Meet The Leader

Chapter 602: Dragon and Tiger Gather

The hidden demon lineage is not monolithic, and there are also distances between close and distant. Chu Wuji is his own, so he actually knew Chu Xiu's identity a long time ago.

Hearing what Mr. Lu said, Chu Wuji frowned slightly and said, "Senior Wei is so optimistic about this Chu Xiu that he is willing to entrust such an important task to him? Can other people from the Hidden Demon lineage be willing? After all, this is a good way to gain prestige. It can even be said that the prestige is given away in vain, but there are still many seniors in the hidden demon lineage. Although their disciples are not as good as this Chu Xiu, they are not weak."

Mr. Lu snorted softly: "Those old guys are very cunning. In the past, when my hidden demon lineage was the most urgent, they all pretended to be shrinking turtles in secret, and now it seems that my hidden demon lineage has recovered a little. With some vitality, you want to come and compete for merit? Think of the beauty!

Of the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountain, Senior Wei is the last survivor. In this matter, he said that whoever is allowed to go will go. Others want to pick peaches, but it is not that easy! "

Chu Wuji nodded, no matter what, he would definitely stand on Wei Shuya's side.

Thinking back then, when he was in despair and devoted himself to the devil's way, he had received a lot of favors from Wei Shuya.

If those sects of the right way are hypocritical and hypocritical, then the magic way is really cruel and realistic. Without strength, no one will treat you as their own.

If it wasn't for Wei Shuya helping him several times, Chu Wuji might have already died by now, and he wouldn't be able to become a martial arts master.

At this time, Mr. Lu and Chu Wuji's whispers did not attract the attention of everyone present, and their attention was now on Zhang Chengzhen and others.

After Zong Xuan, Fang Qishao, and Chu Xiu all expressed their opinions, Ying Bailu also stood up, with a gentle smile on his face: "Brother Zhang is so brave, I will accompany you!"

In the end, Li Feilian didn't say a word, but his hand was on the flying knife, and he took a step forward.

When it comes to indifference, Li Feilian was actually the most indifferent among the people present, and no one even knew what he was thinking.

But no matter how indifferent, Li Feilian is also a young man, and he also has his own arrogance.

Even if his ranking is not as good as Zhang Chengzhen's, but facing Zhang Chengzhen's challenge at this time, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will never refuse.

Everyone present couldn't help but get excited when they saw this scene. This is a once-in-a-century event!

Zhang Chengzhen will use his own strength to fight against the five heroes on the Dragon and Tiger List!

Moreover, none of the five people he is going to challenge is weak. Each of them has the strength to fight against him alone. This move is extremely dangerous. , he may also become the whetstone for Chu Xiu and the other five!

After a brief silence in the arena, there was a burst of power fluctuations that made people feel heart palpitations.

Zong Xuan and Chu Xiu were the first to take action.

Among the few people present, when it comes to the explosiveness of the shot, no one can compare to Zong Xuan and Chu Xiu. These two people can be said to be the two with the strongest attack power.

Zong Xuan squeezed the seal of King Ming of Suppressing Prison in his hand, and the four-armed King of Ming squeezed the seal with a smashing slam.

Chu Xiu slashed out with one knife, the demonic energy and the blood evil energy condensed together, and the power was fierce and powerful, but in fact, what was hidden in his knife was boundless hatred, a knife full of hatred emotions. The flesh is also Zhang Chengzhen's heart!

In the roaring wind, Zhang Chengzhen's long hair fluttered, and even a flash of lightning appeared in his eyes.

He pressed his hands down, and the cyan thunder condensed in his palm, turning into a dragon and a tiger, and the blue light and thunder splashed, rushing towards Chu Xiu and Zong Xuan.

The cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

The power of dragons and tigers gathered together, attracted the thunder, and attacked with boundless thunderstorms, crushing Zong Xuan and the sword of Ming Wangyin and Chu Xiu, and even failed to let the boundless hatred in his sword show. role to come.

But at this moment, a flying knife suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Chengzhen. There were so many warriors present, and even some martial arts masters did not see, when did Li Feilian come out with the knife!

Through the void, the knife locked onto Zhang Chengzhen's soul.

At the same time, Fang Qishao's sword has also been unsheathed, and the sword's edge is pointing directly at Zhang Chengzhen. No matter how strong the thunder is, it can't stop the seemingly simple sword, but it has a deep meaning!

Cause and effect kendo, the sword must hit!

Fang Qishao and Li Feilian are both warriors who have realized the way of cause and effect. With one sword and one sword, Zhang Chengzhen can't hide. Even if it is Chu Xiu, he has to use the emperor's qi technique to the extreme. Dodge this sword.

But Zhang Chengzhen didn't want to hide either.

Standing on the spot, at the moment when the sword came into view, Zhang Chengzhen's figure turned into a purple lightning bolt. The speed was so fast that he took a step away in an instant, even giving people an illusion. , He seemed to be standing there, not moving.

A finger lightly pointed out, and a faint thunder light bloomed.

But it was this weak light of lightning that was pulling Fang Qishao's sword and Li Feilian's sword, causing the two to collide, and Li Feilian's flying sword suddenly shattered, and Fang Qishao also took a step back.

Zhang Chengzhen actually relied on the extreme speed to crack the cause and effect!

But at this moment, Ying Bailu, who had never made a move, also moved.

His martial arts were not as violent as Chu Xiu and Zong Xuangang, nor were they as miraculous as Li Feilian and Fang Qishao, but his martial arts did not have any obvious weaknesses, enough to adapt to any situation.

The moment Zhang Chengzhen dodged, Ying Bailu actually moved.

In order to dodge that sword and sword, Zhang Chengzhen's speed was increased to the extreme, and in order to decipher the way of cause and effect, Zhang Chengzhen's attention was also increased to the extreme.

So Ying Bailu has never been paid, he is waiting, Zhang Chengzhen's state changes, as long as he relaxes a little bit, it will be his turn to shoot, and now, that opportunity has come!

The ink-colored gas turned into a black dragon and condensed into a knife, with the dragon's head as the handle, the dragon's body as the front, and the dragon's tail as the blade.

Great Dragon Sword!

With a single slash, the dragon roared, and the sword intent was extremely sharp, just in time to catch the weak gap where Zhang Chengzhen was slack.

Zhang Chengzhen didn't look back, and at this time he was in no hurry to look back.

But he was condensed by thunder light all over his body and turned into a thunder talisman to block behind him. The thunder light burst and the black dragon dissipated, but Zhang Chengzhen was also blasted out more than ten steps away.

In the first round, Zhang Chengzhen has fallen into a disadvantage!

However, in the eyes of everyone, it is normal for Zhang Chengzhen to fall into the lower hand. If he can gain the upper hand, it would be strange.

He first showed his terrifying power with the power of wind, clouds, dragons, tigers and thunder, blocking Chu Xiu and Zong Xuan, who were the most violent and violent in terms of power.

After that, he concentrated all his attention and mental power to the extreme, and cooperated with the lightning-like speed to break the way of cause and effect between Li Feilian and Fang Qishao. At this time, he seemed relaxed, but in fact he had no spare energy. , so this was repelled by the last shot, the win Bailu.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiu and the others made another move, but this time it was Fang Qishao who made the first move.

The edge of the sword light is scattered, Fang Qishao's sword seems to have spirituality, and it blocks all Zhang Chengzhen's dodging space. As long as Zhang Chengzhen moves a little bit, the sword light will change, not attacking or defending, but it is just sleepy, Fang Qishao Alone, but with the general effect of a sword formation.

Zhang Chengzhen said lightly, "The sword formation of the Sword King City? But it's useless to me."

Fang Qishao raised his eyebrows and said, "Good eyesight, but whether it's useful to you, we'll talk about it later!"

Zhang Chengzhen's body moved, and lightning flashed all over his body, but before he could break through the formation, Zong Xuan was already crushed by the dazzling Buddha's light. landslide.

Zhang Chengzhen blasted out the Five Thunders Zhengfa. Although the power of the Five Thunders Zhengfa was extremely powerful, he even seriously injured Yu Chi Feng, but in the face of Zong Xuan, whose physical cultivation was so powerful that he was abnormal, even the Five Thunders Zhengfa would not be able to. Injuring Zong Xuan only dimmed the Buddha light around him.

At the same time, Chu Xiu's whole body was full of Buddha light, and the phantom of the Great Sun Tathagata appeared behind him.

Under the great law of changing the day, the power of that palm directly enveloped Zhang Chengzhen in it, forcing Zhang Chengzhen's whole body to shine with thunder, and layers of thunder symbols were superimposed, but they burst one after another!

When Chu Xiu's strength was not as good as Zong Xuan's in the past, he used the method of changing the sun to challenge Zong Xuan in terms of strength.

At this time, Chu Xiu's strength was not what it used to be, and the power of the Dafa of changing the day was naturally not the same.

Fang Qishao's siege sword formation was around, and Zong Xuan was also in front of him. Zhang Chengzhen was unable to move in a large area, so he could only use the Thunder Talisman to resist, but the powerful force of the Dafa had already blasted Zhang Chengzhen into the ground. Three feet.

Ying Bailu didn't sit still either. The black aura around him evolved into the Black Dragon Spear, and the spear was wide open. With Zong Xuan, who shot fiercely and violently, he was simply impeccable.

Ying Bailu's martial arts is like this, ever-changing, can be rigid or soft, and whoever cooperates with it can bring out the greatest effect.

And the most terrifying thing is Li Feilian.

He only had ten flying knives, and the first one was to test out Zhang Chengzhen's strength.

At present, he has already tested his strength. With Li Feilian's character, he either does not use the knife, and when he does, it will be a lore!

The five Chu Xiu had never cooperated. On the contrary, they all had some grudges between them, or they were passers-by. As a result, it was only the second round that they had a tacit understanding.

For the first time, both sides were testing, including Chu Xiu themselves, testing each other's strength.

And when they made the second shot, they found their position, the most suitable position for them.

Fang Qishao is in charge of interception, Zong Xuan is in charge of fighting hard, Ying Bailu is in charge of assisting Zong Xuan, making up for the loopholes in his wild style of play, Chu Xiu is in charge of frontal attack and coercion, and Li Feilian is always waiting for a flaw , a lore flaw!


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