Chapter 130 Demon Spirits, Is there an alien in his house!!!

The rain is straight down.

The members of the Sunshine Gym are worried about this, which also makes people not go home, but only Wang Xiaonian ‘does not hear anything outside the window, and only practices tank back’, which makes old Fan Yongjilang very helpless, usually at this point he has returned home, but now he is still working out with his little brother.

Old Fan Yongjiro was also tired at this time, but Wang Xiaonian was still like a chicken blood.

Old Fan also can’t remember how many sets of barbell rowing Wang Xiaonian practiced, but at this time, seeing that he still had the strength to push the 120kg bench press, Old Fan was very convinced.

It is worth mentioning that Yu Xiaonian’s maximum bench press has reached 140kg, which is the same as the old Fan Yongjiro who is at the peak of his state.

But the difference is that Wang Xiaonian can push 8, and Lao Fan can only push 4, and Lao Fan still needs to be in good condition before he can do it.

Perhaps Wang Xiaonian’s strength level is not enough to rank in the top three in the “Sunshine Gym”, but his endurance and willpower are probably difficult to match even some bodybuilding champions.


The rain stopped.

The crowd at Sunshine Gym also went home.

Wang Xiaonian looked at his own Pain Value.

Yes, I have accumulated to 210 points.

There is still a long way to go before the next draw of [1,280].

When you get home.

It was already 11 p.m.

After washing, Wang Xiaonian collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

After finishing his health, Wang Xiaonian’s sleep quality was very high, even if there was still thunder outside from time to time, but still could not wake Wang Xiaonian.

2 o’clock in the evening.

In Wang Xiaonian’s “Happy Community”, two sneaky people appeared.

“Brother Fei, God help me today!”

“Yeah, we’ve got to do a big job tonight.”


The two looked at the night sky where they couldn’t see their fingers, and couldn’t help but laugh, but quickly shut up.

These two thieves have not come less recently [Happy Community]

They have won many times, and their courage has also become fat.

Tonight their goal is to steal 7 homes.

1 hour later.

They have been smoothly ‘patronizing’ 5 homes.

There were already several wallets, gold and silver jewelry in the backpack, and also a lot of them At this time, they came to the door of Wang Xiaonian’s house.

A thin man took out a steel wire and poked the outer door of Wang Xiaonian’s house.


At a sound the outer door of Wang Xiaonian’s house was opened.

The two thieves revealed a triumphant grin.

At this time, the bully dog on the balcony also heard the movement, but it did not immediately bark, but stepped out of the dog house and came to the living room step by step.

Just as the two of them walked into Yu Xiaonian’s house, a thief with a flashlight suddenly found that there was no electricity.

“What’s going on?”

“You fool!”

“Didn’t I ask you to change the battery in the morning?”

The thief who opened the lock, said indignantly.

“Fei Ge, I. I forgot. ”

The thief with the flashlight said weakly.

“Stupid, we can’t see clearly now.”

The thief who opened the lock shouted angrily, “Fei Brother, I still have a lighter.”

“Harm! Just like that, what can you do? ”

Two thieves crept into Wang Xiaonian’s home, and one of them took the lighter out of his pocket.

Just as he was about to light the fire, a thunder rang out outside.


The dark living room lit up in an instant.

The light of thunder and lightning shone on Wei Zhentian’s body.

A pair of eyes of Wei Zhentian came alive, as if he was always saying “stupid human beings”.

“Fly… Fei Ge. ”

The thief who saw this scene stuttered in fright.

“Bastard, what are you doing again?”

Fei Ge said coldly, “Fei Ge, I seem to have seen aliens.” ”

The thief with the lighter said with a majestic face.

“You are a hammapi, let you watch less films, day by day.”

The cockroach thief scolded angrily.

But the words did not fall, and there was another thunder outside.

Lightning strikes across the night sky!

Electric light shone on Wei Zhentian’s body.

This time it lasted for several seconds.

The metallic luster made Wei Zhentian full of mechanical sense, and at this moment, it was as if the real Wei Zhentian appeared in front of the two cockroach thieves.

“Outside. Alien! ”

Fei Ge, who was still teaching his little brother to be unable to hold his breath and could not do anything, at this time the whole person exploded, shouting that the bull’s head was going to run outside the door.


with a bang.

Just then, the door suddenly closed.

This made the two cockroach thieves even more frightened, obviously there was no wind, how could the door be closed.

It is difficult to be an alien superpower.

In the darkness of the night, looking at the two stupid thieves who were helpless and only wanted to escape, the bully dog standing next to the door revealed a bullying smile and secretly said in his heart: “Stupid human! ”

At the same time, Wang Xiaonian in the room was also woken up by the aliens shouted by the cockroach thieves.

Wang Xiaonian frowned and hurried out of the room to turn on the light.

At this time, the two stupid thieves finally touched the doorknob, opened the door, and ran out with a cigarette.


“My family has entered the thief!”

Wang Xiaonian secretly said, turned to look at the bully dog, and said without anger: “You stupid dog, you are a thief, you will not bark!” Lao Tzu will emasculate you! ”

After Wang Xiaonian finished speaking, he went downstairs to chase the two thieves.

The bully dog is very aggrieved in his heart, didn’t his owner say that the dog that can bite people does not bark’?

As a dog that can bite people, my barking is not without style.

But no way at this point!

The bully dog barked.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

The sound of the bully dog is not small, plus it is a silent night at this time.

Such a scream made the neighborhood heard by the neighbors who were patronized by two thieves.

Xiangxiang Xiangxiang recently became a thief, and after the neighbors heard the sound, they all got up one after another, and when they saw that the home was turned upside down, they couldn’t help but run out.

Wang Xiaonian’s home is the 6th floor!

The two stupid thieves were frightened enough by the ‘Wei Zhen Tian’, and the speed of going downstairs at this time was unusually fast.

Because Wang Xiaonian was wearing slippers, he couldn’t catch up with them for a while.

“Come on, there are thieves!”

At this time, the neighbor fat aunt who lived on the 3rd floor could not help but shout after rubbing shoulders with the thief who passed by the corridor.

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