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Chapter 813: Yuan Tianfang's revenge

ps: Thanks to the book friends for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Outside the city of Yanjing, an old man wearing a black robe with a lunar face looked at the city wall in front and said in a low voice: "This is Yanjing City? The northern barbarian land is not as prosperous as the Central Plains, just like Western Chu. That's about the same place."

There were several warriors beside him, and one of them looked a little bit like a rooster and immediately smiled and said, "Master is right, Beiyan was still being beaten by Dongqi decades ago, and it's not until now. Turning over, it’s not bad to have this scale.”

The old man sneered: "Then Chu Xiu does not stay in the Central Plains, and hides in this northern barbarian land and hangs out, it is not good!"

Several warriors around said: "Yes, this time when the master comes, he will definitely want that Chu Xiu to look good, the hatred of the senior brother, can't be ignored!"

This old man is Yuan Tianfang, the 'Old Demon of the Ten Directions', and some of his disciples.

In the past, during the battle between the demons, Chu Xiu killed Yuan Tianfang's favorite disciple, Xing Situ.

But at that time, with Wei Shuya blocking him and Dong Huang Taiyi speaking for him, Yuan Tianfang couldn't move Chu Xiu even if he wanted to.

And after returning, there were also a lot of bigwigs from the hidden demon lineage who told Yuan Tian to calm down, Chu Xiu couldn't kill him, at least he couldn't kill him now.

The current Chu Xiu is the face of the hidden demon lineage, not to mention the hidden demon lineage, it is not an exaggeration to say that he Chu Xiu is the first person in the entire younger generation of magic.

Such an existence can be beheaded by a person of the righteous martial arts, but he cannot die at the hands of his own.

The entire Demon Dao was originally divided into two lines, the Ming Demon and the Hidden Demon, and the Hidden Demon lineage was not united.

So Yuan Tianfang can kill Chu Xiu, but he will have to wait until Chu Xiu is not so conspicuous, and even Wei Shuya and others are disappointed with him. If he kills Chu Xiu again, then he will have nothing to worry about.

However, Yuan Tianfang thought about it carefully, with the strength of Chu Xiu and the potential he has shown now, he is afraid that he will not be able to wait for that day. After all, he is not young anymore.

The more he thought about Yuan Tianfang, the more he couldn't hold his breath, so he personally brought some of his disciples with him in the land of Beiyan and came to trouble Chu Xiu.

Of course, Yuan Tianfang wasn't going to kill Chu Xiu directly. If he could, he would have killed him long ago.

Yuan Tianfang was going to push Chu Xiu out first, so that he would have no place in the entire Beiyan!

At this time, a dissatisfied scolding suddenly came: "I said what are you guys doing? If you don't go, get out of the way. Good dogs don't get in the way, do you know?"

Yuan Tianfang and others stood at the gate of the city, seemingly blocking the way for a small family caravan to enter the city.

Others can detour, but the caravan of that small family is too numerous to detour.

At this moment, in front of the vehicle, a young gentleman was pointing at Yuan Tianfang and cursing, looking extremely impatient.

A steward next to him wanted to stop him. After all, he was away from home, and it was better to do less. It was not good to cause trouble, but his hand was not as quick as the young man's mouth.

Yuan Tianfang looked back at the young son with a blank expression, but this look made the young son's face suddenly show endless horror, as if he saw something incomparably terrifying.

The other people in the caravan didn't feel anything like momentum, but they didn't dare to move a step.

Yuan Tianfang turned his head and walked into the city of Yanjing with his disciples. At this time, the talents of the caravan seemed to have been released from the immobilization method, and they dared to move.

"My son, my son."

The steward of the caravan pulled the young man who was still standing still, but the next moment, the young man seemed to melt, his bones and flesh were all turned into a mess, only one still with him The human skin with a terrified expression remained, which immediately led to a terrified scream.

Yuan Tianfang walked down the street and snorted softly: "In the land of barbarians, there is no etiquette, and you won't even say a word of request? Where is the palace? Take your teacher to see Xiang Long."

It is difficult for others to meet the emperor of Beiyan, but it is very simple for a powerhouse like Yuan Tianfang.

He stood directly at the gate of the palace, revealing a little bit of his aura of the real fire refining spirit realm. Immediately, a master from the palace came out to inquire, and then respectfully welcomed him into the palace.

In a hall in the palace, Xiang Long looked at Yuan Tianfang below and said solemnly, "I don't know why Mr. Yuan came to my Beiyan, why?"

The name of 'Old Demon of the Ten Fangs' Yuan Tianfang is still very famous in the arena. The moment Yuan Tianfang appeared, someone had already handed over all his information to Xiang Long.

Xiang Long was also at a loss for Yuan Tianfang's sudden approach.

Yuan Tianfang was a native of the Central Plains. After he was shriveled in Longhu Mountain in Western Chu, he spent most of his time in Dongji Mountain near Donghai Bay.

Yuan Tianfang didn't even raise his head, and said lightly, "This old man is not used to talking to people with his head raised."

In the eyes of a powerhouse like Yuan Tianfang, who has reached the realm of real fire refining, any imperial power in the world is bullshit.

That is to say, the current Beiyan and Dongqi are all major countries in the world, such as the small country of Wei, the predecessor of Weijun, and Yuan Tianfang, a powerhouse in the realm of real fire, can destroy a country by himself without wasting his strength.

Therefore, he treats Xiang Long the same way he treats the head of some major powers, or even worse.

Because those patriarchs at least have some strength, but Xiang Long doesn't even have strength, and he can kill him with one finger.

Of course, the reason why he didn't pinch to death was that in the Beiyan court, there were strong people who could compare with him.

For example, he just said a word, and he felt that there were several momentums covering him.

Xiang Long waved his hand and said lightly, "Mr. Yuan is right. If you are closer, it will be easier to speak."

With that said, Xiang Long walked down the high platform above, sat opposite Yuan Tianfang, and said solemnly again: "I don't know why Mr. Yuan came to my Beiyan this time?"

This time, Yuan Tianfang nodded with satisfaction and said, "This old man is here to deal with that Chu Xiu. He killed my disciple. This matter can't be ended like this!"

Xiang Long frowned slightly.

Just as Yuan Tianfang disliked Xiang Long, a weak guy who could control so much power, Xiang Long also disliked these boring grievances and vendettas on the rivers and lakes.

So Xiang Long said directly: "Mr. Yuan has a grudge against Chu Xiu, then go straight to Chu Xiu, why did you come to my Beiyan Palace?

Besides, Mr. Yuan, do you know that Chu Xiu is the commander-in-chief of my Beiyan Town Martial Hall. You told me this, do you want me to help you kill Chu Xiu?

Killing one's own servants at will, I can't do this. "

Yuan Tianfang snorted softly: "What is Lao Shizi Zhenwutang? It's just a child playing a house.

In a word, this old man wants to make this Chu Xiu have no place in the whole Beiyan, get him away, your Luo Shizi Zhenwutang, this old man will help you support!

Whether to use the old man or Chu Xiu's fellow, you have to think about it! "

Hearing Yuan Tianfang's words, Xiang Long's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining the spirit. Although there are a few in the Beiyan court of this level of existence, no one can dislike too many such powerhouses.

The most important thing is that Xiang Long gradually felt that he seemed to be unable to suppress Chu Xiu.

Zhenwutang is an institution of the imperial court in name, but in fact it is Chu Xiu's own people.

Including those martial arts forces, they did not submit to the Beiyan court, but Zhenwutang.

Jianghu people have always been Jianghu people, and it is too difficult to make them completely become their subjects.

And what Chu Xiu did this time also made Xiang Long a little dissatisfied.

Those little tricks Chu Xiu did indeed allowed Zhenwutang to open up in the extreme north, but it wasn't enough.

What Xiang Long really meant was to let the hidden demons behind Chu Xiu fight against the Daguang Temple, but now that Chu Xiu made such a move, he had an excuse, but the Daguang Temple did not really make a move. This is similar to Xiang Long. The plans are too far apart.

But he can't just tell Chu Xiu directly, I'm just using you to fight with the Daguang Temple, then the two sides will directly tear their Originally, Xiang Long installed the five evil Taoists into the town. Wutang was used to suppress Chu Xiu.

As a result, it now seems that these five evil Taoists are too useless. They are scared by Chu Xiu and dare not show their faces, let alone conflict with Chu Xiu.

The appearance of Yuan Tianfang now gives Xiang Long a good choice.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Since this is the case, I will seal Mr. Yuan, you are enshrining the Great Elder for your Zhenwu Hall, the same level as Chu Xiu, what do you think?

It's just that the court is fair, the position is given to you, and for other things, the court will not favor you or Chu Xiu. "

Yuan Tianfang pouted and said, "You people like to make useless things, and this old man doesn't need your help."

After speaking, Yuan Tianfang turned around and left without even saying goodbye.

Xiang Long looked at Yuan Tianfang's back without the slightest expression on his face.

At this time, an old **** came out of the dark and whispered: "Your Majesty, this Yuan Tianfang is not a good person. This person had a grudge with Daomen in his early years, and countless Daomen masters died in his hands. Longhushan took action to scare him away, and this person is estimated to be even more vicious."

Xiang Long said lightly: "Don't worry, I also know the depth, if this Yuan Tianfang is another Chu Xiu, I may not dare to use him.

But this person is a standard demonic murderer, powerful and brutal, but he acts crazy, doesn't think, and doesn't know how to measure.

There are only two endings for such a person, one is to be killed in the early stage, and the other is to become stronger and stronger in the killing, and become a real magic giant.

This Yuan Tianfang is the latter, such a person, I dare to use, on the contrary, a person like Chu Xiu, I don't want to have a second person! "


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