it was about to reach the riverside community, Officer Fan’s police service rang again.

“Officer Fan, there was a fight in front of Dinghong Building. No one was injured. The person involved called the police and the phone number has been sent to your mobile phone.”

It’s another alarm.

Officer Fan is one head and two big ones.

There are two patrol teams in the Wanshuihe Police Station, but an important case occurred in the city yesterday. Police Officer Sun Hao from another patrol team and three auxiliary police were also assigned to participate in the operation, so now only one patrol team of them is left.

When the police crashed, Officer Fan couldn’t separate himself.

After hesitating, Fan Jingming stopped the car and turned his head.

“The police situation of this fight is left to you. Although you don’t have the power to enforce the law, it doesn’t matter.”

“No one was injured. The situation should not be serious. You just need to mediate a little bit and send both parties away.”

“If someone is really messing around, you can bring them back to the place and wait for me to deal with them.”

“is that OK?”

Facing Fan Jingming’s expectations, Ye Feng naturally nodded his head. He didn’t think he couldn’t handle such a small matter.

“Master, don’t worry, and promise to complete the task.”

Without listening to Fan Jingming’s instructions, Ye Feng opened the door, ran off the car quickly, and ran to the location of the incident.

Suddenly, at this moment, Ye Feng heard a mechanical beep in his mind.

[System binding…][System binding successfully][Congratulations to the host for acquiring the police super system][Please receive the system novice gift package]


Ye Feng was shocked by the sudden sound.

Is it bound by the system?

Have you met this good thing by yourself?

The nervous Ye Feng quickly calmed down. When he understood the system’s functions, he didn’t forget to continue running to the place where the fight happened.

It turns out that this is a system for cultivating the best police officers. At the same time, the system also cultivates supernatural powers, which is a typical dual-function system.

Solve the case to get justice value, use the justice value lottery to get rewards, solve the case and get wealth and property at the same time.

Over time, the host will become the best policeman and at the same time become a real hero.

Such a powerful system makes Ye Feng seem to have reached the pinnacle of life.

“Receive the novice spree!”

After learning about the function of the system, Ye Feng remembered that he still had a big gift bag, so he quickly picked it up.

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skills, memorable, expert-level close combat]

In an instant, Ye Feng felt that his brain and body had undergone an unnoticeable change.

It seems that many vague memories have become clear at this moment, and the impressions that may have been swept away are deeply imprinted in the depths of the memory. Now he can even recite the license plate of a car that passed in front of him two years ago. No.

This is a bit exaggerated!

It is simply turning the eyes into a camera and the brain into an infinite amount of memory, and everything he sees will be firmly remembered by him.

The physical changes are even more miraculous. Although there is no experiment, Ye Feng feels that he can beat ten now, and he is still the kind of big and strong man who is not easy to mess with at first glance.

Combining the fighting skills of a hundred schools of thought, it is not just a good posture, but the actual combat ability is simply exploding.

These two skills are too helpful for Ye Feng.

Is this the rhythm to take off?

Unknowingly, Ye Feng had already ran to the place where the fight happened.

A group of people gathered around to watch the excitement. The two in the middle glared at each other. There were indeed no injuries on their faces, but their embarrassed appearance and footprints on their clothes were enough to explain the problem.

Well, in the absence of law enforcement power, Ye Feng can’t deal with it, either by mediating a few sentences to send the two away, or bringing the two back to the place for disposal.

“Are you fighting?”

Everyone consciously gave way to the police. Ye Feng walked into the crowd and asked the two parties.

But at this moment, Ye Feng inadvertently swept the eyes of the surrounding people and the pupils shrank suddenly, and then his eyes became sharper.

“Police officer, he moved first.” One of the parties immediately said to Ye Feng.

The other party was not to be outdone, and rushed to say: “He scolded me.”

However, Ye Feng did not listen to what the two said.

Under everyone’s astonished gaze, Ye Feng ignored the two fighting people at all, but jumped over with a vigorous step, backhanded grabbing a crowd who was watching the excitement onto the ground.

The scene suddenly sucked in cold air.

Everyone’s jaw dropped!

Especially the two people who were fighting were dumbfounded.

what’s the situation?

We were fighting with the police, why did the police hold back the onlookers?

What is this operation?

Fighting is not breaking the law, but watching the excitement breaking the law?

Is the policeman’s eyes awkward, or is he simply mentally ill?

Strange things happen every year, but there are so many today!

Everyone felt that they had encountered a fake policeman!


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