Meet The Leader

Chapter 905: Master of 'Eat'

Chu Xiu has always been very accurate in seeing people. Shang Tianliang is not a good person. In fact, in a place like Ludu, there is no good person at all. A little girl like Shang Qi has countless blood on her hands.

But it is undeniable that Shang Tianliang was a good city lord.

In his Green Capital, in terms of personal strength, Shang Tianliang should be the strongest group. If there was no drag from the mall, he would not have to take care of so many people, and he would not be as miserable as he is now.

But he still stayed in the position of the city lord, not for power, but to protect the people in this city, and even the blood-returning pill that Chu Xiu gave them last time was equally distributed to these people in the city by Shang Tianliang .

With a long sigh, Shang Tianliang said, "Boy, you're right, I don't have a choice. I promise you, but I hope you don't lie to me. Otherwise, even if the old man sacrifices his life, he won't spare you!"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Mall owner, please rest assured, you have seen my credit, as long as it is what I promised Chu Xiu, I will never break my promise.

This time, I also brought you some gifts to the store owner, which I believe will be very useful to the store. "

With that said, Chu Xiu handed Shang Tianliang a space secret box. After opening it, it turned out to be all kinds of low-level elixir, as well as a large amount of food, some gold and iron materials, and ordinary weapons.

These things are worthless in the outside world, at least for Chu Xiu's family business.

But within the green capital, it is a priceless treasure.

Needless to say about elixir and food, those gold and iron materials can strengthen their underground dense areas and prevent them from collapsing in the black storm, and weapons can also increase the current strength of the mall.

There may also be some iron ore in the green capital, but everyone has arrived at this time, who still has the heart to mine? Leaving a little energy to find something to eat is the key.

Shang Tianliang took these things seriously, and immediately found a few of his confidants and asked them to discuss where these things should be used.

At this time, Chu Xiu asked: "The owner of the mall, how strong are other forces such as Ludu? How many exist in the same realm as you?"

Shang Qi glanced at Chu Xiu and said, "You want to attack them? I'd better advise you to save your time, those people are not like this old man, who can be caught so easily by you.

I know there should be two or three people who can reach the level of the old man in the green capital, but they are dead now, and I don't know. The people in the green capital do not communicate once a year, and it is normal for them to die.

As for the forces, I don't know either. Every day, the forces are disbanded, and the forces are reorganized. There is no such thing as a sect family in the Green Capital.

My mall can be said to be the largest force in the Green City so far. Although it is not the largest, it should be the longest force in existence. It has been passed down to me for three generations. "

Chu Xiu nodded thoughtfully. In fact, he was just asking, but he didn't even think about pulling other people here.

One Shang Tianliang is enough, but it is impossible to control too many people.

The strength in the Green City is also similar to what Chu Xiu guessed. These people are remnants of the ancient times, and their inheritance is absolutely complete. Even in such a harsh environment, it is normal to come out of the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm. After all, human potential is limitless.

However, in a place like this, the sect family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years will not exist at all.

The mall can be said to be the most special force in the Green Capital, because only the mall still retains the shadow of a sect-like family.

For the other people in the Green City, they just want to live. Today, the power is destroyed, and tomorrow they will go to others.

But for the people in the mall, they first know that they are the people of the mall, and their sense of belonging to the mall is far greater than that of other people in the green city.

Because of this, Chu Xiu was able to use the entire mall to threaten Shang Tianliang. Otherwise, if other people had the opportunity to go out, why would they care?

"Mall owner, it's not too late, we'd better leave now, because I don't know when my enemies will strike."

Shang Tianliang hesitated for a moment and said, "Can I take Qi'er away with me? When she was young, I used to hold ancient books and told her stories from the outside world over and over again, but until now, she has not had a chance to read it. Take a look at the outside world and see what it looks like."

Chu Xiu just paused for a moment and said, "No problem."

The entire mall is still in the Green City, and Shang Tianliang still remembers the mall one day, so Chu Xiu will not be afraid of any trouble.

After seeing Chu Xiu's agreement, Shang Qi's eyes were also slightly flooded.

No matter how mature and vicissitudes she appears, she is actually just a little girl in her twenties.

After Shang Tianliang finished instructing some confidants in the mall, he left directly with Chu Xiu.

With the two of them, Chu Xiu's mind moved, and a gleam of light flashed directly in the Tongtian Key, and the two were taken away from here.

For the first time standing outside without yellow sand, and seeing the real blue sky and white clouds for the first time, even if the place where they appear now is just a deserted mountain, this kind of scenery still makes Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi intoxicated.

Shang Tianliang let out a long sigh and said, "This old man never dreamed that he would leave that **** one day."

Shang Tianliang is still calm, but since Shang Qi saw the scenery outside, people have fallen into sluggishness, and her eyes have begun to be dazed.

As a person who has been wasted in the sky and yellow sand since he was born, Shang Tianliang may be used to it, but Shang Qi is still young and has some longings.

It's just that she didn't expect that her longing would one day become a reality.

Chu Xiu looked at the two of them and said, "You two, let's go, this is just an ordinary barren mountain, and the really good scenery is behind."

Having said that, Chu Xiu took the two of them all the way to the Azure Dragon Society.

Any scenery in the outside world is extremely fresh to Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi, and those big cities in Dongqi have opened up Shang Qi's eyes.

But she was relatively restrained, and did not ask for a visit to it.

And when they came to the edge of the 100,000 mountain where the Qinglong Club was located, the magnificent mountain and dense forest still amazed the two of them.

In the Qinglong meeting, everyone saw that Chu Xiu went out for a few days and brought back two beggar-like guys, which was a bit strange.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "This is the helper I invited to resist Rama, Mr. Shang Tianliang, that is his granddaughter.

Senior Duanmu, please take them to wash first, as long as you can meet the requirements of these two, try your best to meet them. "

Duanmu Qianshan nodded, but he was also looking at Shang Tianliang in surprise.

Chu Xiu said that this person can resist the **** monk Rama, but Shang Tianliang doesn't look like an existence in the realm of heaven and earth.

When Duanmu Qianshan looked at Shang Tianliang, Shang Tianliang also glanced at Duanmu Qianshan, but this glance made Duanmu Qianshan feel a little tingling.

In the cruel environment of Ludu, Shang Tianliang took the entire mall to go through countless fights before he was able to save his small gathering place.

In addition, in the environment of Ludu, where people's lives are not taken for granted, Shang Tianliang's fierce killing intent is even stronger than Duanmu Qianshan's old killer.

Duanmu Qianshan froze slightly in his heart, and immediately took the two to wash and change clothes and so on.

During this time, Shang Tianliang also looked around without saying a word.

With a character like Chu Xiu, he said that he has made countless enemies in the outside world, but at the same time, there must be countless people who are attached to him.

At this moment, the Qinglong Association has actually given Shang Tianliang a great shock.

The residents in the mall are actually soldiers of the whole people. Everyone, whether they have inheritance or not, have no knowledge of the door. All martial arts are open to the public, and everyone can practice.

But the people in the mall practice martial arts just to survive, and the Qinglonghui group, Shang Tianliang can clearly feel the murderous intentions in them, as well as the momentum in them, they practice martial arts for the purpose of killing people !

With such a group of well-trained killing machines, although Shang Tianliang didn't know exactly what Chu Xiu's status was in the outside world, he would definitely not be weak.

After Duanmu Qianshan took the two of them to wash up, Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi had no other requirements. Their only requirement was to eat!

In the shopping mall, as the city lord and the only grandson of the city Of course they will not starve to death, but Chu Xiu has also eaten some cakes made of Pumeng tree, which taste like chewing wax. It's like eating dirt.

For most warriors, the appetite for appetite is actually a very indifferent existence, but for Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi, it is an existence that can only be imagined from some ancient books.

So under Duanmu Qianshan's weird expression, the two of them ate hundreds of dishes in half an hour, and they looked like they were reincarnated from a starving ghost.

A chicken entered Shang Tianliang's stomach in a few bites. Although Shang Qi was a woman, she was not much better than Shang Tian.

Although the pure power brought by these ordinary ingredients is not as much as that of a blood-returning pill, the feeling of fullness is incomparable with the pills.

Mu Ziyi stood beside Chu Xiu, she was stunned: "Chu Gongzi, are you sure this old gentleman can beat Rama? I don't think he has anything special except that he eats a lot."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "I don't need him to beat Rama. In fact, how many people in the whole world say that they can beat Rama 100%? I'm afraid even Ye Shaonan would not dare to say this, I only It was enough for him to block Rama.

As for the special places, if he eats a lot, it is special. "

After speaking, Chu Xiu left immediately, and Mu Ziyi asked Duanmu Qianshan in surprise, "Foster father, what does Young Master Chu mean? Why is it special to eat a lot?"

Duanmu Qianshan looked at Shang Tianliang, who was still eating Haisai, with a thoughtful look in his eyes: "Of course it's special, how would they digest other warriors eating so much? , but look at this one, isn't it special enough?"


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