Chapter 495: Bagua array, trapping Cao Cao

After hearing this, the mouse jumped on my shoulder a few times, and then ran forward in a hurry.

I quickly chased after the mouse, and soon I felt a yin energy, which was exactly the same as the yin energy that surrounded Li Mazi's head before.

After less than ten minutes of chasing again, I saw a black shadow dragging Li Mazi's soul forward. Li Mazi obviously didn't want to follow it and looked back three times every step.

Seeing that Li Mazi's soul was intact, I let out a sigh of relief, then ran a few steps and rushed to the black shadow and shouted angrily: "How brave you are to seduce people's souls!"

The black shadow was frightened by my sudden voice and trembled. He slowly took a few steps back and said sinisterly: "He came to dig up my body first. I just wanted revenge..."

The black shadow only haunted Li Mazi, and it was undoubtedly Zhang Yang's ghost. No matter how angry he was, he was still a new ghost, and he still had a certain sense of fear when facing me. I took advantage of this and yelled: "You idiot, you are being punished by others." Liar! We are here to help you investigate the case and find the real culprit."


Zhang Yang's expression froze after hearing this, and he asked confusedly.

I took the opportunity to collect his and Li Mazi's souls with the Hundred Ghost Bag, and then looked towards the mouse, hoping that the mouse would take me to see Senior Mouse, but unexpectedly the mouse had already left.

It seemed that Senior Shu didn’t want to show up at all, otherwise Li Mazi would have been rescued long ago. I sighed and returned to the police station.

When I passed the small bridge, I heard the sound of water rushing at the bottom of the river again. Thinking of the scene when I came, I just felt my scalp numb, so I rushed over with my eyes closed.

I was worried all the way, fearing that Cao Cao would chase me to the police station and kill me while I was gone. So as soon as I entered the door, I hurried towards the room.

When I walked in, I saw that the furnishings in the room had not changed. Li Mazi was still lying quietly on the bed, while Director Liu was sitting beside the bed, staring at the Bagua array with a solemn face. After seeing me, he was obviously relieved and asked me quickly how's it going.

"It should be fine..."

I replied, and then asked him to go out. I released Li Mazi's soul alone in the room and recited a spell to unite Li Mazi's spirit and body.

After completing the soul-returning ritual, Li Mazi gradually recovered his breathing, and the three Yang Fires were rekindled.

It's just that his soul was too heavily impacted by Zhang Yang's Yin Qi, and the Yang Fire was still very weak, which made Li Mazi temporarily unable to wake up, so I placed Li Mazi in the center of the Bagua array.

This can not only protect Li Mazi's safety, but also use him to attract Cao Cao's attention.

Then Director Liu and I sat in the corner of the bedroom and waited quietly. At this moment, the wind outside the window became much quieter, and snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

The snowflakes were only the size of grains of rice at first, but they became heavier and heavier until they turned into heavy snow. The branches of sycamore trees in the yard were constantly broken by the snow, and they fell to the ground with a rustling sound.

This was the first time I saw such heavy snow, and I couldn’t help but walk to the door of the police station to admire it. Looking at it, the entire earth is one color, connected with the gray sky, forming the most beautiful picture.

"With such heavy snow, will that thing come again?"

Director Liu followed him out, stood aside shaking the snow off his clothes, and asked doubtfully.

"I will definitely do it!" I said firmly.

What is Cao Cao's character? What he wants to do will definitely go unimpeded.

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a rush of wind outside, blowing straight towards the police station.

I instantly became energetic and whispered, "Come here", then I dragged Director Liu and hid behind the trash can. Because the wind was blowing too fast, we had no time to enter the house.

Sure enough, as soon as we hid, Cao Cao entered the police station door, and then his figure flashed past and appeared downstairs in the dormitory.

The first thing he went to was Director Liu's room. When he entered, he found no one there, so he walked into Li Mazi's room instead.

When Director Liu saw this scene, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His voice trembled and he muttered: "It's so fucking mysterious!"

After saying that, he gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled and shook my head, then looked at Cao Cao. After discovering that there was no one in Li Mazi's room, Cao Cao finally came to my room. Since the door was open, he saw Li Mazi lying inside at a glance, but he did not go in, but chose to pace in place. .

"Little master, what is he doing?"

Director Liu asked in confusion. I signaled Director Liu to stop talking with a serious look on his face, and then stared at Cao Cao intently, my heart suddenly pounding.

Only now did I realize that I had ignored Cao Cao's suspicious character. If I had closed the door, he would definitely come in. Now that the door is wide open, he probably wouldn't dare to go in based on his character.

If he just leaves like this, all my preparation work will be in vain, and it will be even more difficult to trap it again!

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao lingered at the door for a while, and finally turned around to leave.

When he passed by where I was, I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I jumped out from behind the trash can and shouted at the same time: "Cao Erhei!"

Cao Cao was the second eldest child in his family and he was dark-looking, so he was nicknamed Cao Erhei when he was a child, which he hated very much. According to legend, the main reason why Yang Xiu was killed was that he had been called Cao Cao. So as soon as I finished speaking, Cao Cao turned his head and stared at me with blood-red eyes.

According to my plan, after irritating him, I ran into the house. Unexpectedly, my feet slipped when I jumped out, and I fell down.

Cao Cao has rushed over. Although he can't behead people now, he can hurt people!

The cold light emitted by the Seven-Star Knife was reflected by the white snow, stinging my eyes.

I wanted to run away but it was too late, so I rolled on the ground and took out a handful of peanuts and threw them at the Seven-Star Knife.

Director Liu brought the peanuts while I was waiting for Cao Cao. The original intention was to drink some wine with the peanuts to warm myself up, but unexpectedly, by some strange combination of circumstances, I used them as a magic weapon.

Cao Cao's face changed suddenly after seeing the peanuts, and he stepped back in panic. This was beyond my expectation, because the peanuts could only destroy a little bit of Yin Qi at most and cause minor injuries to him. There was no need for him to do this.

What happened next made me even more unexpected. Cao Cao took a few steps back to avoid the peanuts, but the Seven-Star Sword was hit. Sparks erupted in an instant, and then disappeared without a trace.

"how so……"

When I witnessed all this, I couldn't help but open my mouth. I didn't believe that this was true. I didn't believe that a magic weapon would be so useless.

But before I could recover from the shock, Cao Cao laughed loudly and lay down in the snow. Then an incredible scene appeared. The seven-star sword that had just been broken quickly condensed. When Cao Cao got up again, At that moment, the Seven-Star Sword once again emitted cold light.

"What are you still doing? Go to the room quickly."

I didn't think much, and before Cao Cao came over, I took Director Liu and ran into the room, then slammed the door.

At this time, I felt a little more at ease, and then I realized that the Seven Star Sword was able to recover because it absorbed the Yin Qi in the snow.

Water is yin, so rivers and wells have always been places where dirty things often hang out. Snow is formed when water condenses when it is cold, which makes the yin energy stronger!

In addition, when the snow falls from the sky, it absorbs the dirt in the air. Although it looks clean after landing, it is actually extremely dirty.

Director Liu patted his chest and looked in the direction of the door, and asked me cautiously: "Is that thing gone?"

"No, it's hesitating to come in."

I closed my eyes towards the door, and immediately saw Cao Cao wandering at the door, explaining softly. Then he thought about the scene where the Seven-Star Sword was smashed by peanuts.

The peanuts I used were deep-fried, and the yang energy on them was very weak, but even so, they could break the Seven-Star Knife, which shows a problem: the knife is fake!

In fact, since Cao Cao was forced to sacrifice the sword to Dong Zhuo, the Seven-Star Sword has faded from the stage of history. Even Luo Guanzhong did not mention it in the book, so the Seven-Star Sword must not have returned to Cao Cao's hands.

In this case, the Seven-Star Sword in the hands of Cao Cao Yin Ling must be a counterfeit, or even made of wood or clay, to be so vulnerable.

I was afraid of it before, mainly because the Seven Star Sword was so prestigious, but now it seems that Cao Cao has nothing to be afraid of. After I figured this out, I told Director Liu not to worry, and then sat next to Li Mazi and waited.

About ten minutes later, the closed door was finally blown open, and Cao Cao, with red eyes, rushed in.

Seeing the three of us sitting in the center, he hesitated and looked cautiously at the Bagua array under me.

"Hahaha, you dare to use the formation that Zhuge Kongming, that villager, made fun of?"

Cao Cao obviously recognized the Bagua array, but his face was full of disdain, and he rushed forward blankly after speaking.

"It's done!"

I could no longer hold back the joy in my heart, so I immediately moved Li Mazi out of the Bagua array with Director Liu, and at the same time, I pulled the rope in my hand hard.

As the rope was disconnected, the raincoats and canvas blocking the mirror instantly fell to the ground, and light began to refract in seven directions except for the door.

A white halo burst out from the center of the Bagua where Cao Cao was standing, directly surrounding his figure in the middle.

In fact, when Director Liu and I were doing all this, Cao Cao could have escaped from the Bagua array, but his suspicious personality made him timid and ultimately missed the opportunity.

His face changed after seeing the white halo, and he realized that he had been tricked, but it was not that easy to run away now. He grabbed his hands and was knocked to the ground instantly.

Facing him is the most vicious death gate in the gossip! It looks ordinary to the naked eye, but if people in this field look over, they will find that the inside of the Death Gate is full of piles of skeletons, with blue smoke rising out.

Even from a long distance away, I felt the strong breath of death and subconsciously stepped back.

"What are you looking at? Why can't I see anything?"

Director Liu asked in confusion when he saw that he was staring at the door intently.

I smiled slightly, squeezed two drops of cow tears from the vial and dropped them on my hand, then wiped them on his eyelids and said, take a look!

After Director Liu read it, his face was full of shock, and he asked me in a panic, can people leave here in the future?

"Don't worry, when I take back the formation, the Death Door will naturally disappear."

After saying that, I slowly walked forward a few steps, clasped my fists in my hands and saluted Cao Cao, and said respectfully: "Prime Minister Cao, this junior is polite."

After Cao Cao knew that he was trapped, his face turned pale. Under the light from seven directions, he looked like Sun Wukong who had been cursed. He kept beating his head with both hands, his face was distorted and blue veins popped out on his forehead, almost covering the floor. Rolling around.

He tried to break out of the death door several times, but failed in the end!

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