Chapter 12 The execution ground of the King of Hell

Now I have a little extra money on hand, so I am going to take a good rest when I go back. After all, I was so frightened some time ago that I didn't even have a stable meal.

Li Mazi also runs to my store whenever he has something to do, and always brings wine with him.

Gradually, my drinking capacity was developed by Li Mazi.

Li Mazi drank too much and asked me if I had any business coming to my door recently. He had hemorrhoids all over his butt.

I said angrily: How can there be so many negative things in the world? In our line of business, it’s normal to not have a single business for three to five years.

Li Mazi sighed and said that you have no enterprising spirit. If you don't have business, you have to find it yourself. Tomorrow I will drive you to the remote countryside for a stroll and gain insights.

As it turned out, the next day, this guy actually drove his car. The trunk was stuffed to the brim, and there was even a tent. He seemed to be preparing for a long trip.

I smiled helplessly: Brother, you can’t make enough money, why are you working so hard?

Li Mazi chuckled and said: "Brother, don't you understand this? I have to save money for my son. Is it easy to go to school, buy a house, marry a wife, and raise a son? You also have to work harder. I haven’t even saved enough for my wife.”

Forget it, there's no point in staying in the store anyway. It's better to go out with Li Mazi and get to know him better.

After figuring this out, I simply packed a few clothes and set off with Li Mazi.

I was bored sitting in the car and fell asleep after a while. When I opened my eyes, it was already dark outside the car window.

I stretched a bit, took a look at the GPS navigation, and found that we were seven or eight hundred kilometers away from home.

I was immediately startled and asked Li Mazi if the navigation system was broken.

Li Mazi smiled awkwardly, showing a tired look on his face and red eyes. I was shocked again and asked you, "Is this guy driving all day?"

Li Mazi nodded, yawned, and his hand slipped, almost missing the big tree next to him.

I quickly asked Li Mazi to stop the car and cursed: "Tell me honestly, what is your plan? Are you trying to take me out of the country?"

Li Mazi yawned profusely: "I'm afraid to tell you where that place is, but you don't want to go there, so I can only kill it first and tell you later. It's okay, just hold on, we'll be there in a while..."

After saying that, he started to drive again with hazy eyes.

I quickly pushed Li Mazi out of the driver's seat. In his current state, could he continue? Thinking about how I almost hit a tree just now, I felt scared.

At this point, it was impossible to go back, so I could only start the car and continue driving forward according to the route Li Mazi had set.

I asked Li Mazi, how did you get information about a thousand kilometers away?

Also, where we are going, are there any evil objects?

The only thing that answered me was Li Mazi's even snoring. I cursed Li Mazi in my heart for wanting money rather than his life.

I drove for another two hours and got off the expressway in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, and then woke up Li Mazi. Li Mazi asked drowsily if I had arrived? When I said that, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

Soon, a black car drove up in front of us and honked its horn at us.

Li Mazi immediately asked me to follow the car.

I don’t know how much the car owner was in a hurry, but he drove 130 miles on the provincial highway. I could only step on the accelerator to keep up.

Fortunately, the black car finally stopped at a hotel in downtown Kunshan.

The owner of the car was a young man in sportswear. He threw me two room cards and said: "Thank you for your hard work. I have booked a hotel for you. You can stay here for now! I will come as soon as I finish my work." Looking for you."

After saying that, he drove away in a hurry.

I was confused by him and asked Li Mazi inexplicably: "Who is this guy? Is he reliable?"

Li Mazi grinned: "Do you know why it's so mysterious? Because we may have encountered a big deal and have to keep it a secret. Let's go and take a bath in the hotel first. I'm exhausted."

Maybe he sat in the car for too long and his legs were numb. This guy squatted on the ground as soon as he got off the car. I also felt uncomfortable, my body felt light and heavy, and I vomited for a long time before I finally recovered.

I cursed Li Mazi in my heart, if I don't make one million from this transaction, I will kill you to vent my hatred.

We slept in the hotel for a while, and when I woke up the next day, Li Mazi threw me a set of clothes and asked me to put them on to make it easier to move around.

I unfolded the clothes and saw that it was a pure black sweatshirt. I felt a little unhappy immediately and asked Li Mazi why he bought this kind of street stall product because it would look classy when worn out.

Li Mazi chuckled and said: "Our operation this time is relatively secretive. It is best to choose it at night. Wearing black clothes will not be easy to be discovered."

I felt more and more that something was wrong, so I grabbed Li Mazi by the collar and asked him to tell me clearly.

Li Mazi closed the door and windows furtively, and then lowered his voice and said to me: "Brother, have you ever heard of the execution ground of the King of Hell?"

The execution ground of the King of Hell?

I was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Li Mazi meant.

Li Mazi explained: "Just some time ago, when digging a reservoir in a rural area in Kunshan, they discovered the execution ground of the King of Hell. Just think about it, the name of the execution site of the King of Hell is very evil, and there must be a lot of evil things in it."

Naturally, I didn’t believe that there was a King of Hell in the world, so I asked Li Mazi to explain to me clearly what the so-called execution ground of the King of Hell was.

Li Mazi cleared his throat and then said to me: "When I was doing business in Suzhou, I met a brother. Some time ago, this brother opened a food processing factory, but the business was not booming. According to him, every day Every week, one or two weird things happen in the processing factory. For example, in the middle of the night, the machines will suddenly start up. For example, when many employees get off work, they will see many humanoid shadows appearing on the glass windows..."

"Another time, an employee went to the toilet and heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed behind him. When he turned around, guess what he saw? There was a Japanese man in military uniform, holding up a knife and sneering at him. .The employee passed out on the spot, and when he woke up, he reported his resignation.”

"The news about the haunting made the already troubled processing plant even worse. It didn't take long for the employees to leave one after another, and the plant closed down."

I became interested and asked what happened next? How can you be so sure that it is the execution ground of the King of Hell?

Could it be that he also saw the nugget and horse noodles fried in a pan?

Li Mazi said: "It's just a frying pan used to fry imps. Even the dog-head guillotine was found."

I was so frightened that I shivered all over.

Originally, I thought that the so-called eighteen levels of hell and the Lord of Hell were all folk tales passed down from generation to generation. Unexpectedly, I actually found a frying pan and a dog-head guillotine in that haunted place. I immediately asked Li Mazi to tell me in detail.

It turned out that when the brother saw that the processing plant could not continue, he simply sold the land to the government and asked the government to dig a reservoir.

But when digging the reservoir, we ran into big trouble.

Because the city's construction team dug out a skeleton and a lot of bricks when they dug two meters underground.

Moreover, those bricks were old and very large, not modern red bricks.

At first, the construction workers were very excited, thinking that they must have dug an ancient tomb or something, which would make them rich.

But as they continued to dig deeper, they found that something was wrong, because it didn't look like an ancient tomb, but more like a mass grave. In just half a day's work, they dug out many human skeletons.

Moreover, most of the skeletons were incomplete, with either an arm or a leg missing, as if they had been sawed off alive before death.

Only then did everyone understand why the food processing factory was haunted.

Just kidding, there are so many bones buried underground, it would be strange if they weren’t haunted by ghosts!

The construction workers had dug here and were no longer ready to dig any further. After all, this matter is too evil, and they are worried that if they continue, they will anger the undead in the mass graves and affect everyone.

However, the undead underground seems to have been angered...

Something happened to the construction team that night. The contractor responsible for on-site command died inexplicably, and his death was miserable. His whole head fell into the cooking oil pan, and the hot oil fried him beyond recognition.

The death was so brutal that it angered other construction workers.

They decided to dig out all the bones in the ground and burn them on fire. They even invited a mage to take charge.

As they continued to dig, they discovered that they were not digging mass graves, but the execution ground of the King of Hell.

Because they dug up a marble tablet with the four characters "The execution ground of the King of Hell" clearly engraved on it.

These four big characters made everyone feel frightened.

Immediately afterwards, they dug up another cauldron, and there was a boiled skeleton in the cauldron.

Next to the cauldron, many strange things were unearthed one after another, such as a large guillotine covered with rust, a noose used for torture, and so on.

Knowing that what was dug out was the execution ground of Lord Yama, everyone was frightened. Even the mage who was in charge said that he couldn't take care of it, so he went to ask the construction workers to fill the hole quickly.

Things did not end just because the King of Hell’s execution ground was filled in...

That night, another person from the construction team died. The guy died equally miserably. He was decapitated with a kitchen knife, and his head and neck were separated.

Everyone knows that this must be imitating the "dog-headed guillotine" to torture a living person.

For a time, the Prince of Hell was angered and said that he would take everyone to the eighteenth level of hell.

As we all know, southerners are very superstitious, and they will believe every one of them when they encounter such weird things. The construction team did not call the police, but concealed the matter. They just argued that the geology of the land was problematic and was not suitable for building a reservoir.

The people in the village were also afraid, and every day they offered large sums of fish and meat to the execution ground of the King of Hell, praying for his forgiveness.

Unexpectedly, after doing this, it really worked. No more people died in the construction team, and everything became peaceful.

I took a breath and looked at Li Mazi in disbelief: "Is what you said about the dead people true?"

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