Meet The Leader

Chapter 844: chaos

Bu Tiannan is recognized as a lunatic in the arena, and this person does not think much about the consequences.

The Qinglong Association is just a killer organization hidden in the dark, but the last time the rudder was destroyed, Bu Tiannan dared to go to the Daguang Temple in person and fight Xuyun. High profile things.

Even when this person was not the dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society in the past, the things he did were quite extraordinary.

When other assassins of the Azure Dragon Society went to kill their targets, most of them were assassinations. They looked for the time when the opponent was most negligent, and then shot, killed them with one hit, and immediately escaped.

Just like in the past, when Chu Xiu was the killer of the Qinglong Society, he would use some tricks.

Anyway, whether it's a forbearance assassination or a plan to kill people, they are the methods often used by the Qinglong Association killers.

But Bu Tiannan was different. He wanted to kill someone, so he stood upright in front of others and said he wanted to kill him, then beheaded all the people who were in front of him, and finally killed the target person, even if it was a mission finished.

Killer Killer, in Bu Tiannan's understanding, as long as he kills, that's enough.

Therefore, over the years, Bu Tiannan has not performed the most missions or completed the most tasks, but he has definitely killed the most people.

Such a bizarre thinking question is quite simple. If Chu Xiu doesn't give him face and slaps him in the face, he should be killed!

Even if Wei Shuya was in front, he was unafraid and directly fought with Wei Shuya.

Just now Bu Tiannan could easily suppress Duguli, but now facing Wei Shuya, it is not so easy.

At this time, on the side of the Sun Brothers, they were already in jeopardy.

Chu Xiu has already demonstrated the Blood Shadow Dafa. More than a dozen blood shadows circled around the two at an extremely fast speed. All kinds of martial arts fell on the head, and the blood was flying. There was the blood of the Blood Shadow Dafa, and there were also these two. The blood of people being vomited blood.

The two of them couldn't hold on and shouted, "Senior Shen, save me!"

In fact, in terms of age, Shen Baochen is not too big. In the real fire refining spirit realm, he is considered to be the youngest group.

So if it is calculated by age, he is actually in the same generation as the Sun brothers.

But now these two have even shouted out their seniors, obviously they were forced to be afraid.

Shen Baochen of Zanwangjianlu is a very low-key person. It should be said that the entire Zanwangjianlu is very low-key, just like the martial arts they cultivated, very calm.

At first, Shen Baochen hadn't planned to take care of this matter.

But now that these two have already asked for help, Shen Baochen can't ignore it.

Just when he just walked out, Fang Qishao also pulled Du Guli's sleeve and said, "Uncle Shi, do me a favor and block Shen Baochen.

Just now, Brother Lu is also helping me fight for the Chilong Slaying. Now that he is in trouble, I can't help but help, right?

You are not helping Chu Xiu, but Lu Fengxian. "

Duguli snorted lightly, but did not refuse, but stood up to meet Shen Baochen.

If he were to save Chu Xiu, Duguli would never take action, and it would be useless to let Fang Qishao persuade him.

But I have to say that Lu Fengxian has a charm of its own. Even if Duguli saw Lu Fengxian, he didn't feel any disgust, and even admired it a little.

The warriors in Sword King City are generally not very good-tempered, and they all have high self-esteem and are unreasonable, so it is easy to offend people.

Some high-level officials of these Sword King City also know it, but they can't change it. They just hope that the next generation can change it.

As a result, the next generation really changed, but only Fang Qishao.

But looking at Fang Qishao's virtue, Sword King City could not wait for him to change.

Thinking that the future Sword King City will be handed over to such a guy, Duguli feels a little bad.

If Fang Qishao could do things like Lu Fengxian, be sincere and generous, and make friends all over the world, how great would it be?

Therefore, Duguli is also very pleasing to the eye of Lu Fengxian, and he doesn't mind helping a bunch of people who are pleasing to the eye.

"Shen Baochen, are you also involved in this kind of thing?" Duguli stood up and said.

They are all members of the five major sword factions. The relationship between Sword King City and Zuowang Jianlu is not good, but it is not bad. Occasionally, there is a little friction because of the position of the head of the five sword factions, but they can still talk.

Shen Baochen frowned and said, "Otherwise? Watching that Chu Xiu kill the Sun brothers? Where is the majesty of my righteous path?"

As one of the five major sword sects, Zuowangjianlu is not like Tianshifu and Daguang Temple.

He didn't know what Chu Xiu was trying to do, but he couldn't watch Chu Xiu kill the Sun brothers who were in the same line of righteousness under his nose.

Duguli pouted and said, "The Sun family's virtues are considered righteous?

Old Man Sun is a typical unprofitable young generation, but he is the one who shrinks his head the fastest when he encounters a dangerous crisis. He is a thief.

You are the righteous way, but the Sun family may be what it is.

In the past, when the Kunlun Demon Sect was there, the Sun family was very ingratiating to the Kunlun Demon Sect, and sent pills and weapons to send their daughters.

But did the Sun family take action in the last battle between the demons? Not even a fart! "

Shen Baochen shook his head and said, "Then I can't turn a blind eye, otherwise, what will my reputation for sitting and forgetting swords be?"

Duguli pulled out his fiery long sword and said lightly: "Okay, don't talk about so much useless things.

You sit and forget the sword cottage to seek fame, but my Sword King City doesn't care about fame.

Today, this matter is not with you, mind your own business in my Sword King City.

You and I may not have discussed each other for many years, but this old man wants to see how strong your swordsmanship has become. "

The voice fell, and Du Guli also fought with Shen Baochen.

Of course, the two of them didn't actually have any killing intent in this battle, they were just learning from each other.

Part of Dugu Li was because Fang Qishao begged, and part of it was because he admired Lu Fengxian.

And Shen Baochen was just because of his reputation. If he couldn't see this scene today, he would definitely be too lazy to care about these things.

So the two of them don't look at the fierce fight, but they are actually just learning from each other.

The two pairs of real fire-refining powerhouses have already fought, and only Bei Gong Baili watched silently from the side, without making any move or expressing any opinions.

No one could see what he was thinking when the general of the Dongshan Army in Beiyan was calm when he was quiet.

Perhaps for this kind of thing, it is best for him to sit on the sidelines.

Chu Xiu was the head of Beiyan Town Martial Hall, and he was also a member of Beiyan, so it seemed a little bad if he didn't go up to help.

But he also knew that Xiang Long wanted to suppress Chu Xiu's mind.

However, in the eyes of the public at this time, if he took action against Chu Xiu, it would also ruin the reputation of the Beiyan court.

Therefore, watching the battle silently like now is the best answer.

They were deadlocked here, and most of the others were silent about Chu Xiu's pursuit of the Sun brothers.

It's none of their business, hanging up high, but they want to see how this matter can turn out in the end.

However, the ghost was constantly swimming and roaring, but no one paid any attention to it.

It wanted to provoke everyone and decided to kill Lu Fengxian, but now it was completely disturbed by Chu Xiu's killing.

The people present were not idiots either. Although they didn't know how this guy took Lu Fengxian away without knowing it, this thing didn't kill anyone else, obviously not because it was kind, but because it actually didn't. There is no such ability.

At this time, the Sun brothers had been pushed to the extreme by Chu Xiu.

The two brothers used to practice martial arts together when they were young, and they cooperated very well, but they were easily suppressed in front of Chu Xiu, and there was no room to fight back.

Sun Qili gritted his teeth while resisting with difficulty: "Chu Xiu! Are you really ready to kill them all? I, Jiangdong Sun, have never provoked you!"

Chu Xiu sneered: "Have you ever provoked me? It's so naive! In the past in the Yuenu Palace, you dare to say that you didn't want to attack me?

Besides, I am here to save you, you are possessed by that evil ghost, and now I am here to help you escape! "

The blood shadow Dafa exerted its full force, and more than ten blood shadows rushed towards the Sun brothers with whistling afterimages.

Jiangdong Sun's famous ice infuriating in the rivers and lakes is said to be able to freeze some Whether it is Gang Qi or Yuanshen, this is the case.

Seeing that Chu Xiu was still pressing forward, the two of them looked at each other, and their hands were sealed. In an instant, a biting cold air filled the air, and everything around them began to freeze, even the vitality of the heavens and the earth began to freeze in this cold air!

Freeze the world!

But this amazing cold air is not only extracting the true energy of the Sun brothers, but also extracting their own vitality.

As the cold air surged, more than a dozen blood shadows were directly frozen in it, but their faces were as pale as paper, very terrifying.

This move does not consume their own blood, but their own vitality.

Consuming blood essence can also repair a part of it, but if it consumes vitality, if there is no natural treasures and careful cultivation, it is likely to leave dark wounds that can never be healed, and even affect Shouyuan.

However, seeing that the blood shadow that was frozen in the cold air was still Chu Xiu, the Sun brothers also let out a sigh of relief.

But before they could finish their breath, Chu Xiu, who was frozen in the cold air, slowly formed his handprints. The hot Buddha's light burst out, and a phantom of the Great Sun Tathagata appeared behind Chu Xiu. Brahma singing, break everything!

Change the day!

The Great Sun Tathagata shines through the ages, and the endless cold air melts instantly.

In the Buddha's light, there is still a vague sense of demonic energy and blood, adding a hint of evil.

"Dare to resist the evil spirits? Today I will surpass you!"

Sun Qili, who has always appeared to be very self-restrained, scolded: "You are the ghost! Your whole family is a ghost! Chu Xiu! You started killing for no reason. If I were to die here today, Jiangdong Sun will be with you forever. You Chu Xiu died without a whole corpse in the end!"


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