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Chapter 895: lonely only me news

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The cruelty in the green capital was beyond Chu Xiu's imagination. After a moment of silence, Chu Xiu suddenly asked, "Then have you eaten people when resources are in short supply?"

Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi were both silent, and finally Shang Tianliang said solemnly: "With the old man in charge of the mall, even if he goes out and fights for resources with others, he will not do anything to eat people.

This old man’s ancestor is a family that guarded Tongtian Peak for Lingxiao Sect. It has been passed down for thousands of years. Even if Lingxiao Sect did not leave with the ancestors in the end, my business ancestors are worthy of their hearts. This is morality.

In the same way, feeding on people and beasts is the bottom line for human beings! Even if the entire mall is going to starve to death, this old man will not tolerate this happening! "

But after saying this, Shang Tianliang's voice suddenly became lower, and said, "Although this kind of thing has not happened in the mall, it has happened in other gathering places.

But this may be a punishment from heaven, even if they chose to eat people, they still didn't survive, and the entire gathering place was buried in the black storm. "

"By the way, what is the black storm you mentioned earlier? I feel like you are afraid of this thing."

Shang Tianliang sighed: "Black storm is a kind of sandstorm in the desert, but it is the strongest one, it can crush everything, it is a disaster close to the power of destroying the world.

The time of the black storm is not fixed, but every few years, it will always come once. The long time is several months, and the short time is more than ten days.

Whenever the black storm starts, even I can't stay outside for a long time, and can only hide in the dug hole.

But if there is not a certain amount of material accumulation, and the black storm happens for too long, then there is a risk of starving to death. "

Shang Qi, who was on the side, suddenly said to Chu Xiu: "I lied to you before, but I don't think I did anything wrong. The medicine pill carried by an outsider is enough to make my mall survive this black time. storm.

My father died trying to save people in the city during the last black storm, but he didn't even save a single one, but instead he caught up with himself. "

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "I am a broad-minded person, so I don't care about such a small matter.

I have a lot of medicinal pills here. As long as you have an answer that satisfies me, you can help me a little by the way. These medicinal pills are all yours.

According to what you said, Ludu is not a complete world, it is just a space, and the area should not be too large. Are you aware of all the outsiders? "

Shang Tianliang said: "Almost, even if we don't know, people in other gathering places encounter outsiders, and there will be news."

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Then do you know that about five hundred years ago, two very powerful outsiders came in? So strong that they could use their power to shatter the void and come here?"

Shang Tianliang's expression changed slightly, he nodded and said, "Yes, of course, everyone in the entire Green Capital gathering place knows it.

Five hundred years ago, Ludu encountered the strongest black storm. At that time, almost everyone was ready to die.

But at this time, two strong men descended from the sky and began to fight fiercely, and the place where they fought was the very center of the black storm.

As a result, those two people actually broke up the black storm abruptly, so to be precise, they saved a lot of people's lives at that time. "

Hearing this news, Chu Xiu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Then do you know what happened to them in the end?"

"do not know."

Shang Tianliang shook his head and said, "The power created by the two powerhouses is too strong, not only completely shattering the black storm, but even the area where they fought has the phenomenon of space shattering, which is very dangerous. ."

"For so long, doesn't anyone want to come and see?"

Shang Tianliang said: "In such a ghost place, nothing is important to live. People like us have already tried our best just to live. How can there be so much curiosity to explore such a dangerous place?

Besides, what's the use even if you get the magic secret method? If you can't get out of this place, even your cultivation base is useless.

My current realm is no less than that of my ancestors according to the family books, but in a place like this, it is still precarious. "

Chu Xiu waved his hand directly, took out half of the blood-returning pill and said: "This is the deposit, take me to that place, and then help me kill someone by the way, and I will give you the rest after the completion of the matter."

Without saying a word, Shang Tianliang said directly, "Deal!"

That place is indeed dangerous, but being able to obtain so many medicinal pills is enough to ensure that the entire mall will be worry-free for a hundred years. This transaction is very cost-effective.

As for who Chu Xiu wants to kill, it has nothing to do with him at all. In a place like Ludu, is it rare to kill someone?

After getting the information, Chu Xiu immediately asked Shang Tianliang to lead the way to the place where Dugu Wei and Ning Xuanji fought.

Chu Xiu is not an idiot, and so are others.

He can think of inquiring about the indigenous people in this space, and so can others.

Therefore, it is not too late now, it is not good to be seized by others.

As for the person Chu Xiu wanted to kill, it was naturally Chang Yunzi.

It's actually a bit difficult to kill Chang Yunzi alone.

The last time Chu Xiu was able to kill Bu Tiannan, one was that Duanmu Qianshan was harassing him, and the other was the environment.

The formation closed the Azure Dragon Society, and Bu Tiannan was extremely paranoid, and he never thought of escaping after the death battle.

And now if Chu Xiu wants to kill Chang Yunzi, even if he has this strength now, Chang Yunzi can escape, there is no need to stay there.

But if Shang Tianliang makes a move, this will be a lot better. If you can meet Chang Yunzi's order, it will be even better. Chu Xiu doesn't have to reveal his identity, and he can be killed without knowing it. .

This is a space that exists alone, and there are many dangers and dangers. Is it abnormal to die?

The mall is a relatively large gathering place in Ludu. Shang Tianliang took Chu Xiu to the other side and didn't bring too many people. Everyone else stayed in the mall to guard, he just brought his granddaughter Shang Qi.

Shang Qi's strength is not strong. According to the power system of the outside world, she is almost in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but here, her strength is only equivalent to the three-flower gathering realm of the outside world.

She is also coming, Chu Xiu is a little puzzled, but Shang Tianliang's explanation is that when Shang Qi's father was there in the past, he often took her to go outside to increase his knowledge and train her survivability.

In one of them, they accidentally ran to the place where Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji fought, and finally came out.

Therefore, Shang Qi is actually more familiar with that place than Shang Tianliang.

Because this space is incomplete, Chu Xiu has a very poor sense of direction in such a place, and there are no reference objects around, so he basically cannot distinguish east, west, north and south.

Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi took Chu Xiu in one direction for five days before they came to that place.

It was only after this place that I understood why Shang Tianliang said that this place was dangerous.

It was a huge torn area, and everything around was foggy, and the wounds formed by the torn space could be vaguely seen.

The violent aura emerges here, the ground fire rises, and the wind roars, like hell.

Shang Tianliang pointed here and said: "This is it, this place is very dangerous, those torn spaces will move, and the strength is weaker, or if someone accidentally touches these moving spaces, they will be easily attacked. torn."

Chu Xiu nodded and followed Shang Tianliang into it. His mental power was also raised to the extreme by him, and he always paid attention to the surrounding movement.

The same is true for Shang Tianliang, and he also has to take care of his granddaughter. Although Shang Qi is vigilant enough, he is afraid that he will not be able to keep up.

The moment he stepped into that area, Chu Xiu immediately felt a force coming. To be precise, it should be the remnants of the power left by Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji in the past.

This power Chu Xiu is very familiar with, although it seems very violent to outsiders, it is compatible with Chu Xiu's power.

When he fought against Shang Tianliang before, Chu Xiu consumed a lot of internal energy, because the vitality of the world here was thin, so the energy he consumed was not replenished.

But here, those powers poured into his body replying to the internal power he had consumed before.

At this time, Chu Xiu can finally be sure that this is indeed the place where Dugu only me and Ning Xuanji played against each other in the past.

Lu Jianghe in the Blood Soul Pearl also said: "This is indeed the power left by the sect master, tsk tsk, the old Taoist priest Ning Xuanji is so powerful, the sect master should not really die with him, right?"

"You know Ning Xuanji?" Chu Xiu asked casually.

Lu Jianghe said: "Of course I do. Don't forget, this deity used to be the head of the Gorefiend Hall, second only to the characters of the four major demons. The supreme power of that era, who doesn't know this deity?"

Chu Xiu just asked casually. He thought that an immortal figure like Ning Xuanji must be a master figure who had not been born for a long time. He didn't expect Lu Jianghe to know each other.

"Then what kind of person is Ning Xuanji?"

Chu Xiu is very curious about this. After all, the end of the Kunlun Demon Sect can be said to be caused by the other party, but except for the True Martial Sect, most of Ning Xuanji's deeds are in the legends, and they are too tall. Sounds a bit fake.

Lu Jianghe paused and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone, "Apart from being strong, that old Taoist is simply two people from the now legendary Ning Xuanji.

When the deity was in his hands once, the old Taoist beat me for three days and three nights. Even if the deity wanted to self-destruct and reshape his body, he had sealed the primordial spirit.

The old Taoist even asked the deity to steal the dog for him to bake and eat. The deity is the hall master of the Gorefiend Hall. To steal other people's dogs, it must be stealing without knowing it, even forceful robbery! "

Speaking of this, Lu Jianghe's whole person collapsed a little, and obviously he felt unbearable to look back on the past.


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