Meet The Leader

Chapter 955: outrage

Hearing Daoist Wushang say that what he lacks the most is power, Xiang Chong was stunned for a while, and he laughed: "The Taoist priest is joking, does this palace lack power now?

There are Taoist priests and you, the powerful people in the rivers and lakes, to help, and the identity of the prince outside, and countless military honors and honors come to take refuge. Are these not power? "

Daoist Wushang said lightly: "His Royal Highness is half right, although these people I am waiting for are yours, but after all, we are all over the world, and we are limited in what we can say in the Beiyan court.

As for the military or the people in the royal hall, although they are nominally loyal to your Highness, but now you go to the five armies of Zhenguo to see if you can mobilize a lowest-ranking officer?

Even the lowest-ranking officer can't be mobilized. Your Highness, do you call this power? Your power is not power, it is just the face that those people give you. "

Hearing the words of Daoist Wushang, the smile on Xiang Chong's face gradually disappeared.

Yes, these powers are not his, it should be said that they never belonged to him.

Although those people are relying on themselves in name, but once they have any orders, they still need the consent of the other party to be able to command them. Don't dare to go west.

Xiang Chong said fiercely: "Daoist, how do you think this palace should get the power?"

Daoist Wushang shook his head and said: "It's easy to get it, the power of His Royal Highness is so strong right now, just give an order and place a person into the five armies of the town or the royal worship hall as a nail, not to mention taking all the power. Arrived, but at least getting a part of the power is not a problem.

However, Pindao does not recommend that His Highness do this, as this will offend the military or the strong men in the royal worship hall, which will outweigh the gains. "

It's good that Daoist Wushang didn't persuade him, but his persuasion made Xiang Chong even more angry.

"Bengong is the prince of Dayan! In the future, the whole of Dayan will belong to Bengong, and now Bengong is not trying to take their position, just to put some people in, and they don't want it. What is this Dayan? Our Xiang family's, or theirs!?"

The Taoist sneered in his heart, of course Beiyan's surname was Xiang, at least now.

But if there are no other people, do you think that just relying on your surname Xiang, you can support the entire Beiyan?

It's a pity that Xiang Chong didn't think of this point. The more Taoist Wuxie persuaded him, the more determined Xiang Chong's choice was. All the merchants who were sent by Chu Xiu were placed in the five armies of the town and the royal family. in the hall.

The mall warriors brought by Chu Xiu are not idiots. In fact, the warriors who grew up in places like Ludu have all spent their time fighting. Although they have not been exposed to outside intrigues, it does not mean that they do not know. these things.

But now Chu Xiu has already given them instructions, don't have any scruples, don't care about power struggles, just go too far, put on an insatiable greed, crazy fight for power and profit, and offend these people, the more dead the better. .

Most things are hard to do well, but easy to do badly.

In less than half a month, those warriors in the mall have already made the five armies of the town and the royal family enshrined in resentment.

Of the two warriors who were in the realm of real fire, one was thrown into the royal worship hall by Xiang Chong, and the other was placed in the Dongshan Army in Baili Beigong.

As for the six warriors in the real core realm, there is one person in the royal family's worship hall, and one person in each of the five armies of the country.

The more they go too far, in Xiang Chong's view, the more they work hard for themselves, the more satisfied he will be.

In the Qingfeng Building in Yanjing City, Chu Xiu was sitting in the corner by the window drinking tea, listening to Mei Qinglian reporting on the various situations in Yanjing City during this time, mainly from Xiang Chong's side.

Although Qingfenglou is a restaurant, the wine is not the most famous. Instead, all kinds of dishes are very good, especially vegetarian food. It is said that the chef once worked as a fire-head monk in the kitchen of Daguang Temple.

Of course, Chu Xiu was a monk who had never seen Daguang Temple in this place.

It's normal to think about it. Those monks have eaten vegetarian food for a lifetime in the Daguang Temple. After finally coming out and eating this thing, that's called sadness.

Beside Chu Xiu, Tang Ya ordered a lot of things to eat there, and didn't even listen carefully to the conversation between Mei Qinglian and Chu Xiu.

Guys who play tricks and tricks have a dirty heart. Master Chu's heart is probably all dirty and black. That kid Xiang Chong is definitely going to be tricked into vomiting blood.

After listening to what Mei Qinglian said, Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said, "Is there not the slightest doubt about this Chong? It seems that I have a high opinion of him this time."

Mei Qinglian sneered: "That kid was just a poor prince before, although he is favored by Xiang Long, his status is different, and Xiang Long has no time to teach him those tricks, how can his level be high?

Looking at the people around him, they were all Lin Fengyu's kind of things, and there was more to failure than success, even Li Qiudi's head was not clear.

The only guy with some scheming is the traitor you sent. He can see that something is wrong, that's weird. "

Chu Xiu picked up the teacup and shook his head: "What kind of traitor? It's too ugly, it's called undercover."

Tang Ya raised his head from the pile of food and said, "One meaning."

Before Chu Xiu could reply, Xiang Wu came upstairs.

Chu Xiu was sitting on the top floor of Qingfeng Building. With his fierce name, the shopkeeper dared to let people up, and only Xiang Wu existed.

Seeing Chu Xiu here, Xiang Wu casually said hello: "It turns out that you are here, Brother Chu, no wonder it is so quiet here.

Fame has the advantage of being famous, and you don't have to clear the scene when you go out for a meal. "

As he spoke, Xiang Wu naturally sat at Chu Xiu's table and shouted at the bottom: "The shopkeeper, add a plate of roasted bananas!"

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Have a great reputation? I'm afraid it's notorious for its viciousness. Anyway, it doesn't have a good reputation."

Xiang Wu took a bite of the dish and said viciously, "What's wrong with having a bad reputation? If I have a good reputation, I won't be ridden on the neck and shit!"

Chu Xiu thought of something, and said calmly, "Who would dare to ride on your neck and shit?"

Xiang Wu said with a gloomy expression: "Don't always mention what **** is not **** when eating, it will affect your appetite."

Xiang Wu said so, but after the shopkeeper brought a plate of roasted bananas, he immediately put one in his mouth, swallowed it, and snorted, "It's not that kid Xiang Chong.

When I was a prince, I thought I was going to heaven, and I even dared to put a nail in my Xiling army. If it wasn't for His Majesty's face, I would have broken the nail long ago. Dare to come to Lao Tzu's site to decentralize? "

Chu Xiu touched his chin, and he seemed to want to tell the warriors in the mall that while fighting for power, it's best to avoid provoking Xiang Wu, the generals of the five armies of the country, these guys are not easy to mess with.

For example, Xiang Wu, whose peak combat power is already qualified to compete with the existence of the real fire refining spirit realm, but the martial artist from the mall is weaker than the martial artist of the same level, if Xiang Wu is really angry to take action, I'm afraid they can't even stop the three moves.

Chu Xiu handed Xiang Wu a cup of tea and said, "I've also heard about this. It's three fires for a new official to take office, let alone this prince. Of course he wants to make some achievements."

Xiang Wu sneered: "If you want to make achievements, you have to invade our interests? The Xiang family's royal family really don't have a good thing, they are all things that only know how to fight for power and profit!"

Chu Xiu's expression was a little weird, is this master confused? He seems to have forgotten that he is also a member of the Xiang family.

Xiang Wu didn't react until he finished cursing, and stuffed a banana into his mouth depressed.

Chu Xiu asked, "What are you going to do now, Lord Hou?"

Xiang Wu said depressedly: "What else can I do? Cold salad!

Xiang Chong has just been established as the crown prince, and His Majesty has already taken this shape, and it is impossible to establish a second one. If I trouble him, it is the trouble of His Majesty, so I can only endure it first. "

A strange look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes and said, "Can you hold back the Great General of the North Palace and the Imperial House of Honor?"

Xiang Wu said: "Don't look at General Bei Gong as a rotten but in fact, his temper is stronger than mine.

But he couldn't help but bear it. Could it be that he could really turn his face at such a time?

In the Dongshan Army, General Beigong has been in business for so many years, and no one else can pry it in a short period of time. The same is true for my Xiling Army.

Anyway, there is not much crisis for the time being, so I can only bear it for now and talk about it later.

Only in the imperial consecration hall, it is said that Xiang Chong is also very angry, but that gentleman is low-key on weekdays.

However, he was Xiang Chong's uncle, so he went to scold Xiang Chong for a meal, but Xiang Chong agreed well, but his actions did not restrain in the slightest. "

Chu Xiu nodded secretly, and it was almost done.

Once an impression is created, it cannot be changed. Through this incident, it is conceivable how the military and the royal enshrinement hall treat Xiang Chong.

And now, except for Xiang Long, other people, even the uncle Xiang Chong, would not listen to him.

But does Xiang Long still have the energy to manage him now? Xiang Long has done his best to ensure that he will not die now.

In this way, when Xiang Wu and others' endurance reaches the limit, what will happen at that time is uncertain.

Just when Chu Xiu wanted to ask about the details, a disciple from Zhenwutang rushed to report, saying that there was a problem at Zhenwutang, and Shen Feiying had a conflict with the people from Daguang Temple. The people in Zhenwutang have already gone to support, and the two sides are at each other's throats.

Hearing this, Xiang Wu cast a sympathetic look at Chu Xiu: "It's a troubled autumn, it seems that life is not easy for you, Master Chu."


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