Chapter 73: Operation Raccoon City, Tyrant Drop!.

Just when Chen Feng saw Elle Weiser, who was judged to be the mother of 008 by the system, Raccoon City, a major city located in the Aklay Mountains of the Federation, had fallen into a state of near destruction.

Raccoon City, with a population of nearly one million, is the area with the greatest spread of the virus because it is the headquarters of the umbrella company. As early as the 20th, the Umbrella underground research facility beehive in Raccoon City had a leak of the T virus. Umbrellas were placed on the outskirts of Raccoon City, and various facilities in the Acre Mountains fell one after another.

And everything stems from the choice of the Chaos Splitters of the Round Table Council.

The umbrella of Umbrella has split, and the Foundation faction, led by Ophelia, and the roundtable faction, led by the Spencer family, are fighting fiercely.

It was at this time, under the control of the Spencer family, that a virus leak occurred in the hive, and nearly 2,000 umbrella employees of the Foundation faction died in the hive.

After that, the Spencer family, which had already gained the upper hand, contacted various ghosts in the city and accelerated the spread of the virus in Raccoon City.

And took the opportunity to seize a large number of research results, and at the same time released all the Bs of the umbrella research institutions in Raccoon City…. W biological weapons, indiscriminate attacks on the living in the city.

The headquarters of the umbrella company painstakingly operated by the Chaos Splinter, Raccoon City, under the multiple offensives of ghosts, viruses, and BOW, in just a few days, more than eighty percent of the residents were either killed or turned into zombies.

You must know that most of the residents of Raccoon City are senior talents and researchers in Umbrella City, and the umbrella company was suddenly greatly damaged at the same time, the umbrella armed forces controlled by the two factions, and due to the split, these former colleagues fought each other, and Raccoon City has now become a purgatory.

Somewhere in the Akre Mountains, in the secret castle of the Spencer family, an old man sitting in a wheelchair, with various tubes inserted into his body, and hanging a special nutrient solution, is looking at the raccoon city in the distance through the sunset.

He is none other than Umbrella, the ruler of the Spencer family, Oswell. E. Spencer.

Oswell. Spencer does not remain young like Ophelia, fate seems to play a joke on him, and his physique cannot adapt even to a specially modulated T-virus.

So he had to rely on this wheelchair with a specially customized life support device to maintain his life, so for Ophelia, who can maintain her youth, Oswell. Spencer possessed an extremely intense extremity and hatred.

It is also for this reason that the behemoth of the umbrella is divided under the power struggle of the Chaos Splitters, and this huge force kills itself for this.

At the same time, because of Oswell’s body, he has a terrifying attachment to immortality, crazy people constantly develop one new virus after another, and carry out various cruel biochemical experiments.

Until he met the Council of the Twelve Round Tables, and after receiving an agreement from the Council of the Twelve Round Tables, he decided to support the crazy plan.

After activating Resident Evil throughout the Federation, it wrests control of the Federation through chaos. After this, Spencer will receive a promise from the Council of the Twelve Round Table to help him improve the T virus and prolong his life, in order to achieve longevity.

“Patriarch, all the forces of the Ophelia faction in Raccoon City have been suppressed, B…. W’s test is already in order, and everything is going as planned. ”

Hearing the report of his subordinates, Oswell. E. Spencer still stared at the sunset without raising his eyes, as a hero, he has experienced too much such a struggle for power.

The Big Three who originally created the umbrella are now only Orwell. E. Spencer alone, that’s all it takes. Even Oswell, of course. Neither E. Spencer nor the Twelve Round Table Council knew that Ophelia had already received support from the foundation, and if they had known, I am afraid that they would not have launched the plan so early.

“Don’t take it lightly, that woman Ophelia is not that simple.”

“Although she hastily launched an operation against the foundation last time and ushered in a tragic failure, but her disappearance and disappearance does not mean that she has failed, let the black watch that supports us launch an offensive together, but we can’t simply let our people bleed, use more B…. W to obtain valuable combat data. ”

“Obey, Master.”

The umbrella supervisor loyal to Spencer slowly retreated.

Oswell. E. Spencer quietly watched the sunset and closed his eyes: “Cannibalism, who will have the last laugh?” ”

At this time, in the city of Raccoon City, the police station, a team of U.S.S special forces under umbrellas entered here, but when they entered the police station, they found that they were greeted with dozens of guns.

These are the surviving officers in the police station and the members of the STARS team.

“Don’t shoot, we are not enemies.”

“Shut up, Umbrella’s lackeys, it’s you who made a mess of the whole city.”

The captain of the U.S.S. S. S. S. S. team, codenamed Hank, watched this scene, and one hand had silently held the flash grenade.

As people loyal to the Ophelia faction, the U.S.S. forces have been purged, and until now, due to the absence of the main backbone, these Ophelia paratroopers have not fully reacted.

At this moment, a STARS player Chris suddenly said: “Wait, don’t get excited, yesterday Valentine and I did see the umbrella people killing each other when we were acting, listen to what they say first.” ”

“We won’t reveal company information, but I can tell you exactly that we are not enemies.”

“Then please leave, you are not welcome here.”

While the two sides were arguing, Hank sighed and then made up his mind to explain: “There is nothing to hide now, the company side is extremely chaotic, and I don’t know who the head is.” ”

Seeing this, the members of the USS special forces immediately became frustrated.

“The umbrella is split, and one is frantically unleashing a virus developed in the lab in cooperation with the military to attack everyone.”

“We were the faction that was ordered to contain the infection, and we were even attacked by our own faction.”

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

“It’s really crazy world, what are your umbrellas doing, at least hundreds of thousands of people have died here!”

“We also want to find out what happened.”

Just then, Hank’s radio suddenly rang.

“I’m the Umbrella Military Chief, Ophelia! All friendly units or Umbrella survivors are requested to evacuate in the following locations,”

“After 10 minutes, B…. The Tyrant controls the situation in Raccoon City. ”

“Did you hear that? It’s Ophelia in charge, she’s back! I knew she was okay. ”

“Support is coming, it seems that we are saved.”

At this time, the Black Watch commander in charge of directing the operation, and the Umbrella Force controlled by the Spencer family also received this wireless application sent on the Umbrella channel.

“Is Ophelia, this woman crazy? Sending this message on the public frequency, is it to gather all her people together for us to kill? ”

“It’s really stupid, they have already suffered heavy losses, and now they can still have extra troops to organize a counterattack? B.… W? Something like a hunter, a licker? Can it get back the picture? ”

“Sir, we have found air targets passing quickly from high altitudes, do we want to launch anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down those targets?”

The Black Watch commander sneered: “Of course to shoot them down, stupid woman, she thought that with B.O.W she could turn over?” We put shipping directly B…. W’s planes are all shot down. ”

“Give me an air defense position and shoot down all the air targets!”

Deployed on the Black Watch air defense positions on the outskirts of the city, a total of 6 Avenger air defense missile systems were started under the guidance of ground-based radars.

“The target has entered the maximum range and can be launched, the target height is 5KM, the distance is 6.1KM, the missile is launched! FIRE! ”

At night, bright lights rose on the anti-aircraft missiles, and one missile after another rose into the air, knocking down the black shadows that swept in the sky.

“Target 1 has been destroyed.”

“Target 3, 4 destroy…”

“12 targets, all destroyed.”

“A piece of cake, is this their means?”

However, Black Watch’s ground-based air defense missiles did not expect that six E/A-181 electronic warfare all-airspace fighters had already been deployed to the designated attack position at this time.

“The decoys have been destroyed, target air defense positions have been found, anti-radiation missiles have been launched!”

“Firefox 1 has been launched, changed altitude, detected an anomalous data area, and is ready to launch AGM-V missiles.”

On the black watch air defense position that had not been happy for a long time, the radar soldier suddenly screamed.



“Missile detected!! Hide quickly! ”

As he spoke, he desperately pressed the alarm, but only a few seconds later, accompanied by several huge explosions, all the anti-aircraft vehicles were blown into fireballs, and the anti-aircraft position was reduced to a sea of fire.

The same scene happened at the radar station of Black Watch.

“Sir, we have lost contact with the air defense positions.”

“Sir, it seems that something is wrong, there is an abnormal situation on the radar, hell!! What is it!!! ”

“We have been electronically suppressed!!! There is a data anomaly! ”

As soon as the words fell, two AMG-V air-to-surface missiles dragged the tail flame and sent a surprise.

“The ground has been cleared and can be put into B.O.W.”

“Received, transport troops have arrived, ready to drop B…. W。 ”

In the air, 12 C-130 military transport planes painted with umbrella logos slowly flew over Raccoon City, and one after another huge metal containers were dropped out of the hatch.

After the hatch was dropped, the parachutes on these huge metal containers opened.

In the chaotic streets filled with zombies and fighting with various armed forces, everyone saw the huge metal containers that had been dropped in the sky.

“Hell, what are those things?”

A group of black watchmen watched as a huge metal container was dropped on the street near them, and the movement of the three major even caused a commotion among the nearby zombies.


Nevertheless, they received orders to go to reconnaissance.

When the black watch team walked to the area where the drop was located, they saw a huge cylindrical metal container with a figure looming inside.

As the hatch was opened, white cold air escaped, seemingly signaling that the terrifying creatures inside were thawing and awakening.

All the soldiers of the black watch raised their weapons one after another, set up their formations, and cautiously looked at the metal container in front of them.

In the next second, they saw a giant nearly 3 meters tall appear in front of them, the giant was wearing a black leather suit, a bald head, and his skin was pale and not like a human.

“What is this?”

“FIRE! Kill him! ”

The captain of the black watch decisively gave the order, and in an instant the sound of clicking gunfire emerged, and dozens of muzzles ejected tongues of fire, accompanied by a burst of fire coverage, and smoke filled the air.

Ophelia elegantly sat in the air command converted from a transport plane, looking at the screens one by one, revealing a charming smile.

“Sir, Tyrant No. 9, Tyrant No. 13, and Tyrant No. 20, and Tyrant No. 20, have they given orders to attack?”

“Let the game begin.”

The operator pressed the button.

All tyrants were ordered to attack at this moment.

When the smoke had not yet dissipated, the captain of the Black Watch Squad vaguely saw the figure in the smoke, and then heard dull footsteps, it was the monster!

“Use the 40mm grenade!”

As soon as the words fell, several members of the Black Watch team fired 40mm grenades, but the explosion sounded, but it did not affect the monster’s charge at all.

“Use the AT-4 bazooka! Kill him! ”

A member of the team picked up the AT-4 anti-tank bazooka, aimed at the tyrant and fired the anti-tank rocket, and the next second of surprise was discovered, and a sneer appeared on the face of the terrifying strange.

Then he actually grabbed the rocket abruptly and slammed it upwards, changing the trajectory, and the rocket was instantly launched into the sky and exploded.

In the exclamation of the squad leader, all the soldiers of the black watch frantically poured ammunition on the target.

With a terrifying sense of oppression, even when the tyrant ran at high speed, the ground appeared to a certain degree of cracking.

“Find cover!!!”

In the desperate cry, the tyrant jumped up, accompanied by a heavy fist smashed, the ground was smashed into a large hole, and the three black watchmen died instantly.

The desperate captain raised the weapon in his hand to block, and the whole person was directly smashed into a ball of meat sauce.

The anti-tank man was just about to launch another AT-4 when he saw the tyrant lift an abandoned car and smash it directly.

With a loud bang and a lot of smoke, only sporadic gunshots remained, and soon all the gunshots disappeared. Ophelia smiled and raised the red wine in her hand, only feeling delicious.

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