[Compared to his brother Thor, Loki looks very thin. 】

[But at this time, the roles of the two seem to be reversed, and Loki took the initiative to comfort :].

"Don't be angry, actually, I think you're right. "】

"If the ice giants and Laufey can sneak into the treasure house, they may come again. "】

["Maybe the next time will be an attack!"] "】

[Loki's words undoubtedly reached Thor's heart! ] 】

[This feeling of being recognized made him feel a lot better for a moment, and he immediately nodded vigorously:].

["That's right, that's it! "】

Accuser - Ronan: It's sad that the second prince of Asgard can only shoot his brother's, but I heard that you defected to the Dark Titan, why, can't you get mixed up?

Inside the Kree battleship, Ronan expected Loki to respond after speaking.

He was actually asking tentatively!

If the Asgardians can cooperate with Thanos, then he can also!

Otherwise, my desire to bloodwash the planet Shandar will not know how long it will be postponed to come true!

Thinking of this, he was even more angry in his heart!

If it weren't for the Supreme Wisdom that antique did not agree, why bother so much and seek skin with the tiger!

Sooner or later, he will destroy it someday!

It completely hindered the Kree Empire's pace of conquest of the universe!

Yet the next second.

Ronan's expectant words did not appear, and it was Zeus who spoke.

Chat room.

Zeus: Oh? Is there such a thing? Oh, Odin, do you need me to send someone to help you get him back.


Listening to this mocking tone, Salton became angry!

Thor: Don't bother you, my brother is coming home soon, and it is still important for Zeus to have a baby.

Zeus: You're right, so that the Pantheon doesn't look as green as Asgard, that's a good proposition.

Kong Su: That's why you stole your brother's wife?

Zeus: Does a god under the Nine Pillars dare to be so presumptuous now? It seems that the Theban God Realm is declining more and more.

Kong Su: If you try it, you will know.

Zeus: There will be that day.

Inside the Pantheon.

Not only was Zeus not angry, but at this moment he was still puzzled?


Why was a lower god pulled into the chat group, but those upper nine-pillar gods were not?

Only Kong Su is the only one related?

Why is this?


[At this time, the three warriors and Sif also entered the dormitory. 】

[As soon as they arrived, they heard Loki look pity and sighed:]

"Although I know that the ice giant's attack will come. "】

"But if Father doesn't nod, you can't do anything." "】

[Thulton got excited when he heard this:]

"Nope! We must defend our kingdom with actions! "】

[Then he strongly demanded to go to Jotunheim despite everyone's opposition! ] 】

[He is very confident that he can definitely defeat the Frost Giants with the three warriors, Sif and Loki! ] 】

[After all, isn't this the case with all previous battles!! 】

[Looking at the excited Thor, although Loki showed helplessness, he still chose to follow! ] 】

Quill: What an enviable brotherhood!

PRESIDENT Loki: Really?

Quille: You don't know, I got on the Marauder's thief ship when I was a kid.

In addition to a group of fools, there is another group of brakes.

Oh, Kragrin, except for you, you are the most human-looking.

Greene: Well, should I say thank you?

Quille: You're welcome!

Courage: You better pray that when I catch you, the confinement capsule in the spaceship doesn't contain the female Gollum!

Quill: Convex and convex

President Loki: It's okay, I know a good place, you can come to me, from now on I will be your brother!

Quill: Thank you!


Mobius looked strange.

It's really strange these days, there are still people who envy Thor for having a good brother.

I can only say that he is a warrior!

After this comparison, the TVA must be busy.

Perhaps there is a chance to fulfill this Quill wish.

I just don't know if this kid will still laugh or not.

Still, he thinks President Loki can definitely laugh.


["Hahaha, my brothers, go! "】

[Thor completely ignored Odin's ban and brought a few people to the Rainbow Bridge! ] 】

[However, a golden-armored warrior has already blocked the bridge! ] 】

[Heimdall held his sword in both hands and looked at everyone expressionlessly:]

"So far, no one has been able to slip under my eyes! "】

[His voice is serious and unquestionable! ] 】


[Thor not only didn't care, but said directly in a commanding tone:].

"Don't tell anyone we're out until we get back!") "】

["Understood?"] "】

[After that, Thor directly led everyone over, completely ignoring Heimdall. 】

[And the latter did not block as prophesied!] 】

In the Pantheon, Zeus sneered.

Looking at the cowardly appearance of the gatekeeper at this moment, he only had one thought in his mind at this time.

The era of Asgard's decline is coming!!

Odin is dying of old age!

This Thor looks like an megalomaniac!

The originally powerful warriors below have become dogs that dare not even resist.

Zeus's heart suddenly gave birth to a blazing heat, perhaps the Pantheon was about to rise again.

But at this time, he involuntarily remembered a bald head in his mind.

The fiery heart suddenly calmed down again.

No, it's not time yet.


Dimension fragmentation.

Hella is a little strange!

That's Heimdall!

Odin can cut off the existence of his mother with an order, how can he care about a prince who has not become a king!?

Could it be that more than a thousand years have passed, and the other party has also changed?

She frowned, always feeling that something was wrong.

PS: For example, Mephisto, Dormammu, Konsu, related to another Sol.

ps2: I won't write the other side until I finish writing Thor, and it is estimated that another chapter will compare the other side.

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