Meet The Leader

Chapter 857: blood for blood, tooth for tooth

PS: Thanks to the book friend 168730273 for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Wei Shuya came to worship the moon with only one person, and that was the 'Ghost Dragon Cave Lord' Wuma Shark.

The other party was from Xichu. He usually stayed in Xichu most of the time, and had the most dealings with the Moon Worship Cult, so Wei Shuya took him with him.

With Wei Shuya's status, it was very easy for him to meet the senior officials of the Moon Worship Cult.

I heard that Wei Shuya came to visit, not only Ye Shaonan, Donghuang Taiyi, the high priest and the saint, but also several other gods and witches in the Moon Worship Cult came in person, which was considered enough to give Wei Shuya face.

In fact, when it comes to seniority, Wei Shuya is really the biggest one.

Although the two sides had different positions, everyone present respected Wei Shuya.

Of course, there is one person who is a little resentful, and that is the mountain ghost in the nine gods and witches.

In the past, when Fuyu Mountain was fighting against the demons, this one was a little overwhelmed. He really thought that the Moon Worship Cult was the supreme demon. When he was negotiating an alliance with the Hidden Demons, he was slapped by Wei Shuya to the Fan Fei Cult.

Of course, on this occasion, even if the mountain ghost was not angry, he wouldn't dare to say anything, because here, he has no right to speak at all.

Donghuang Taiyi asked first, "I don't know why Mr. Wei came to my Worshiping Moon Academy?"

Wei Shuya whispered, "Chu Xiu is dead."

Dong Huangtai sighed and said, "Elder Wei, please express my condolences."

It was really a pity for Donghuang Taiyi, because he admired Chu Xiu very much, and even thought of digging Chu Xiu into the Moon Worship Cult.

He wasn't there in the first battle. If he was there, although he wouldn't fight others for Chu Xiu's sake, after all, everyone belonged to the same line of magic, and if he could, he would still help a gang.

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult also had a strange look on her face. She still couldn't believe that Chu Xiu was actually dead.

In the whole line of magic, the most outstanding of the younger generation is naturally Chu Xiu, and her radiance is completely obscured by Chu Xiu.

However, she was very curious about Chu Xiu, and at the same time, she didn't care so much about some false names and other things. Anyway, the saints of the Moon Worship Sect in all dynasties did not rely on ascetic cultivation to ascend to the top.

As a result, such a person was dead, which made the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult feel a little bit offended no matter what she thought.

Wei Shuya said solemnly: "I don't need to express my condolences, I believe in blood for blood, blood for blood, and tooth for tooth!

This time, the old man came to ask the leader of the night to take action. The **** monk Rama can't deal with the hidden demons right now. "

Donghuang Taiyi and the others frowned immediately.

The Moon Worship Cult had just finished a battle of righteous demons, and at this time, he didn't want to take another shot.

But before Dong Huangtai and the others refused, Wei Shuya took out a booklet and said solemnly: "This is the handbook of the old master Dugu explaining the martial arts to his four great demons, as long as the night leader agrees, this is you. of."

There are not many others in the Hidden Demon lineage, but there are definitely many things left behind by the old Kunlun Demon Sect.

But this note does not belong to the hidden demon lineage, but belongs to Wei Shuya.

In the past, the five heavenly demons of Jiutian Mountain, some of them were the direct descendants of the real Kunlun Demon Sect, and they had a lot of good things in their hands.

After the destruction of the five great demons, they deliberately handed everything over to Wei Shuya before they died, so Wei Shuya's family background was not ordinary.

At this time, before Emperor Dong Huangtai said anything, Ye Shaonan said directly: "I promise."

For Ye Shaonan, he may not even want to learn the martial arts experience of Dugu Wei I, he just wants to see how much difference there is between himself and Dugu Wei I!

Wei Shuya laughed loudly, threw the manual to Ye Shaonan, and said, "Cult Master Ye is happy!

Rama was handed over to Master Ye, as long as Master Ye could guarantee that Rama would not take a step out of the Subhuti Temple, the rest would be left to me, the Hidden Demons! "

After speaking, Wei Shuya left directly, and Ye Shaonan also left with the manual.

At this time, the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult suddenly asked Donghuang Taiyi: "When Chu Xiu was killed, you were not there? If you were there, would you help that kid?"

Dong Huangtai thought for a while and said: "Most likely, he will, but that kid suits my temper very well, it's a pity to stay in the hidden demon lineage.

Wei Lao is a character, and he dares to play so big at such a young age, but the others are just timid. "

"Aren't you afraid of raising tigers? After all, that kid is from the Hidden Demon lineage. Although we say that we are all demons, they are not the same way."

Dong Huangtai laughed and said: "That kid may be a tiger, but the sect master is a dragon, the dragon among people!

As long as the leader is there, no matter who he is, the leader can suppress him.

Forget it, it's useless to think about these things now. Whether Chu Xiu dies or not, it will be good for me to worship the moon.

I was the protagonist in the previous battle between the demons, and I was the protagonist of the Cult of the Moon. Now, it’s time for these guys from the hidden demon lineage to be making a fuss. "

Donghuang Taiyi thought well, and the hidden demons started to make a fuss, and the power was far beyond the imagination of Jianghu people.

Half a month later, almost all of the powerhouses of the Hidden Demon lineage headed to the land of the southern barbarians, and began to attack and kill the warriors outside the Subhuti Temple, as well as some southern barbarian tribes who were close to the Subhuti Temple.

The monks of the Subhuti Temple do not give birth, and they also need to accept offerings.

Therefore, in the land of the southern barbarians, there are many tribes who are willing to devote themselves to cultivating Buddhism and worship the Subhuti Temple.

Of course, this is just a nice saying. In fact, these Nanban tribes need the military protection of Subhuti Temple. At the same time, they provide Subhuti Temple with various resources and other things.

And this time in the attack of the hidden demon lineage, these people have also become one of the targets.

Since then, many Nanman tribes have been frightened by the news, and immediately smashed the Buddha statues in their homes. As long as someone came to the door, they directly said that they would not be at odds with the bald donkey of the Subhuti Temple, and only asked the other party to spare their lives.

The practice of the Hidden Demons is simply digging the foundation of Subhuti Zen Temple and destroying the reputation of Subhuti Zen Temple, so Subhuti Zen Temple is also ready to start counterattack immediately.

But at this time, Ye Shaonan, the leader of worshiping the moon, went to the Subhuti Temple in the south, and fought again with Rama, forcing Rama to be unable to come out of the Subhuti Temple.

Of course, even so, Subhuti Temple is one of the two Buddhist schools in the north and south, even if Rama is not there, the others are not vegetarians.

The Subhuti Temple immediately issued an edict to recall all the ascetic monks outside, and some strong men in the sect also took action one after another, and started a fierce battle with the hidden demons. Bodhi Temple.

Because the place where the battle took place was the entire southern barbarian land, and what was destroyed was also the foundation of the Subhuti Temple, so no matter how hard it was fought, it was the Subhuti Temple that suffered.

For this matter, most of the Jianghu people's point of view is one, that is to wait and see.

The Hidden Demon lineage died of a future heir of the sect, and it was still an excellent one. The anger was certain, but if the Hidden Demon lineage was to endure it, either the other party had a conspiracy, or the other party had already done it.

So now, there is no one to block the venting of the hidden demon lineage. They just want to see what the strength of the hidden demon lineage has reached.

If things are out of control, then they will join hands to stop them, otherwise, what are they doing together? Save yourself being splattered with blood.

In the end, the result of this incident was not what the Jianghu people expected. The battle situation was really controlled within a certain range. After half a month, the two parties had already ended the truce.

The Subhuti Temple suffered a lot of losses, and there were also some casualties on the side of the Hidden Demons. If they continued to fight, they would probably die endlessly, so the two sides had to withdraw.

Of course, the most important reason is that the manual Wei Shuya gave Ye Shaonan was only enough for Ye Shaonan to persist for so long.

Without Ye Shaonan's interception, the Hidden Demons wouldn't dare to be so arrogant in the land of the southern barbarians.

After a few months like this, the rivers and lakes were completely peaceful, and after the storm, it was quiet and peaceful again.

As for Chu Xiu, other than those who were deeply involved with him, who would remember him? If this arena is gone, everyone will turn around, and if it is gone, it will only be a passerby.


Dongqi, Changlin County, Jeju Prefecture, Anping Street.

This street is the largest and most prosperous street in Jeju Prefecture. The warriors who travel to and from Jeju Prefecture are also the most common here, selling or buying some weapons and pills, or some rare treasures and other things.

Before, because King Anle Jiang Wenyuan was still alive and had the reputation of being a corporal of the Anle Palace, there were quite a few warriors going to and from Jeju.

However, with the collapse of the Anle Palace a few years ago, this Jeju Palace is not easy to mix.

At this time, in a shop called Treasure Pavilion on Anping Street, a stocky old shopkeeper was slowly basking in the sun at the door.

His Treasure Pavilion is the property of the five-won gang, a big gang in Jeju Prefecture. On weekdays, there are a lot of customers coming and going, but now it is noon, but there are still not many people. He, the shopkeeper, can only sit at the door and bask in the sun.

At this moment, a thin middle-aged man described as sleazy came out of nowhere, came to the shopkeeper and said, "Manager Sun, don't sleep, I've brought you something good."

Shopkeeper Sun opened his eyes slowly, and said disdainfully, "It's you, Li Busan, are you so full that you came to tease me? Just your virtue, what good things can you have on your body? "

Li Busan said loudly, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances: "I said that the treasurer Sun, as the saying goes, people can't be good-looking, and the sea can't be measured, how do you know the day when I, Li Busan, didn't develop?

Let me tell you, at the time, I accompanied the big man on the rivers and lakes in Jeju Prefecture, and they gave me a piece of purple gold. Now I am not willing to spend it, and I am staying at home to worship it. "

Shopkeeper Sun said disdainfully: "Don't brag, the big man you mentioned died in the secret realm with the eminent monk of the Subhuti Temple a few months ago, and you don't have to make offerings in the future, just offer incense.

I tell you, kid, if you make fun of me, the consequences will be very serious. "

Li Busan laughed and said: "Look at what you said, I can't rub someone, and I can't rub you. Look, the good things are here."

Saying that, Li Busan carefully took out a package, which contained several secret boxes, several bottles of medicinal pills, and several pieces of broken copper and iron, among which was a red round bead, which was as bright as red. Blood, it's like blood condensed into general.


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