Chapter 333 Ansol's Past %26 Storm Eve ========================================================

"Hey, you're amazing. How can a guardian do that?”

"You said you could do that."

"When? I don't care if you help me, but how far do I have to consult the angels?”

"What? I don't know that. Anyway, if you can't stay with your brother, I can't do that. No, I won't!"

Lee Hyo-eul must have been eavesdropping on the conversation, and as soon as he heard Ansol's plan, he ran out of the door.

And now, Ansol and Lee Hyo-eul were in the middle of an argument.

Angels are not fools, either. North Korea and 자인하다 commit suicide, led by as much as the delivery is guardian of the continent, always from a neutral perspective in activities to do. Therefore, Ansol could not allow himself to wield the power of the guardian with self-interest. She seemed to have a very easy idea that she would just try it once and quit if it didn't work out.

"Wow, the back of my head...I'm getting goosebumps. You were such a bad boy, weren't you?"

"Well, who changed the subject? You're a really bad person.”

At Ansol's unwavering reply, Lee Hyo-eul asked for a bubble. However, he turned his eyes and drooped his shoulders as soon he had nothing to say. All the facts have already been revealed. He seemed to think that the cooked rice had been sprinkled with ash. But it was the same for Ansol. He was showing deep disappointment with his cheeks swollen to find out what was so unfair.

"What the hell…."

"Everyone, stop it'

I opened my mouth in a low tone, as I could tell the second game was about to begin. His voice sounded heavy even to himself. He had already been quite upset since the call-up. However, even when I come to Clan House, which is a home, things that go against my feelings happen, so I can't resist it if I'm not annoyed.

The harsh breathing sounds that had been heard began to fade away.

There is a saying that there is no wind in the tree with many branches. I was just like that right now. Of course, I couldn't define this as a matter of one person. Lee Hyo-eul, who gave her useless air. It doesn't make any sense. Ahn Sol-do is just water. And even though I knew it, I've been putting it off under the pretext of being busy. If I had to argue, all three were at fault.

Of course, it's not that I don't understand how Ansol felt. She admitted to herself that she had been a nuisance to the machine and would not have been able to bear it. Also, Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jung, who started from the same starting point, are all taking rare classes to improve their skills, but they can't erase the feeling that they were the only ones who were stagnant.

However, even though he knew how Ansol felt, he could not let it go. She could have been taken away from her when she opened her eyes.

I controlled myself for a while and said in a low voice.

"An Sol."


Ansol replied in a crawling voice. I suddenly thought of the past. Ahn Hyun and Lee Yoo-jung have been scolding each other since Mule, but they have been raising her as much as gold or jade. I guess the phrase that Lee Yu-jung always used to say was, "You always care about Ahn Sol."

Anyway, I didn't want to waste my mind on useless things anymore, and I didn't want to get caught up in the mess.

"Go into the room for now. And reflect on yourself until I call you again.”

"Oh, brother.”

"Come on."


Ansol called me with a pathetic tone, but I looked at her with force in my eyes. Ansol then bowed his head with a small face and nodded weakly once or twice.

"I'm sorry."

Soon after, I murmured in a mosquito-like voice and looked at Ansol walking down the corridor, and I turned my head. I could see Lee Hyo-eul avoiding my eyes with a disappointed face as if she knew about her crime.

"You should see me now. Follow me in.”

I let out a word in a cold voice and moved into the Oval.R. Soon, I heard Lee Hyo-eul closing the door behind my back.

I went straight to my desk and sat on the chair without telling me to sit down. Then he took out his records and felt pen and began writing messengers to send to his brother.

"Hey….Mercury Road. I think you're very angry..”

"Lee Hyo-eul."

Lee Hyo-eul carefully brought it up, but I intentionally cut it off. Then he kept teasing the quill pen. The messenger's message to her brother was to refuse her co-clan one. To be honest, I thought it was quite useful until the call-up order. However, there is no such thing as a guardian. Exploration? There are more than 20 places I know in the North Continent alone. It was a hundred times more profitable to give up neatly than to invite them and create discord.

"Ansol is a mechanical clan one, and I'm a mechanical clan rod. And you approached me without asking my permission. What should I say in this situation?”

"I'm sorry. I apologize for that. But if I have to make an excuse....”

"There's something I really hate."

It didn't take much time to write down the contents because I didn't write down every single story, but only the contents. Soon after I folded the record a couple of times, I pushed it to the end of the desk. And he opened his mouth in the most businesslike way possible.

"You've already said everything, and of course you've done it, but...And so on, I hate to say things like this. Don't make excuses. You look pathetic.”


"How do you think Ansol would have listened to you? No, do you know what she's like before that?”


"Or are you the guardian of the great North Continent, and we are the mercenary clan, so we have to obey you? That means you think we're being ridiculous."

It was then. Lee Hyo-eul, who had been listening silently, looked up and looked at me straight. The whole facial expression seemed nonchalant, but the eyes were emitting a strong glow. Perhaps what I said touched her inner quagmire. But that was also for a while. Soon, Lee Hyo-eul gently lowered her eyes and approached the desk to pick up the record that had been pushed to the end.

"Right, I didn't think much. I don't know what to say, even if I have nothing to say. It's not something I've already said, but I hope you'll forgive me."

"The specialty is a clan that has grown up to this point on its own. I don't think I owe you, and I don't need to. You know what I mean?”

"Yes, I'll keep it in my heart. I'm really sorry about this, and if you want, I'll personally apologize to the child."

Lee Hyo-eul was definitely a character. Although he had been making spiteful remarks that hurt his pride since earlier, he was shining a light of apology except for once.

I stared at Lee Hyo-eun for a while, and then I pointed at the door with my chin. It was a sign that he should leave as soon as possible without causing any further trouble.

"…go back to Hamill. And thank your brother. If it weren't for my brother, I wouldn't have let him go."

"Yeah, it's funny to say it now. I'm really grateful for saving my life and helping me with the call-up. Then I'll call you again soon. At that time, it would be public, not private."

"I'm not going far. Get out."

Lee Hyo-eul bowed her head gently and then turned around and walked calmly. Slowly toward the door, her back looked particularly intimidated.

Soon as the door closed and Lee Hyo-eul disappeared, I sighed for a long time.

Suddenly, I thought something was very complicated.


Days have passed since Lee Hyo-eul left. In the meantime, the Military Clan has been, like, quiet.

There was nothing different than usual. Just like other Clan and users, he was doing his job and being alert to outside news.

It was a moment when I was so absent-minded that I looked down from the rooftop and thought deeply.

"Suhyun, what are you thinking about?"

Then a clear voice flowed into my ears from behind. As I turn my head, I can see Jung Ha-yeon smiling with tea cups in both hands. She lifted the steaming teacup slightly. As I was desperate for a hot tea, I nodded happily in a long time.

Black water and fragrant smell. Ramon tea must be. I asked in a calm voice, savoring the scent at the tip of my nose.

"How did you know I was here?”

"I stopped by the Oval Office to report, but he wasn't there. So I came up to the rooftop just in case."

You're lying. Do you think someone like that would even get in the car?

But I didn't mean to point it out to someone who came to have a short tea time. I quietly smiled and decided to match Jung Ha-yeon's rhythm. She must have made a report because she has a thorough personality.

"Yes, what kind of report is it?”

"The vagrants. As Clan Lord instructed at yesterday's meeting, he handed over all the records to Istanbul Low. They said they would hold a trial soon, and they wanted Su-hyun to visit soon."

"I see. It's a definite report. Thank you for your hard work."

I answered, lifting the teacup on purpose.

"…Hmm. Oh, and Eastantel Low Lord asked me to deliver it. Thank you for the hospitality of the mercenary. And they don't want you to pay too much attention.”

It was not long before I passed the tea to my throat, nodding my head. I understood what you meant at once. Considering that I sweated a lot to resolve the misunderstanding with my brother, I still smile bitterly.

I'm glad that Han So-young is so generous.'

I laughed bitterly inside and drank nothing but a cup of tea.

Now, Jung Ha-yeon started to look at me slightly to see if there was anything else to report. After such a moment of silence, she quietly opened her mouth.

"Suhyun, I can't say this in this situation, but I'm bored these days. In the past, I would have been busy preparing for the expedition....”

"You must have a question."

At my fastball, Jeong Ha-yeon stood out for a moment, and continued, holding the cup with both hands.

"Yes, that's right. You didn't say much at the meeting yesterday. Everyone was curious about the result of the call-up. But you didn't say anything about that.Is it a secret you can't tell me?"

"Yes, I'm not sure I can go into the details yet. It's a secret."

"I see. Then there's nothing we can do."

"Anyway, you just have to wait for a while. Over time, you'll find out on your own."

Perhaps by now the invasion of Halo has begun. And all the contacts were lost this morning. Just like Mule, Beth and Dorothy. I used to assume it was a large-scale trick that hindered the impact of mana, but I didn't show it. Other users don't know anything yet, but it might seem strange to know alone.

Or maybe it's already been taken over.

"It's very noisy outside. Apparently, the Warp Gate was cut off the moment the Golden Lion tried to send reinforcements. Then I don't know what happened to Halo by now."

"It's not a lie, it's a lie. I don't think there's a chance that it'll be cut off so accidentally."

It was an excellent choice to abandon Halo and work together to reorganize. In the first place, however, Do Young-rok was not the vessel to lead the golden lion. He doesn't have the power to actually put his ideas into practice.

At this point, it is possible to send a request for assistance to the southeastern region, but I heard that it will be reduced until the call-up order. It was also an interesting sight to see how long the golden lion would keep his pride. Perhaps the moment you send a request for support is the moment when the fire spreads.

As soon as Halo falls, or at the latest, Barbara is occupied, the South East will immediately enter action.

Anyway, my role ended with giving the key. How to use the key is entirely in their hands. Rather than taking the lead for the time being, I thought it would be a good idea to step back from this trend and watch it. I didn't have the temper to meddle, and it was time to adjust my speed.

Whether she realized that it was a long way from my answer, Jung Ha-yeon opened her mouth with a slight sigh.

"Phew. I was wondering if I could get something."Anyway, the conclusion is that we don't know when it'

"I'm itching to talk, too. I'm sorry."

"Ho-ho. No. Oh, Soohyun. So you're done with most of your busy work, right?”

"Yeah? Yeah, well, yeah."

"Sure. It's a bit of a sudden request, but why don't we throw a party soon?”

When I was asked to throw a random party, I immediately frowned. Jeong Ha-yeon hurriedly continued, "I think you saw my face."

"We don't show our faces too much these days. And there are new Clan One, right? It's been a while since I saw everyone's face and had a welcoming party. What do you think? Is that too much?"


"But at this point, the party is....'

I tilted my head because I thought something wasn't right. And it was a moment to express his intention to put it on hold by saying that he would think about it.

At that moment, a flash of thought crossed my mind.

"Good. Let's do it."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, I have to settle the tramps' equipment that I got a while ago, but it's just great. But tell Clan One it's not a party, it's for unity."

Jeong Ha-yeon was so happy that she smiled brightly. He seems to be in a good mood because he readily said yes.

"Wow. That's a relief. I don't know why, but I'm sure she'll be happy when she hears it.”


"Yes, I ask you why, and you shake your head.I'm going to talk to you about this today."

"I see."

I laughed inside. Then, he handed over the finished tea cup to Jung Ha-yeon and said as he walked to the rooftop door.

"Please discuss the details with Ko Yeon-joo. I have a place to go for a while.”

"Yes, I will. By the way, where are you going?”

Jung Ha-yeon asked, overlapping her own and mine. And I answered, stretching out loud.

"I'm thinking of going to the temple."


What's wrong with him?

She simply said she was going to the temple, but Jung Ha-yeon flashed her face and wiggled her fingers. I shrugged because I didn't know English, and I was about to leave the door.

"Hey. Soohyun!"


"Well, I hope you're done with your busy work..”

When I looked back at the sudden cry, I could see Jung Ha-yeon's turtleneck gulping once. She glanced at me with a seething look and then muttered in a mosquito-like voice.

"Sometimes….can I pick you up at night…"?”

============================ Review of the work ============================

Well, hello. I think I have to tell you the bad news today. I could go down this weekend on September 7th (Saturday) and September 8th (Sunday) because of the graves. It's not decided yet whether to join or not, so I'll make a decision by Friday at the latest and let you know. :)

Half of the week is over! It's Thursday now. Haha. I think I'm Vivienne. Recently, the comment section was so warm that I lost energy, but it gave me strength again when I saw it explode yesterday. I guess I'm a pervert.

리 Ripple (331 times) 『

1. Lonely Solo: Congratulations on winning first place. Hahaha. Nickname...I want to escape as a solo. ㅜ.ㅠ

2. Nangrang: The modification is complete. Thank you!

3. Goddess Glass Praise: I'm going to delete it while correcting the book. It's my dark history. Sobbing

4. New Fantasy: Well, I wish I didn't die.At the moment, I think more than half of them will die before it's finished. :)

5. Jin-Aid: The West Continental user was Simon, right? Please look forward to it. Memorize? No. Backtourism Rise! That's right!

리 Ripple (332 times) 『

1. Oriental medicine mode: Yes! It's been a long time since I've won first place! Enjoy the show!

2. MT Bear: You're just like me. I don't understand what you're saying either. But I will do my best. Let's cheer up together! Way to go!

3. Natural nature: You'll regret it if you release Ahn Sol. Lol. I changed my idea a little bit. :)

4. Sreson: It's Ansol! Ansol is here! Long time no see!

5. Monguhunter: Correct. It's because we moved on to another continent. Haha. I'd like to save my words on Terra. :)

Thank you for always reading it. I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

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