As soon as the rocket’s words fell, a pair of metal iron hands stretched out from the crack in the door, as if to tear the door open.

This is the metal arm that only the Supreme Evolved Special Combatant, the Purgatory Reformer, possesses.

It seems that the enemy is strong, and several rocket people retreat.

Only Lin Ang was still calm.


Two vibranium gates of hundreds of tons were torn apart by these hands.

A giant man three meters tall leaned out from the doorway.

Lin Ang observed that there were at least twenty thermal weapons hidden all over his body.

Even in the two hands of this giant man, there were two missiles hidden.

As if to show off his strength, Gao Han opened the door completely.

He said to Lin Ang with a chin made of vibranium:

“Boy, Lord Supreme Evolution appreciates your courage very much.”

“As long as you leave these creatures behind and return to your residence.”

“Adults will treat you accordingly.”

These words sounded like a fart to Lin Ang.

Lin Ang said disdainfully:

“You don’t have to.”

“I don’t need the reward of supreme evolution.”

Seeing that Lin Ang didn’t know how to be a villain, the giant man said with a smile:

“How? Boy, you think you can run?! ”

“You guys are even in the wrong direction!”

“This is the lab! Anti-Blue Star is behind you guys! ”

After speaking, the giant man laughed loudly towards the sky.

And Lin Ang just said coldly:

“Who said we were going to run?”

In a word, let the giant man wake up sharply!

They’re going to the lab! Their goal is the lab’s gene evolutionary!

Hearing this, the giant man couldn’t help but admire Lin Ang’s courage.

“Should I say that you are brave, or do you know nothing about the power of adults?”

“The adult said that your talent is very good.”

“However, the power you learned in Blue Star is less than one ten-thousandth of what you have here.”

As he spoke, the weapon on the giant man’s body had locked onto Lin Ang.

As long as the giant man’s mind moved, the more than twenty energy weapons hidden on the giant man’s body would fire in unison.

“Go back now, it’s still time.”

Lin Ang turned back to the rocket crowd:

“Head down, he’s going to fire.”

Seeing that Lin Ang was determined to rebel, the giant man had no reservations, and more than twenty energy weapons were launched all over his body.

Lasers, flames, and even with frozen rays and biotoxins.

An indiscriminate attack began on the crowd in front of him.

Rockets hurriedly shot back, while Quicksilver dodged with Wanda at top speed.

Seeing the embarrassed image of several people, the giant man shouted:

“This is just the beginning!”

He increased his firepower again, and the energy barrage filled every dead spot in the long path.

Rocket shouted:

“Mr. Lynfang! We need a piece of bunker. “、

Seeing countless energy barrages flying.

Everyone turned pale.

The transformation warrior under this supreme evolution is indeed extraordinary.

And there are a lot of energy structures in these barrages, and even blocks are not easy to block.

Lin Ang looked as usual, stretched out his five fingers into a palm, and a transparent energy barrier rose from the void.

Cut off all the barrages shot by the giant man.

The barrage that can fill the entire passage is in this barrier, like a drizzle, without pain.


It’s silent.

See escaped with life.

Rocket cheered excitedly, then gasped.

If it weren’t for Lin Ang just erecting the barrier.

This rebel team of theirs is probably gone before they see the Supreme Evolution.

He said to Lin Ang:

“Mr. Lynfang! What an amazing barrier! What kind of energy is this made of?! ”

“It’s completely invisible.”

“It’s Nianneng.”

“That is, the mental energy that constitutes the ability of mind.”

Lin Ang replied lightly.


The giant man replied in an incredulous tone.

But the surprise in his eyes already showed that he believed Lin Ang’s statement.

When the Supreme Evolution created these warriors, he deliberately added all the power he could find to their weapons.

And in the barrage just now, there were seventeen kinds of energy mixed in.

And only the ability to read can stop them indiscriminately.

Thinking of this, the giant man’s hands began to tremble.

Lin Ang’s figure suddenly began to grow infinitely in his eyes!

Gradually taller than his three-meter body.

The ability to read is the privilege of supreme evolution.

After thousands of biological modifications, he possessed this ability.

And this giant man is convinced.

Lin Ang didn’t even have a transformation, he completely relied on himself and comprehended the mental ability!

The gap in this can be said to be like a ravine.

Understanding Lin Ang’s power, the giant man’s footsteps began to retreat.

This is not an opponent he can deal with alone.

While retreating, the giant man quietly activated the communication device he had installed in his mouth.

Lin Ang easily saw his small movements.

A pinch of fingers.

The communication device exploded on the giant man’s steel jaw.

A large number of parts burst out.

“Want to call reinforcements?”


The giant man looked at Lin Ang with incredulous eyes.

How can it be?!

This communication device was obviously on the inside of his body, how did he see it!

Now, he felt immense pressure.

This is the pressure that comes with facing a really strong enemy.

Lin Ang ordered.

“Rocket, fire.”

“It’s time for us to fight back.”

The rocket switched the blaster gun to a burst, and the missile locked without dead ends.

“Yes, sir!”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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