Chapter 817 Late Night Nightmare

Uncle Hao drank the water and looked much better. He turned around and took us back. This is the other direction of the village. I looked at the fields on the road and the abandoned terraces on the mountain, and I was very shocked.

Since entering the new century, such a horrific drought has never occurred in China!

We walked forward while chatting. About twenty minutes later, a small stone bridge appeared in front of us. As if feeling something, Oudama stopped for a moment, and then flew out with a whoosh.

Uncle Hao was frightened by this scene. I quickly explained that Oudama was not a ghost, but a spiritual pet I had raised. He then breathed a sigh of relief, coughed the phlegm in his throat, and said in a hoarse voice: "No wonder, then Where the grass grows is right under the bridge.”

As soon as I heard this, I quickened my pace, walked to the end of the bridge and looked down, and sure enough I found a green space in the shade under the bridge.

It was already dusk now, but the sunlight was still very poisonous, and the green land looked even more vibrant under the reflection of the sunlight.

Oudama was pawing around the green ground like a kitten. When he saw that we had come over, he turned his head and blinked at me, and then he grinned and fluttered back and forth on the grass, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

I began to think that she had noticed something, so I stood there and observed silently. Unexpectedly, after a while, instead of stopping, she moved even bigger and bigger, as if she was in pain, and she clearly looked like she was possessed by a ghost!

I pinched the skin at the Tiangong area and waited for the Heavenly Eye to open before looking again. I was shocked to find that there was a red mist and a black mist lingering around Oudama's body!

The two mists entwined together. For a while, the black mist swallowed up the red mist, and for a while, the red mist broke out again, surrounding the opponent inside.

Looking at Oyu's struggle, I realized that she was struck by Yin Qi. Judging from her movements, the red color represented her will, while the black color represented external energy.

I eagerly wanted to save him, but as soon as I took a few steps, Oudama became even more frantic, clearly not wanting to let me pass.

I stood in the distance and watched Oyu getting dirty all over, and felt very uncomfortable.

Although the invisible needle is powerful, in this case, it is likely to accidentally injure Odama. I bit the bullet and poured out the contents of my backpack, and suddenly I saw the Huansi Bell that I had tricked from Senior Rat a long time ago!

The Huansi Bell is specially used on people who are obsessed with ghosts. It can dissolve evil will and beliefs, but I haven't used it for a long time. I don't know if it will be effective if I use it to help Weiyu now, or if it will cause any side effects to her.

But rationally, I couldn't care so much. I immediately chanted the incantation and quickly shook the bell of fantasy, moving slowly while shaking it.

Fortunately, as the ringtone passed, the black mist on her body weakened little by little, and the red light became stronger and stronger!

Until the last trace of black air disappeared, Oyu finally calmed down. She lay on the ground panting, her eyes red, and she whimpered weakly twice before closing her eyes.

Oyu was so tired that she fell asleep. I didn't expect that the black mist would hurt her so much. I quickly ran over to pick her up, put my hand on her belly and rubbed it gently, and then took out a small bottle of lotion. Lu fed her and drank it.

As the name suggests, lotus dew is the dew on the tips of lotus leaves. It is produced at the turn of night and dawn, and has a strong yin energy. However, after being exposed to the sun, the dew that has not yet dried has turned into a yang thing.

Therefore, lotus dew is divided into dry dew and kun dew. Qian refers to yang and kun refers to yin. What I feed her is kun dew, which can nourish her spiritual power.

Weiyu was in the body of a fox at the moment and didn't weigh much, so I asked Xiaolong to pick her up while I pulled out the Silver Moon Scimitar and walked to the grass to observe.

It stands to reason that that guy could hurt Oudama with just Yin Qi, and his own aura should be extremely strong, but I didn't feel anything unusual.

Especially when the body steps on the green ground, there is even a slight sense of comfort.

Could it be that the dirty thing here is the black mist, which was killed by Otama and Huansiling just now, so the place has returned to normal?

This idea flashed through my mind, but even I didn't think it was realistic. In the end, I just dug a well here first.

Since there is an oasis above, there is absolutely no shortage of water below. As for the Yin spirit not appearing, it would be better. If it does appear, I will just kill it and save the trouble of looking for it later!

"To say that this place is shady, it is indeed suitable for digging a well, but just now..."

Uncle Hao understood what Weiyu's performance just meant, and he was still a little frightened.

When he said this, I suddenly felt a little uneasy. Now that the sky is getting dark, I am afraid that I will really stir up the thing later, and I will not be able to protect the father and son, so I have to go home temporarily.

There were only a few households in the village, and the sparse lights gave the village a sense of desolation.

When I got home, I formally proposed the idea of ​​digging a well in the green space to Xiaolong’s parents, and they naturally agreed. However, digging a well is not something that one or two people can accomplish. Uncle Hao asked me if I could ask people from the village to help.

"Of course, this is a matter for the whole village."

I nodded and replied.

After dinner, Uncle Hao took out a rusty speaker from under the bed, patted it with a towel, then put on the battery and climbed up to the roof and shouted at the top of his lungs: "All the villagers are here for a meeting!"

It could be seen that Uncle Hao was well-received in the village. Not long after he finished calling, villagers rushed over from home in twos and threes. There were more than forty people in total, most of whom were old, weak, sick, and disabled, but at least there were seven or eight young and middle-aged people, about the same number. enough.

Originally they were very interested when they heard that they had found a place to dig a well, but when they saw me, a stranger, most of them changed their faces.

Because we are backward, we are xenophobic. This has been a truth since ancient times. I didn't have time to argue with them, so I quickly stated my thoughts, and Uncle Hao kept adding to them.

After hearing this, the villagers' hostility towards me gradually disappeared, and one after another some people began to make suggestions, such as what water pump to use, how to carry out the project, etc.

"Then everyone, get ready. Let's go to the green space to start work tomorrow!" I said seriously, feeling relieved.

Unexpectedly, when the villagers heard that I was going to dig in the green space, their faces became strange again.

It turns out that everyone knew that there was a green space there, but they all selectively ignored it. In their minds, the green space during the drought was a symbol of evil, and they did not dare to approach it, let alone dig a well there.

"Everyone, listen to what I have to say!"

Seeing the crowd disperse, Uncle Hao quickly stood up and shouted: "Everyone knows what kind of person I am, Old Hao, in this life. Today I will use my personality to guarantee that Master Zhang can guarantee our safety. We will definitely be able to bring everyone out of the drought."

Seeing what he said was so emotional, I felt happy and embarrassed at the same time. Even I couldn't guarantee this, but he guaranteed it for me.

Out of trust in Uncle Hao, the villagers all stayed again and asked me what I planned to do.

I removed those who couldn't work, leaving a dozen men and women who could do heavy work. Then I discussed with Uncle Hao and assigned everyone tasks for tomorrow.

After arranging everything, it was already late at night. After everyone left, I went to sleep in the small bedroom of Uncle Hao's house.

Oudama hadn't woken up yet, so I held her and stroked her belly, slowly falling asleep.

As I fell asleep, I suddenly felt that my body was so hot, as if it was being roasted on a fire!

I subconsciously wanted to kick the quilt away, but my foot was empty. Just as I was about to take it back, I found that my foot was grabbed by a thick and powerful hand, and the scorching heat radiated from this hand!

Could it be...

Thinking of the black air entangled with Oyu in the evening, I opened my eyes suddenly and suddenly found a black shadow standing at the end of the bed.

Judging from the outline, its body is very burly and huge, and the arm holding me is thicker than my thigh.

It was wearing an ancient costume, and it was facing away from me at the moment. It was holding me with one hand, and the other hand was on its chin, rubbing it constantly, as if stroking its beard.

I'm sure it didn't attack me intentionally, but just when I saw the black shadow, I felt a huge pressure that made me breathless.

Its aura is so strong!

Before I could recover, the burly black figure suddenly turned around. I reflexively raised my head to see what it looked like, but I was shocked to find that its face had no facial features at all, and only two eyes were left.

One eye was as wide as a duck egg, flashing with a green and fierce light, while the other eye was dark. A closer look revealed that this eye had been gouged out.

It walked towards me slowly, like a devil from the depths of hell.

Then its eyes began to look around the bed. I was afraid that it would attack me, so I yelled hard, only to find that the black shadow disappeared instantly, as if it had never been there.

Recalling the scene just now, I couldn't help but break into a cold sweat!

Judging from the previous experience in the green space, this thing has been covering up its yin energy, but why did it come to me tonight? Do you want me to help, or are you warning me?

Thinking of this, I vaguely grasped some clues in my mind, but I didn't know what was wrong.

I sat like this until dawn without thinking about it, but Otama woke up, looked at the dark circles under my eyes, and asked me if I hadn't slept well.

I shook my head and said it was okay, and immediately put her into the ice jade gourd.

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