“Then I’ll go back to school and ask.”

An Jing very much agreed with Liu Su’s statement.

Leave professional things to professional people.

Ask a professional question to a professional.

An Jing’s girlfriend is from the School of Economics and Management, ask his little girlfriend who the professors of the School of Economics and Management are there, and visit when the time comes.

At this time, school has not yet started.

But in the past two days, many teachers should have returned to school, or even been on the school side all the time, right?

After the meeting, it was already past seven o’clock, and Yang Peng and they would definitely have to work overtime,

The company has just returned to work after you, and as the support of the company, there are many things that need to be dealt with.

An Jing returned to the villa.

Wu Yumeng asked An Jing when he would go home and prepare the dinner in advance.


Wu Yumeng, who tied this apron, coiled her hair, not as cute as her short neck hair, but rather gentle, mature, and virtuous.

I can’t tell it, I’m only 1 year old.

It may be that Wu Yumeng’s figure itself is very good, usually with short neck-length hair and glasses, looking dull.

Curled up his hair and brought his eyes to look more mature, plus a good figure, he looks like he is in his 20s, very mature.

After An Jing sat down, Wu Yumeng directly served the rice in front of him, and then sat on his right side: “Try to see if my cooking skills have improved.” ”

“It’s delicious, it seems that Mengmeng also has a high culinary talent!”

An Jing tasted Wu Yumeng’s dishes, and the taste was indeed good.

In any case, I often learn cooking with Anjing, and I am very attentive, and I can learn a lot no matter what.

Wu Yumeng’s evening meal will not be worse than the hotel outside.

And Anjing may not be able to compare…

Who let An Jing open the plug-in!

After eating, An Jing washed the dishes, and Wu Yumeng was responsible for rinsing.

An Jing also asked Wu Yumeng: “Mengmeng, who is the professor with the highest achievements in company management and development in your Department of Economics and Management?” At school?! ”

Wu Yumeng thought for a moment and said, “It should be the vice dean… Dean Zhong has studied more in economics, and Vice President Qian has more experience in management and is a member of the national long-term development and planning policy group. ”

An Jing decided to visit Vice President Qian tomorrow and ask him about the development of deep blue materials and even the entire deep blue industry.

How to better deal with these problems.

What adjustments will be needed for future development?

If possible, An Jing also wants to hire some experts in economics and management of Qingda University as company consultants.

You don’t have to go to work and don’t need to participate in company management.

It is to open a salary, and if there is something, just consult again.

This situation is very common.

I just don’t know if Vice President Qian will agree.

Deep Blue Industries is just a newly established company.

Wu Yumeng asked her boyfriend: “Need me to help you contact Qianyuan”

“Huh? Can you get in touch? ”

An Jing asked casually, surprised.

After all, there are several departments in the School of Economics and Management, and the dean and vice dean are not something that any student can see.

Wu Yumeng smiled sweetly: “Vice Dean Qian is my mentor!” ”

An Jing nodded and said with a smile: “So that’s the case, no wonder you recommend Vice Dean Qian so much~”

“Where there ~ the mentor is really powerful, and he is absolutely the most authoritative in this regard.”

Wu Yumeng didn’t recommend it to her boyfriend because Vice Dean Qian was her mentor.

It’s my own mentor, and it’s really powerful.

“Okay, just kidding, don’t be nervous!”

An Jing saw that his little girlfriend was a little nervous, and immediately comforted.

How is it possible to be a member of the National Long-Term Development and Planning Policy Group?

“Well, I’ll help you get in touch!”

Wu Yumeng was indeed a little nervous, after all, she had very few opportunities to help An Jing, and she didn’t want to be misunderstood by An Jing.

However, she is not such a stingy woman.

When An Jing’s girlfriend, if she is too stingy and too calculating, she is uncomfortable with herself.

With the improvement of Anjing’s identity and status, countless flowers and butterflies will revolve around Anjing in the future.

If the mind is not broad enough, it will be vexatious, and in the end, the relationship will not last long.

Wu Yumeng nodded, took out her mobile phone, and contacted her mentor.

An Jing also contacted his dean.

Previously, Deep Blue Industry was rejected from purchasing new materials from foreign companies, and encountered some problems, Anjing solved it by himself, developed new materials, and then asked his own dean to help contact the laboratory of Qingda for testing.

At that time, Dean Zhang Yongzheng told An Jing that if there was any problem, he could ask the school for help, and he didn’t need to see too much.

Wu Yumeng contacted Qian Yongzheng, vice president of the School of Economics and Management of Qingda University, and An Jing also contacted Zhang Yongzheng, dean of his School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the better to visit the school the next day.

In the evening, An Jing was in the study, sorted out the research materials during this time, and then wrote several papers.

Prepare to find President Zhang Yongzheng to sign it the next day, and then release it to enhance his status and influence in the world.

An Jing can actually send it himself.

But having a person at the level of an academician jointly signed it, it is definitely more valued.


The next day.

Wei Ran drove, and Lu Qichao sat in the co-pilot.

An Jing and Wu Yumeng sat in the back.

Followed by a Mercedes-Benz Big G, followed by Shi Zhixing and Xiang Cheng.

After entering the school, they drove the car to the place where the school tutor lived, and as soon as the car stopped, An Jing and Wu Yumeng carried some fruits and gifts to visit Dean Qian of the Economic Management Institute.

“Classmate Wu Yumeng, Quiet classmate is here, hurry up and sit, and buy something!”

“Happy New Year, teacher!”

“Happy New Year Dean Qian!”

After ringing the doorbell, Professor Qian, who is in his fifties, opened the door and beckoned An Jing and Wu Yumeng to sit at home.

Although the year has passed, An Jing and Wu Yumeng still said: Happy New Year.

In Vice President Qian’s house, there is also the dean of Anjing Aerospace Institute – Zhang Yongzheng.

Seeing An Jing and Wu Yumeng coming, Zhang Yongzheng also said hello: “Here, I can see it, if you don’t have something, you won’t look for me this old bone.” ”

Zhang Yong had a cup of tea in front of him, and he should have come over for a while.

An Jing sent the paper, he has already read.

There are no problems.

Whether it’s the format, or the content of the paper.

After all, it is An Jing, a genius like him, how could he make such a low-level mistake.

The content of the thesis is in terms of material… They are all very cutting-edge, world-class research results.

Otherwise, the deep blue material will not be concerned by more than a dozen car companies in the world!

Zhang Yongzheng checked the paper to prevent An Jing from accidentally leaking the technology.

As it turned out, there were no problems.

An Jing said with a smile: “It’s nothing, I don’t want to disturb the dean!” ”

Dean Qian poured a cup of tea for An Jing and Wu Yumeng and said, “It’s not a good tea, just do it at once.” ”

An Jing said politely: “It’s too polite, I’m also an ordinary person, if there is no general, I will not settle, drink everything!” ”

Dean Qian said with a smile: “You ask your dean, see if he thinks you are an ordinary person?” ”

“Of course it’s not ordinary, this kid is a genius, this is recognized!”

An Jing didn’t need to ask, Zhang Yongzheng had already given the answer. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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