Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 912: Target: Chicxulub Crater

"You calculated this?" Swallow took the tablet and looked at the carp tail that was quite familiar in shape, but it was too far from the bottom or South America in the south, and said in surprise, "Here is Maihe Koyuka. Tan Peninsula? So it's from North America? So far from South America?"

"Yes." Lu Yuan nodded.

After confirming the location of Maihekou, Swallows quickly recalled the position on the modern map corresponding to the five-pointed star Lu Yuan marked on the Paleogene map. "This is really San Andres, Los San Are all nearby? Why?"

"I have a guess." Lu Yuan took the tablet that Yanzi handed back and slid it twice on it, inexplicably voice.

"This is the era after the Cretaceous dinosaur extinction."

"There have been many speculations about the cause of this mass extinction."

"Finally, the researchers, like the upper body of the Chinese people, reached a consensus that it is very likely that the cause of the mass extinction was a combination of several serious disasters."

"But there is a hypothesis that was once quite famous, that is, the famous asteroid hit the earth to exterminate the dinosaurs."

"The asteroid that crashed into the Earth in the late Cretaceous, the crash point is here." Lu Yuan said as he handed the newly marked map to the swallow.

"This is the carp tail? Yucatan?" The swallow looked at the huge prototype crater near the left front end of the familiar upturned tail, and asked for some uncertainty, "Chicxulub Crater? So what?"

"You said that this is not the first stop of Ascharotar's invasion of this face. In fact, they want to rebuild the timeline once and want to exclude me directly from the face's main timeline. Right? "Lu Yuan asked.

"Yes. At least that's what your master said."

"Well," Lu Yuan nodded, "After so many time cycles, I probably can see that these guys can't change the timeline of the plane according to their own hearts. They can only play tricks on some important historical nodes. , Slowly guide change."

"So, what are the major historical nodes on the earth 50 million years ago?"

"You mean..." Swallow looked thoughtfully at the huge crater on the flat map in his hand.

"Yes, I guess they will take advantage of this." Lu Yuan nodded, "65 million years ago, the things that fell from the sky destroyed the species of the old continent. After a period of recuperation, new species were reborn and even reborn on the old ruins. Prosperity."

"Don't you think that if this story is slightly changed, it fits the monotheistic tone that the green light devils always like to use?"

"The thing that fell into the world that day can be the destroyer of the last era, but also the creator of the new era, the only god!"

"God! They want to use that asteroid that hit the earth to become the **** of the new species on earth?" Yanzi said in astonishment.

"It's not just thinking," Lu Yuan nodded and shook his head, looked in the direction where he and the others had fled, and sighed, "I think they have succeeded."


"My God Envoy, that's it." On the other side, the Caiyu monitor lizards finally told the new Loki clone the whole thing.

"A hard-skinned box that can send out Thunder and Vulcan punishment? A hard-bone giant that can fly? And countless short-kissed lizards that can also give out small God punishments? Saved a small divine envoy who was especially good at fighting and magical skills?" Xinluo Ji chewed on these strange phrases inexplicably.

"It's a magic envoy, my lord divine envoy." A Caiyu Lizardman who knows how to look at his face but doesn't catch the point very much, sees that Loki's face over there is very ugly, and hurriedly said.

"Uh, do you know that well?" Loki squinted at the lizard that was being glared with hatred by his colleagues.

"It's all from God's envoys who taught well, plus a little bit of hard work in the humble position." The lizard replied without raising his head.

"Since this is the case, you are naturally willing to contribute all your strength to the only true God?"

"Take it for the sake of God and never die!" Hearing the divine envoy's words that he obviously wanted to reuse himself, the lizard hurriedly crawled down with excitement, ignoring the envy and hatred of the surrounding eyes that were thick enough to a certain degree and then secretly retracted, and tried his best. Show your loyalty.

"Very good, very good." Loki nodded in satisfaction, "However, God does not need you to die."

As he said, his right hand pierced the lizard man's heavenly cover that was crawling under his feet, "You only need to die once, and to dedicate your memory, it will be enough for you to enter the kingdom of God and enjoy the prosperity and glory forever~"

"May the Lord be equal to me~" The surrounding lizard people also knelt down immediately.

After a while, Loki's brain was twisted into a porridge lizard man's corpse. After being loosened by the gods, it fell to the ground like rags. Several sub-color feather lizards trot over immediately and pulled them away for disposal.

And Loki, who had obtained the first-hand picture information from the lizardmen’s memory, wiped his hands with Caiyu that other lizardmen had handed over, while looking in the direction where Lu Yuan and others had fled, muttered to himself, "Unexpectedly It's him, he came so fast! No wonder I can't get in touch with them anymore."

"No, he's already with that..." Thinking of this, Loki's expression couldn't help but change, and he didn't feel as relaxed as before. Instead, he said to the lizards with a solemn expression, "You guys, immediately activate all that can be used. Manpower, let me catch up!"

"Before dawn, you must find that guy for me!"

"Yes, my lord!"


On the other side, the T72 Magic Modification, which was once again improved by Lu Yuan's power system and filled up with fuel, also began to head southeast.

"Hey, since your first stop in this era was near Los Santos 50 million years ago, don't you think the target should be there? Why did you have to cross a whole wheat black carp and ran to Carp tail, where to go to Yucatan Peninsula?"

The swallow, who was thrown into the captain’s seat, asked boringly about Lu Yuan in front of the driver’s seat, but with the dripping of the watch on her hand, she immediately sat up straight again, allowing Lu Yuan to slow down, and opened the top hatch. I went out, looked for it outside, and threw something out casually.

"Okay, the beacon is placed, let's go!"

"How long can you beacons work? I'm afraid I can't wait for your master Turner to find him?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Don't worry, working for thousands of years will not be a problem. This thing has dissipated, and there is energy with a unique wavelength that only the traverser can recognize." Yanzi said, "Furthermore, the master and them must have come before you this time. Maybe you can run into it on foot."

"Well, I'll answer your question first. Where's my question?"

"Don't worry," Lu Yuan smiled. "Didn't you just show it to you? It is the Chicxulub meteorite that has extinct the dinosaurs in the legend. If my assumption is correct, then no matter what the green light devils just came over. Where is the time, but I will definitely focus on the crater!"

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