Chapter 1131 : Make a plug-in!

Anyone who searches for the keyword “crossing the waterline” through Du Niang, the “King of the Gun King” plug-in website will be ranked first, ignoring Du Niang’s paid promotion rules.

When Chu Hao finished the processing, Izuel simultaneously fed back the information of processing the completed task.

In fact, Izuel completed the task earlier. Just waiting for Chu Hao.

For the processing speed of simple tasks, Chu Hao is not Izuel’s opponent at all. This is also Chu Hao’s original and final goal of writing Izuel~.

“Izuel, suspend the simulation task of the world map of the brave, and control all the penguin accounts. Enter through the waterline to promote our King of Spear King!” Chu Hao said with a smile.

‘Big Penguin, Big Penguin, don’t you guys want to have some Gun King Contest? Then I’ll make a plug-in. Let players use plug-in software. Become the King of Gun King!’

In the game of crossing the waterline, more than 3,200 losers were controlled by Izuel. They entered each room in the game in a traversal manner, and then quickly sent two messages and left.

‘Want to be the King of Guns? Please use Du Niang to search for King of Guns! King of Guns. To help you achieve the spear king dominance, you deserve to have it!’

Near ten o’clock, it took almost twenty minutes, and Izual controlled more than 3,200 accounts. Traversed all the game rooms that crossed the waterline.

Chu Hao checked the number of visits to the King of Gun King plug-in website through the background data of the plug-in server. Only after more than 20 minutes of publicity, the number of visits to the King of Tap King plug-in network has exceeded more than 20,000 IP visits.

This means that at least 20,000 players have browsed the King of Tap King plug-in website.

At the same time, the number of downloads also exceeded 20,000. Almost every player who has logged in to the King of Tap King plug-in network has downloaded the King of Tap King plug-in software.

Chu Hao smiled unscrupulously. Big Penguin was in trouble this time. More than 20,000 normal players turned into cheating players, accounting for one-fifteenth to one-twentieth of the number of online players during the prime time period.

I am afraid that the entire fair game environment that crosses the waterline will be devastated!

Think about it, what is the occupancy rate of one-fifteenth to one-twentieth? The number of players crossing the waterline in a room can accommodate up to sixteen people.

…For flowers…

Under normal circumstances, the room restrictions opened by players have adopted the default state of 16 people.

According to this setting, a rough calculation means that in every room, there is a player who hangs B in the mouth!

If you feel that one-fifteenth to one-twentieth of the player share is not high enough, then another insidious setting of Chu Hao will turn a lot of normal players into cheating players.

Players who use the software cheat of the king of guns will automatically send the slogan of the king of guns website at the beginning of each round, that is, use Du Niang to search for the king of guns.

With the propaganda of King of the Gun King, there will be a steady stream of players who will change their camps and betray the ranks of cheating players.

Chu Hao had already expected it. The overall game environment that crosses the waterline will fall apart due to a large number of cheating players. Normally entertaining players cannot get a fair game environment.

However, the official crossing the waterline and the big penguin cannot contain the spread of plug-in software. The only result waiting for the crossing of the waterline is that normal players quit the game angrily. pill.

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