Xavier School does not have many students, and there are only about thirty high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools combined.

In addition, plus the ordinary mutant teachers, X-Men, school support staff, etc. hired by Professor X, there are only a few dozen people in total.

This is similar to what is shown in the movie.

Therefore, every meal time, you can see the X-Men in the canteen.

For example, the famous Poppy the Iceman, and Scott the Laser Eye.

In addition, there is the little naughty Anna who runs through the War Police trilogy, and Chen Tian has also seen it a few times.

However, because movies are movies, and the real world is the real world, there are some differences between these people and movies in appearance.

For example, the little naughty Anna, she is very beautiful, and the white hair on her forehead makes her look a little peculiar and attractive.

“Thanks, a large fruit pizza, an all-meat big burger, a Coke.”

At the cafeteria window, when it was Chen Tian’s turn, he politely said the request to the cafeteria aunt inside.

Students in the mutant school, whether they eat and live for free, make people have to feel that Professor X has money.

Carrying the food, Chen Tian looked at it, and his gaze fell on the corner of the cafeteria.

There, a teenage dark-haired girl was burying her head and eating lunch quietly alone.

Although this is the mutant academy, everyone is a mutant who is rejected by the outside world and should report to the group to keep warm.

But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, there are small circles, and this is no exception.

For example, the black-haired girl, under Chen Tian’s observation for a few days, is a person who is rejected by the surrounding classmates.

Of course, those classmates would not bully her, after all, the professor and those teachers would not allow it.

But they can not talk to her, do not play with her, do not walk with her, and naturally she is isolated and seems a little out of place.

As for the reason, Chen Tian was not very clear, only knew that her name was Clarisse, thirteen years old, and she came to school two days earlier than him.

“Clarisse.” Chen Tian’s eyes were thoughtful.

If he remembers correctly, this girl also has a nickname called Flash, and her ability is to open the entrance of space to teleport people and items, which is somewhat similar to the ability of the Phantom Cat.

However, the Phantom Cat’s ability is to penetrate matter, and she is teleporting, and has been entangled with the Sentinel robot for a long time in the Reverse Future War in 2023.

Of course, in the end, he was killed by the sentinel robot who found the flaw and shot through the chest.

What aroused Chen Tian’s interest was not her ability, but his memory that Clarice was beautiful when he grew up, in line with his Asian aesthetics.

“West, there are seats here, do you want to go together?”

Just as Chen Tian walked towards the girl, not far away, Katie, who was sitting with two female friends, beckoned to him and was very enthusiastic.

Chen Tian smiled politely and said, “Thank you, but I have already found a location, so I won’t bother you.” ”

“Okay.” Katie didn’t think much about it and nodded.

Carrying the food, Chen Tian came all the way to the girl and said politely: “Hello, can I sit here?” ”

“Ah! Yes, you can. The girl looked up, a little nervous.

At the same time, when she raised her head, she revealed a palm-sized face, melon seed shape, delicate facial features, and a softness unique to Orientals.

The eyes turned light green because of the mutation, and there were purple traces similar to birthmarks in the center of her eyebrows and eyebrows, giving people a strange beauty.

In addition, some of the hair on her forehead is purple, which is probably caused by the mutation.

Beautiful indeed. Chen Tian sighed in admiration in his heart.

However, the girl at this time is still young, and I don’t know if she will be disabled when she grows up, after all, some people are very cute and handsome when they are young, and they will be disabled when they grow up.

The representative of this is the protagonist of Harry Potter.

In his head, Chen Tian, who sat down, took the initiative to say, “Hello, my name is West. Old. ”

Looking at Chen Tian, who introduced himself, because of the same Asian characteristics, the girl instinctively felt a trace of affection, hesitated, and said in a low voice.

“Hello, my name is Clarice, Clarice. Ferguson. ”

It seems that the girl’s personality is somewhat introverted and timid, which is very different from the heroic and sassy beauty who has experienced many life and death battles more than ten years later.

However, Chen Tian only planned to get to know each other briefly this time.

So after introducing himself, he smiled at her, nodded, picked up the pizza and ate it.

Looking at the black-haired boy who ate with relish on the opposite side, the girl did not speak, and lowered her head to eat lunch silently.

When she had almost eaten, when she looked up, she found that the black-haired boy on the opposite side had finished eating, and he was on the table with his elbow on the table, holding his chin to look at her.

Suddenly the girl was a little nervous, subconsciously wiped her mouth, but found that there was nothing, and couldn’t help but whisper.

“What, what’s wrong?”

Chen Tian smiled slightly: “It’s nothing, I just suddenly found that you look so beautiful, perfect like a little princess.” ”

Suddenly Clarice’s face turned red, a little nervous, lowered her head embarrassedly, and whispered in a mosquito-like voice: “Really, really?” ”

“Really.” Chen Tian nodded affirmatively.

Unlike the subtle and introverted East, the Western ethos is open and direct.

Say whatever you want, never hide your feelings.

For example, on the street, you see a beautiful woman who is very beautiful, you can directly go to praise her, and then ask for a phone number.

As long as the other person doesn’t hate you, if you’re lucky, maybe you can have a wonderful night at night, and then everyone will go their separate ways the next day.

Of course, the premise is not to be discovered by the other party’s boyfriend or husband.

This sounds very free and open, but it is actually very chaotic, so most Western women have had many men in their lives, and she does not know the exact number.

Similarly, men are similar, and there is no sense of responsibility that Orientals take on when they are together.

However, Chen Tian simply praised her, and then said hello and got up.

He was going to the library in the afternoon to look up some materials.

Although he roughly knows the current point in time, the world he is in, and some basic information.

But as a real world, this is not movies and comics, so Chen Tian needs to inquire more information and information.

For example, which countries are hostile to mutants, where mutants are active, where superheroes appear, and the current level of science and technology.

In addition, he also wants to find some books about gene evolution, after all, he also has an X gene ability.

Only by understanding mutants can you understand yourself better.

PS: The new book has just been released, friends who like it remember to collect, vote for flowers, vote for it.

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