Meet The Leader

Chapter 819: Here's your chance!

Zong Ping thought he was lucky, but in fact he was unlucky.

The city of Yanjing is so big, there are countless wind agents and some small forces, but he chose a wind agent who is related to Chu Xiu.

The name of the mediator Zong Ping asked was Lu You. He was not a big man in Fengmanlou, but he had some fame in the branch of Beiyan Fengmanlou.

But a few years ago, when Luyou was still in Yandong, he was the first Fengmanlou wind media to cooperate with Chu Xiu.

It can be said that in the past, Chu Xiu was able to step into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. Although Qi Yuanli made the final decision, the news was delivered by Lu You.

Several years have passed, Chu Xiu has jumped from being a loose cultivator in the past to become a giant owl of magic, and even the first person of the entire younger generation of magic, with amazing power.

As for Luyou, he is much more normal.

Fengmanlou's Jianghu wind media has never been promoted too fast. Fengmanlou comes according to the rules, and you can go wherever you can get as much news as you can.

However, Beiyan is inherently flawed, and the martial arts forces cannot compare with Eastern Qi or even Western Chu, so basically there are not many major events happening, and Luyou has spent several years only from the rivers and lakes of Yandong. The media turned to Yanjing City, a river and lake wind media in the capital of northern Yanjing, and was one of the responsible persons.

The monk from the Daguang Temple came to buy the news of Chu Xiu, but he was still such a fierce monk, an idiot could see it, this was definitely not a good thing.

Fengmanlou has rules and cannot disclose information about customers, but the monk just now is not a customer, and he is still intimidating himself.

Since this is the case, then there is no problem in revealing his news by himself.

The most important thing is that intuition tells Lu You that there is definitely big news to dig out. If he becomes a witness to all this, after getting the news, his status in Fengmanlou will definitely rise to a higher level.

Although Zong Ping has traveled in the arena and has some experience in the arena, he has forgotten one thing, that is, everyone is selfish, and he is still too credulous, even the reputable Fengmanlou.

During this period of time, Chu Xiu had all retreated in the Zhenwu Hall. It happened that he was interrupted when he was familiar with the Blood Shadow Dafa, and he could make up for it this time.

Someone outside reported that an old friend was visiting, which made Chu Xiu very strange. What old friend does he have in Beiyan?

After asking someone to invite Lu You in, Lu You cupped his hands to Chu Xiu with a smile on his face: "I don't know if Master Chu still recognizes him?"

Chu Xiu squinted at Lu You, he felt that the other party was a little familiar, but he really couldn't recognize who the other party was.

After all, so many years have passed, and Luyou at that time was just a small role.

Lu You didn't care, it was normal that Chu Xiu didn't remember him, so he said directly: "Fengmanlou is under his command, and Beiyan branch building winds and mediates Luyou. In the past, when Lord Chu was still at the helm of the Qinglonghuitian, he once bought it. Gave me a lot of information."

Hearing Lu You's words, Chu Xiu suddenly remembered and said, "Oh, so it was you, Brother Lu's information from the past helped me a lot."

Lu You hurriedly said: "I don't dare to call Master Chu a brother. This time, I want to send you a message to Master Chu."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? What news?"

Lu You said solemnly, "Someone wants to kill you, Lord Chu!"

Chu Xiu said with a faint smile: "There are not ten thousand people who want to kill me, Chu, and there are eight thousand people. Maybe there are people who are gnashing their teeth and want to kill me with a thousand swords. You don't need to tell me, I am also Know."

Lu You scratched his head, smiled awkwardly, and said, "I didn't make it clear, the one who wants to kill Master Chu is someone from Daguang Temple, and the person has already arrived in Yanjing City, and it seems like I forced you to come here, Master Chu. intelligence news.

You know my strength, I can't resist at all, you can only obey.

But what I gave him was only your previous news, Master Chu, and there were no deep secrets. "

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "The people from the Daguang Temple want to kill me? Shouldn't it?"

If the Daguang Temple was going to do it, it would have done it as early as the old days, so why did it wait until now?

Lu You explained: "It's Zong Ping, a disciple of the King Kong Academy of Daguang Temple. He is a disciple of the Feng family. His father died at the hands of Master Chu some time ago, and the Feng family was also destroyed by you, Master Chu."

The information of Fengmanlou is very detailed. Unless you are really unknown, as long as you have a little bit of fame in the arena, Fengmanlou will include it.

On the way here, Lu You has successfully obtained the detailed information about Zong Ping.

Chu Xiu touched his chin, it turned out to be so, but he didn't care.

With the exception of Zong Xuan, no one has stepped into the realm of martial arts masters.

For the current Chu Xiu, under the martial arts master, he is almost like an ant, so don't care.

He has done a lot of things to destroy his family in these years. Anyone who wants to kill him can directly form a sect. He is just a junior warrior. It is estimated that if it is not the identity of the other party's Daguang Temple, Lu You will not come to report. Invite credit.

But at this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, but it shocked Lu You.

Chu Xiu suddenly asked: "This Zongping wants to kill me, what means do you think he will use? Or he has been eroded by hatred, so he is going to kill me like this?"

Lu You hesitated for a while, wondering why Chu Xiu asked that.

But after thinking about it, he still said: "Although this Zong Ping hates Master Chu, he doesn't seem to be crazy, and he is very sober and will not be impulsive and reckless.

If he wants to kill you, the easiest way is to poison you.

In the past, you used Heartbroken Gu as a guide, which made Fang Jinwu's strength plummet, and finally killed him by leaps and bounds.

Now Zong Ping may be thinking the same thing. Using something like a highly poisonous thing to weaken your strength, Master Chu, may not fail. "

Not everyone knows the details of Chu Xiu's killing of Fang Jinwu last time. Only some people who have really studied Chu Xiu know about it.

The world can only see that Chu Xiu used the next method to poison Fang Jinwu, but in fact, if this trick works so well, then the strongest in the world should be the Five Poison Religion.

But in fact, this trick is extremely difficult to poison.

Ordinary martial arts masters are experienced existences and are very sensitive to any abnormal factors, and their own perception is already amazing.

Therefore, even if the poison is really colorless and tasteless, and there is no way to detect it, they can sense the danger of the existence above the martial arts master, so as to avoid this disaster.

The last time Chu Xiu succeeded in gushing, in fact, it was mainly because Chu Xiu controlled Fang Jinwu's disciple Chen Jinting and used him to attack, which reduced Fang Jinwu's vigilance to a minimum.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Did Zong Ping ask you to provide him with my real-time news?"

Lu You hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Chu Xiu said: "Then tell him later, after three days, I will eat with Yuan Tian in the Yuesheng Building in Yanjing City."

Lu You glanced at Chu Xiu in surprise, what exactly does this guy want to do?

For an existence like Zong Ping, he had already disclosed the news to Chu Xiu. He didn't have to take action himself, but sent a few elites under him to easily crush the opponent.

As a result, now Chu Xiu seems to be fishing, just to catch a Zong Ping, is it interesting?

Lu You was very puzzled, but after meeting Chu Xiu's eyes, he immediately nodded and said, "No problem, Master Chu, I'll do it right away."

Chu Xiu nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, then this matter will trouble you, I have a good relationship with Qi Yuanli, who is full of wind, and I will mention you more in front of him.

Also, you sent me such a message, what do you want? "

In the early years, Chu Xiu did have some cooperation with this Luyou, but it was only limited to cooperation, and the friendship between the two sides was not too deep.

The world is all for profit, and now that the other party is rushing to deliver news to him, all idiots know that Lu You must have a plan.

Lu You laughed and said: "Don't take offense, Master Chu, what I want is actually very I just want to stay by your side during this period of time, and I want to see how you got the town back. Wutang's, this is great news."

Chu Xiu looked at Lu You with a half-smile but not a smile and said, "You Feng Manlou must know about Yuan Tianfang, but the other party is a powerhouse in the realm of real fire, so you have so much confidence in me?"

Lu You nodded and said, "If it were someone else, of course I don't have confidence, but if it is you, Master Chu, I can guarantee that in the end this Zhenwutang will definitely return to your hands."


"Because you are Chu Xiu."

A smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face. People who are full of wind can indeed speak well. This flattery is naturally not explicit, and it is quite refreshing and refined.

After Lu You left, he immediately sent a message to Zong Ping.

After learning the news, Zong Ping immediately began to dress up in disguise, and with the help of Lu You's "active", he changed a fake identity and mixed into Yuesheng Building in advance.

On Chu Xiu's side, he asked Mei Qinglian to spread the word, and asked Yuan Tian to have a chat at Yuesheng Building.

Both parties were in the Zhenwu Hall, but Chu Xiu insisted on taking him to talk outside. In Yuan Tianfang's opinion, Chu Xiu was afraid that he couldn't hold it any longer, and he was about to surrender.

But Yuan Tianfang didn't intend to let Chu Xiu go like this, how could he just let it go?

But Yuan Tianfang still agreed to Chu Xiu, for nothing else, he just wanted to humiliate Chu Xiu on the spot.

In the past, when he wanted to move Chu Xiu, not only Wei Shuya came forward to intercept him, but also Dong Huang Taiyi spoke for him. He, a real fire refining spirit powerhouse, was also a big boss of the hidden demon lineage. He wanted to deal with a junior unexpectedly. Still so aggrieved, Yuan Tian was already burning with anger.

Now, it's time to come back!


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