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Chapter 826: get out

Mei Qinglian's worry is not unreasonable, this matter is a little too big.

There is no supreme powerhouse in the realm of heaven and earth, and these powerhouses in the realm of real fire refining are the ones who carry the banner.

As a result, now the one carrying the flag is dead, and it is said that he died on the body of the Daguang Temple. How can this not cause a sensation?

Besides, it is still unknown whether Yuan Tianfang died in the hands of Xudu.

Just like what Mei Qinglian said, although Yuan Tianfang was dead without a whole body, there were too many doubts about this matter and it could not stand up to scrutiny.

Chu Xiu had just turned a grievance against Yuan Tianfang, but Yuan Tianfang was killed there. Chu Xiu also made great fanfare to liquidate and kill Yuan Tianfang's disciples and grandchildren. If you say that this matter has nothing to do with Chu Xiu, who would believe it?

So after learning about this, the Hidden Demons immediately recruited Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian to join them in Dongqi.

Nominally, it is to ask about the details of the matter, but in fact, it means more interrogation.

This time, the place was arranged in a secret stronghold around Daliang City, the capital of Eastern Qi. Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian had been on the road for nearly a month without any rest, and then they came to Daliang City.

Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian were so anxious just because he wanted to see Wei Shuya in advance, but things seemed to have changed a bit. In order to prevent Wei Shuya from saying anything to Chu Xiu, others in the Hidden Demon lineage deliberately let people stay on the beam. Around the city, as soon as Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian appeared, they were invited there, and there was no chance to meet Wei Shuya at all.

In the underground hall of the secret stronghold, several bigwigs from the hidden demon lineage gathered together. Chu Xiu saw Wei Shuya and several others, but they were not as comprehensive as when the demons were fighting.

However, this is quite normal. Yuan Tianfang's death was just a personal problem, and the last time was a major event that affected the entire landscape of the rivers and lakes. Of course, he had to be more cautious.

Wei Shuya looked at Chu Xiu without the slightest expression on his face, so he could not tell whether he was happy or angry.

Everyone knows the relationship between him and Chu Xiu, so on this occasion, unless it is a critical moment, it is indeed not suitable for him to make some remarks.

At this time, a big boss of the hidden demon lineage, whose whole body was shrouded in black robes, said solemnly: "Chu Xiu, we are looking for you, I believe you already know.

Yuan Tianfang is dead, what can you say? "

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Feng Manlou has already spread the news, what can I say?"

"Fengmanlou is the news of Fengmanlou, but why do I feel that there is something wrong with this? Daguang Temple should know that Yuan Tianfang is one of the leaders of my hidden demon lineage. They tried their best to kill Yuan Tianfang, what did they want? "

Chu Xiu suddenly laughed and said, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

The boss of the hidden demon line frowned and said, "Of course it's the truth."

"The truth is a little disrespectful to Senior Yuan, you must listen to it."

"Of course you have to listen!"

Chu Xiu snorted softly: "If that's the case, then don't blame me for speaking badly, Yuan Tianfang was killed, he deserved it!

I know that you all suspect me to play tricks in it, because I have a grudge with Yuan Tianfang.

But you can see what Yuan Tian has done in Beiyan. He is purely provoking the bottom line of Daguang Temple.

When I was in charge of Zhenwutang, I cooperated vertically and horizontally, coerced and lured, and added killing and deterrence. Only then did I control part of the situation in Beiyan Wulin, and after fighting against the virtual crossing of Daguang Temple, this could be considered to be in Beiyan. stand.

The Daguang Temple didn't move me, just because the Daguang Temple didn't have time to move me now, and I also abide by the default rules of everyone, and I didn't mess around.

And what did Yuan Tianfang do when he arrived in Beiyan? With his disciples and grandchildren, he disturbed the entire Beiyan Wulin, and he simply did not leave any way for people to survive.

Before his death, a lot of the head of the Beiyan Wulin faction had gone to the Daguang Temple to complain and complain. As the head of the Beiyan Wulin Daguang Temple, could he not take action in this situation?

I even abandoned my previous suspicions and wanted to save Yuan Tianfang. After all, the other party was a real fire-refining powerhouse of my hidden demon lineage. To die would be a big loss for my hidden demon lineage.

But it is a pity that the cultivation base of Xudu is unfathomable. It is only a matter of time for the opponent to break through the realm of real fire. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the second Chen Qingdi. I shot the opponent with all my strength, but it also I have no choice but to let him kill and leave. If I forcibly intercept it, I am afraid that I will end up there in the end. "

In order to find an excuse, Chu Xiu raised Xudu's strength several times.

Chu Xiu is not afraid of them guessing, because Xu Du is indeed very low-key and rarely fights with people.

Among the hidden demons, there is only one Chu Wuji who has played against Xu Du, but he will definitely not expose it.

After Chu Xiu finished speaking, everyone present was silent.

Indeed, if Yuan Tianfang's behavior is carefully studied, it is indeed a bit of a death. Coupled with the nosy character of Daguang Temple, it is really possible to shoot at him.

At this time, someone suddenly asked: "The Daguang Temple killed Yuan Tianfang is justified and well-founded, but according to us, after Yuan Tianfang's death, you are killing his disciples, why is this? You dare to say that you are not because of personal grudges. ?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "To tell the truth, there are indeed some elements of personal resentment, but this is not the real reason. The real reason is that I killed them for the sake of the overall situation!"

Someone very popular laughed and said: "You murdered the same sect, is it still the big picture?"

Chu Xiu snorted coldly: "You are not in Beiyan, I am afraid you don't know what Yuan Tianfang did.

Most of the nonsense was caused by his disciples and grandchildren, which can be said to be gnashing of hatred.

When I killed them, I gave Beiyan Wulin an explanation, and I gave an explanation to Daguang Temple, and this matter is over.

If I don’t do this, I will be caught by the Daguang Temple, and then I will attack my Zhenwutang, or even the entire Hidden Demon lineage. At that time, will my Hidden Demon lineage be fighting or not? "

Chu Xiu sighed and said: "The war between the righteous and the demons has just ended, and both the Ming and the righteous lines have been injured. It can be said that it is a good time for my hidden demons to recuperate.

As a result, some people, as one of the leaders of the Hidden Demon lineage, have no idea of ​​the overall situation, and are arrogant, almost provoking a fierce battle between the Righteous Dao Martial Arts and the Hidden Demon Lineage.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you say that the Hidden Demons are not afraid of the Daguang Temple, and they are not afraid to fight with the righteous martial arts, then that's fine, then I'm wrong, I'm willing to take the blame and make merit, as a pioneer to fight the Daguang Temple to the death.

But on the other hand, if you don't want to fight the Daguang Temple, it will prove that I did the right thing.

Killing a few idiots who only know how to make troubles, in exchange for the Daguang Temple to calm down and preserve the overall situation, I think it is worth it! "

Chu Xiu's remarks were loud, and the expression on his face was even more upright, as if he had suffered a great grievance, but he still thought about the hidden demons.

Everyone present looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Although there are many doubts about this matter, Chu Xiu has explained it all. Now that there is no proof, what else can they do?

The most important thing is that Chu Xiu just poked at their sore spot.

That is the entire line of hidden demons now, and no one wants to go to war with Daguang Temple.

Just as Daguang Temple does not want to have a fierce battle with the hidden demon lineage now, it is now torn apart, and the hidden demon lineage without a backbone does not want to fight with the Daguang Temple, because there is no benefit.

The last battle between the righteous and the devil was related to the situation between the righteous and the devil. Even if there was really no benefit to them personally, they had to take action, but now, they have a choice, but no one wants to shot.

Chu Xiu took advantage of this, holding the Invisible Demon Lineage as a deterrent at the Daguang Temple, but now at the Invisible Demon Lineage, he used the Daguang Temple as a deterrent, and the effect was quite good.

Someone coughed and said, "Since that's the case, then Xiaoyou Chu, let's go down first, this time it will be difficult for you, Xiaoyou Chu.

Although it is a junior, it is not easy, not easy, to have such a big picture. "

At this time, everyone praised Chu Xiu, and Mei Qinglian, who was watching from the side, was stunned for a She saw everything Chu Xiu did, and committed the following crimes, killing her fellow sect, and in the end, On the contrary, he Chu Xiu has a big picture, which makes people speechless.

Chu Xiu walked down with an open face, Wei Shuya also followed, and said solemnly: "Go back with me first."

In this secret stronghold, the big men of the hidden family have their own separate rooms. After bringing Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian in, Wei Shuya stared at Chu Xiu and said solemnly, "Tell me, people. Did you kill him? I don't believe that your kid can have such a big picture. If you really did, you wouldn't have killed Situ when you were fighting against the righteous demons of the Moon Worship Cult."

Chu Xiu glanced around, and Wei Shuya snorted softly, "There are soundproof formations in the room, so no one else can hear it."

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "You can't hide anything from Mr. Wei, man, it was indeed me who killed him, and I joined hands with Xudu to kill him."

Hearing this, Wei Shuya took a deep breath, even though he had vaguely guessed what happened before, he still couldn't accept that Yuan Tianfang died in Chu Xiu's hands.

Although Chu Xiu had the experience of beheading Fang Jinwu before, this time was fundamentally different from that time.

Although Fang Jinwu is a real fire refining spirit powerhouse, he is an old and outdated guy, not worth mentioning.

And although Yuan Tianfang was not at the peak at this time, he was definitely not old.

The most important thing is that Yuan Tianfang is one of the leaders of the hidden demon lineage. Regardless of their relationship, both parties have known each other for so long, but now they were killed by Chu Xiu. Kind of awkward.

Even Wei Shuya didn't expect that Chu Xiu's strength had grown to such a level.


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