Chapter 492: Corpse replacement

It turns out that some time ago, Zhu Fengchun received a share of the money for organizing funerals for his relatives. When the little quail learned about this, the little quail had a weird idea and planned to steal the money secretly before Zhu Fengchun deposited it in the bank. However, he didn't expect to see that terrible scene as soon as he entered Zhu Fengchun's room!

However, the wallet happened to be placed on the table. After some hesitation, the little quail finally stole the wallet. After stealing, he thought that he might be convicted of a murder, so he prepared to escape from the village overnight.

After listening to this, Director Liu pointed at the little quail for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "You are such a bastard who wants money rather than his life."

After that, I ignored him and asked me if I had discovered anything.

"Zhu Fengchun can't hold it in any longer. He will definitely make big moves next, so let's just wait and see for him!" I recalled the bloody scene in the bedroom, and I had some clues in my mind.

The person who just deceived us here must be Zhu Fengchun. He deliberately put down the wallet that the little quail stole, in order to let the little quail attract our attention.

As for where Zhu Fengchun himself went, I think there will be an answer soon.

Since Little Quail was present, I didn't say much. After sending him away, Director Liu asked me where I was going next.

"Do you know where the graves of the other three victims are? Which one is closest to here?" I looked up at the gray sky and asked tentatively.

Director Liu thought for a while and said that Li Tiansheng's grave was closest to here because he lived in the next town.

"Take me to see it, go now." I said.

"Ah?" Director Liu opened his mouth in confusion, but didn't say much.

When we arrived at the town, I asked him to park the car, and then tiptoed toward Li Tiansheng's grave.

Director Liu is a capable director, but he has only been here once during investigation and evidence collection. Now he has a nose and eyes to guide us in the middle of the night, and he quickly leads us to a depression.

Most people in the south choose to be cremated after death, while people in the north are buried in their ancestral fields after death, so the graves appear scattered. Director Liu told me that this depression was a river channel dug for flood discharge in 1998, and was planned to be connected with the Zhang River. But after the flood, people forgot about this and continued to plant crops on it. Since the tomb above was bulldozed when digging the river channel, there is currently only an isolated tomb of Li Tiansheng here.

After saying that, he pointed it out to me. I saw the new grave from a distance. There was no weed on it. Because the burial was not long ago, the wreaths and paper ties on the grave were still there.

Seeing this, my face changed and my expression became serious, because this was not the same scene as I imagined.

Upon seeing this, Director Liu quickly asked me what was wrong. I shook my head and said something was wrong, and I should go over and take a look first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished speaking, Li Mazi suddenly grabbed me, pointed to a place a few meters away from the grave, and said carefully: "Brother Zhang, what do you think that is?"

I looked where he was pointing, and I was surprised to find a large pit with a diameter of about two meters. However, because of the distance, I didn't know how deep the pit was. I hurriedly ran over to see what was going on, but as soon as I took two steps, I suddenly heard a cough from the small pit.


After hearing the sound, I immediately lay down on the ground, signaled Li Mazi and Director Liu to keep quiet, and then crawled forward cautiously.

The cold wind was whistling in the air, but I wasn't worried about the people inside hearing the noise. When I reached the edge of the pit, I pricked up my ears and listened carefully. I vaguely heard rapid breathing coming from the pit. The voice belonged to Zhu Fengchun. He seemed to be moving something inside, and he was panting from exhaustion.

I resisted the desire to catch him, leaned over and continued to listen, and found a muffled sound coming from inside. Then Zhu Fengchun said to himself: "Brother, I can't help it. If you come back to cause trouble, don't find it on my head." .”

Then I felt his walking sound getting clearer and clearer, and it looked like he was about to come out. I hurriedly hid behind the grave. Director Liu and Li Mazi saw this and followed me.

Less than a minute later, a figure slowly crawled out of the pit. I looked over with wide eyes and found that he was indeed Zhu Fengchun!

I saw him holding a shovel in his hand. After he came out, he looked around first, then filled the hole. After filling the hole, he stepped on it hard, and then left quickly.

After he left, I stood up slowly, looked at the direction where he disappeared and smiled coldly.

"It looks like he was digging a grave, but why did he dig a grave in the middle of the night? And he left without taking anything..." Director Liu asked in confusion.

I said you would know later, and then I rubbed my palms vigorously, and then I lay down on the big pit and started to pick it up. Since the pit had just been filled and had not yet been frozen, it was not difficult for the three of us to dig it. It took less than half an hour to restore the pit where Zhu Fengchun had left it.

After entering, I turned on the flashlight and looked inside. I saw the coffin painted black at a glance. When I stepped forward and took a closer look, I found that the nails on the coffin had been pried open.

When I saw this scene, I was instantly excited. I pulled out the loose nails, pushed the coffin open, and looked inside eagerly, only to find that it was empty.

Li Tiansheng's body is missing!

"What...what's going on?"

Director Liu was stunned when he looked at the empty coffin, but he soon realized: "Could it be that the broken corpses of Zhu Fengchun's family..."

"That's right."

I nodded. The broken corpse that appeared in Zhu Fengchun's room was that of Li Tiansheng. In order to confuse us, the evil spirit sent Zhu Fengchun to the nearest grave of Li Tiansheng, stole his body and cut it into pieces. The purpose was to make us mistakenly think that Zhu Fengchun was dead.

But Zhu Fengchun had just cut his body into pieces and before he had time to deal with the aftermath, we came again, so the scene just happened.

"Then what do we do next?"

Director Liu asked with some embarrassment. What happened tonight was so bizarre that it made him, a veteran policeman, feel like a primary school student. He kept asking what to do.

"It's very simple! Since he faked his death, we will use the trick. We will announce Zhu Fengchun's death tomorrow, and then don't send any more police to follow up here. I will personally watch and see what kind of medicine he is selling in the gourd? "I said.

"What can the police do?" Director Liu asked proactively.

I thought about it and said that you should increase the protection of the graves of the remaining two people! I think Zhu Fengchun will do it again.

"Okay." Director Liu readily agreed. Considering that the police in the county might not have experienced supernatural events, I asked Li Mazi to go with Director Liu, while I stared at Zhu Fengchun.

When we returned to the police station, it was already dark the day after tomorrow, and the three of us fell asleep with peace of mind. In the afternoon, the police pretended that they had found a mutilated body at Zhu Fengchun's house, and then went through the motions and ended it.

In the evening, Director Liu and Li Mazi each led two capable police officers in civilian clothes and rushed to the graves of the other two deceased people. I took the magic charms and a small mirror and quietly ambush behind the big tree in front of Zhu Fengchun's house.

As the moonlight gradually deepened, the last light in the village was extinguished. The entire village was illuminated by the snow on the ground, making it look like the underworld in a horror movie.

I wrapped my clothes tightly and stopped looking around, staring at Zhu Fengchun's blue brick house with all my heart.

When it was about eleven o'clock, a bright light suddenly flashed in front of me. I raised my head reflexively and suddenly found a candle lit in the room, and then a black shadow swinging back and forth appeared.

This was exactly the same scene as what we saw the last time we came here. After much hesitation, I decided to go in and have a look, but as soon as I came out from behind the big tree, the candles in the room went out.

I thought I had been discovered, and couldn't help but feel annoyed! But at this moment, the door of the room opened with a bang, and then a black shadow floated out from inside.

It seemed that he didn't notice me, so I took a deep breath and continued staring.

I saw the dark figure wearing a black ancient silk dress, holding a bloody sword in his hand, waving it as he walked. After getting closer, I finally saw his face clearly, and my first impression was that he was very dark!

If there was an extra crescent moon between his eyebrows, I would not hesitate to regard him as Bao Qingtian, and his big black face was full of anger. He was grinning and cursing something, but the sound was too blurry and I couldn't hear it clearly. .

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