Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 21 Clearance and Control

As Levi put on the mask of the Faceless Man, a black mist invisible to the naked eye emerged from Levi's body and transformed into a hideous and terrifying human face in mid-air. Judging from the outline, it turned out to be exactly what he was... The little girl who was accidentally killed!

The girl, who was made of black mist, was twisting and struggling in mid-air, as if she was resisting something, but the next moment she was forcibly pulled into the mask by an invisible force!

"Buzz!" As the black mist was absorbed by the mask, a circle of golden light flashed on the cyan mask. Where the golden light flowed, the hexagonal scale pattern was clearly visible.

The golden light disappeared in a flash, but when the golden light dissipated, the mask on Li Wei's head seemed to have been nursed. It looked new and new, which was very magical.

"Ha!" At this time, Li Wei felt that his heart suddenly became much more relaxed, as if the rain and haze for days had been swept away by the sunshine. The mental relaxation and refreshment made Li Wei take a long breath, and his heart A burst of spontaneous joy couldn't help but emerge.

"Sure enough!" In an extremely calm and focused state, Levi clearly felt that the mask extracted something from himself. If nothing else, the black mist should have caused Levi to be immersed in nightmares every night. The culprit!

Immune to some mental attacks. When Levi saw the mask's third skill shield, he immediately thought of the same nightmare every night for six months. Could it be this so-called mental attack?

After all, as a Level 2 life form, Levi's extremely stable brain activity allows him to enter deep sleep in an instant, and he will no longer dream!

"Did this mental attack come from some kind of mutation in the little girl, or did it come from the little girl's family?" There were two guesses in Levi's mind.

First of all, the little girl herself was unusual. After death, she transformed into a ghost-like existence, and then launched a revenge against Levi.

The second guess is that this little girl's background seems to be very unusual. After all, she was able to force the Navy Captain to regress and expel Li Wei from the military. The person behind it may have contact with or have some kind of strange ability. Levi launched a mental attack.

The opponent's attack seems ordinary and simple, preventing a person from sleeping peacefully, but in fact it is a very cruel torture. For ordinary people, it can quickly cause a mental breakdown, and either turn them into a madman or directly commit suicide. It is a kind of Very sinister means!

"It seems that there is another opponent hiding in the dark." Levi added an item to the must-kill list. Retribution will not end until one party is completely destroyed. This is fair.

Levi looked at himself in the mirror with his pupils glowing slightly blue, he calmly picked up the pistol with the silencer installed, and then shot him in the temple without hesitation!

It wasn't that Levi couldn't think of committing suicide, but that he had to personally verify the data of the mask.

For example, although this mask can protect against bullets, will the impact of the bullet have an impact, and if so, how big the impact will be. These details that are easily overlooked may become the last straw that leads to failure in a real battle.

Levi must be completely aware of it!


"Cang!" The bullet case fell on the floor tiles with a crisp sound, and then a warhead that had been squeezed and deformed fell from the undamaged mask.

Levi felt an almost imperceptible vibration coming from his temples, as if his cell phone was vibrating, which showed the mask's ability to offset the kinetic energy of bullets.

"Shua!" The next moment, as Li Wei thought, the mask on his head disappeared and was included in the leather book.

"Aba Aba!" The door to the room was pushed open by the ogre, who walked in wearing a bib and holding a plate filled with eggs and milk, and the eggs had been peeled off.

Levi picked up the egg, dipped it in the soy sauce on the plate next to it, and swallowed it in two mouthfuls.

In just a short time, twelve eggs and a large glass of milk were eaten by Li Wei. With his powerful digestive ability, the eggs and milk turned into energy, which was circulated and stored in Li Wei's body.

After finishing the meal and looking at the ogre who was collecting the dishes and getting ready to go down, Levi suddenly had an idea in his mind. He wondered if the mask of the Faceless Man could be used by the ogre?

"Shua!" Levi thought, and saw that the mask appeared directly on the ogre's head, "Is it because the ogre, like the mask, is included in the leather book?"

And as the ogre put on the mask, the huge body suddenly stood quietly on the spot, exuding a sense of deathly silence, and the originally dazed eyes became cold and ruthless, and the whole person seemed to be a statue without emotion and life. The flesh and blood machine!

"Huh?" Levi let out a soft sigh at this time, because he found that he could still clearly perceive the mask. No, to be precise, it was a new individual formed after the fusion of the ogre and the mask!

After the ogre put on the mask, he became part of the mask, and Levi's original control over the mask also transferred to encompass the ogre!

As soon as Li Wei thought about it, he found that his eyes had shifted to the ogre's perspective, and at the same time he controlled the other person to constantly move his body and make various movements, such as commanding his arms!

Even because of Levi's level 4 fighting skills, he can control the ogre and display more powerful combat power!

Levi did a little test. He used the mask to control the ogre's body. Its effective range reached about one kilometer. When it exceeded this range, his eyes would retreat from the mask.

And although Levi can control the ogre to make various actions and even fight, he essentially only treats the ogre as a puppet, not transforming the ogre into a clone.

But even so, this discovery also surprised Li Wei. This is equivalent to an extra life in disguise. If he encounters some difficult and dangerous situations, Li Wei does not need to personally take part in the danger and can completely control the ogre. Go check it out!

"Whoa!" Levi took back his mask, and the ogre immediately resumed his movements, as if he had no idea what had just happened, and continued walking downstairs with the dinner plate in hand.

"Haha! I really made a lot of money this time!" After packing everything, Levi couldn't wait to lie back on the bed, and instantly fell into a deep sleep that he hadn't seen for a long time!

Two hours later, Levi woke up on his own. He had a good sleep for the first time in half a year. He was refreshed, energetic, and even felt much better.

Levi made a cup of coffee, sat on a wooden chair at the door, looked at the farm scenery, relaxed, and enjoyed the rare tranquility. After a while, Levi turned his head and looked in the distance, and saw a car driving towards him.

"Hannibal, go back first!" When he saw Elena in the back seat of the car, Levi turned to tell the ogre to get away. After all, Elena had seen the ogre before.

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