Meet The Leader

Chapter 561: unexpected

In the martial arts, Chu Xiu's weapon has always been the knife, but the other melee killing methods Chu Xiu has learned are mixed, and those who come with fists and palms will not refuse.

But in the same way, among these melee killing methods, none of Chu Xiu was able to truly understand the essence.

However, when he was chased and killed before, Chu Xiu's mental power was abolished, and he couldn't use the conspicuous magic knife. Most of the time he used melee killing methods to fight the enemy, and his fist intent was also in that battle. It has been improved, and I have realized something different.

At this time, although Chu Xiu and Fang Sha were both using the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Forgetfulness Killing Fist, Chu Xiu's killing fist had a different flavor.

The golden Buddha light was clinging to Chu Xiu's arm, and the surging demonic energy was combined with the murderous energy, and a terrifying demonic sound roared.

At the same time, he has the power of King Kong and the golden body of the Nine Heavens Refining the Demons. Now, it can be said that Chu Xiu and Fang Sha, a martial arts master of this level, are completely unafraid.

But this is not the most special thing. What really makes Chu Xiu's punch different from Fang Sha's selfless killing punch is the fist intent!

That invincible, powerful fist to look at everything!

With a bang, a fist fell, and a powerful fist burst out from the body.

With their fists facing each other, with Chu Xiu and Fang Sha as the center, the ground under their feet was cracking every inch even if they were protected by a formation.

Although Chu Xiu is still in the realm of harmony between man and nature, he is no longer of the same level as them.

And Guan Siyu's eyes showed a strange color, and slowly spit out three words: "Chen Qingdi!"

Mei Qinglian sat next to Guan Siyu and didn't say a word, but she actually recognized it, Chu Xiu's punch was actually three-point similar to Chen Qingdi!

Guan Siyu and Mei Qinglian had both seen Emperor Chen Qing take a shot. In fact, their guesses were correct. Chu Xiu could use this kind of punch. The punch that Emperor Chen Qing gave to Chu Xiu when he was at Dong's house in Gaoling was indeed given to Chu Xiu. Great inspiration.

A simple punch is a punch with the ultimate power, without any change in power, but the power is extremely overbearing.

Chu Xiu is not Xie Xiaolou, he is not a direct disciple of Emperor Chen Qing, and of course he cannot be taught the true martial arts, but the stone of his mountain can attack jade. Compared with other loose cultivators who do not have a master, Chu Xiu, he The only advantage is being willing to think.

When most of the loose cultivators were watching the powerhouses fight, their mood must have been shocking, and they would act like melon eaters watching the fun. How strong is it, so that they can increase their bragging capital in the future.

But Chu Xiu is different. He will think about why these strong people are so strong, where they are strong, and how can he become so strong.

This habit allows Chu Xiu to have some insights and some slight progress every time he fights or watches other powerhouses fight.

Although it was only a small number, it added up to a lot. The benefits that these insights could bring to Chu Xiu were visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Fang Sha's eyes also showed a look of surprise. How long has it been since then, how did Chu Xiu's power increase to such an extent?

Fang Sha's heart sank sharply.

Before, he thought that Chu Xiu was inflated, but now it seems that Chu Xiu is not inflated, he really has the confidence to challenge himself!

Thinking of this, Fang Sha did not retreat but advanced, and his punch was unsuccessful. Killing intent was condensed all over his body, and strands of crimson Qi filled his palms. Countless forces of heaven and earth were pulled by it, and instantly turned into a large net toward Chu. Hugh shrouded in.

The murderous streak of Astral Qi is pervasive, blocking all the dodging places in Chu Xiu's body and shrouding him. As long as it is touched, the Astral Qi thread will become tighter and tighter, and finally, Chu Xiu will be directly strangled. in it!

Of course, in front of Guan Siyu, Fang Sha would not kill him, but the sword has no eyes, and the fist has no heart, so it is necessary to leave some unforgettable lessons for this Chu Xiu.

Facing the pervasive big net, in Chu Xiu's eyes, the sun, moon, and stars were spinning. Can escape the shroud of the big net.

Seeing Chu Xiu's figure getting closer, Fang Sha's heart was full of impatience.

What kind of tricks did Chu Xiu use, so that he could see through his own mind and avoid it in advance?

There was a cold look in Fang Sha's eyes, his hands were imprinted, and the boundless energy of heaven and earth poured into the silk thread.

Being flooded with so much power in an instant, those qi silk threads could no longer bear it, and with a bang, they all burst open, and Chu Xiu, who was in the center, had nowhere to hide!

But at the moment when the qi burst, Chu Xiu also shot.

Chu Xiu held the Fearless Seal, and the Buddha light bloomed all over his body, condensing into a phantom of the Great Sun Tathagata appearing behind him.

The Buddha's light shines through the ages, but in the burst of the qi silk thread, it is still standing still.

Change the day!

This is a martial art belonging to Master Tan Yuan. It has very few appearances in the martial arts of the Central Plains, but its powerful explosive force can completely make Chu Xiu fight against the martial arts master with all his strength.

Under the shroud of the Buddha's light, Chu Xiu's figure had already rushed to Fang Sha's eyes, and a punch fell, and the Buddha's light and devilish energy bloomed in full bloom, with unparalleled power!

Fang Sha snorted coldly, and the Heaven and Earth Destruction Forgetting Self-Killing Fist was displayed. Compared with Chu Xiu's Heavenly Jedi Destroying and Forgetting Self-killing Fist, which had already changed, Fang Sha's punch was more pure.

When a punch fell, the qi burst and erupted, but Chu Xiu seemed to be unaware, and continued to punch out one punch at a time, completely colliding with Fang Sha.

However, the other people watching the battle frowned. Chu Xiu did this, and it seemed that he was a little bit mean to use his own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths.

Although they admit that Chu Xiu's explosive power is indeed very strong, but he is not a martial arts master after all, and he has not condensed the martial arts real pill.

Fang Sha was also aware of this, and he fought against Chu Xiu without retreating at all. Although Fang Sha was also shaken by the powerful force, Chu Xiu was also very good. go there.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu closed his fist abruptly, stepped back a few steps, and formed a seal on his hands. In an instant, boundless demonic energy burst out, arousing the blood energy in Fang Sha's body!

At this moment, Fang Sha suddenly secretly said something was wrong.

be cheated!

He forgot that Chu Xiu also knew the magic of the evil tome and blood!

Originally, the Demon Blood Dafa was not so effective for the existence of a martial arts master.

But Fang Cai Chuxiu was enough to fight Fang Sha for dozens of punches, and each punch was a full-strength shot. The force was so powerful that Fang Sha's body was boiling with energy, and this time was the best time to use the magic blood method. opportunity!

Fang Sha groaned in pain, his face was flushed, the blood around him was boiling as if the pot was boiling, boundless demonic energy enveloped him, and strands of energy and blood were absorbed along with the demonic energy, floating in Chu Chuan. Xiu's whole body made Chu Xiu even more evil at this time.

Fang Sha roared, and the Martial Dao Zhendan was spinning crazily in the body, accepting the heaven and earth into the body, suppressing himself, and finally suppressing the boiling blood.

But what greeted him at this time was Chu Xiu's knife! The ultimate knife lingering with countless blood and demonic energy!

Everyone in Jianghu knew that Chu Xiu used a knife, and Fang Sha was wondering why Chu Xiu didn't use a sword at first. Could it be that there was something wrong with his magic sword?

But when the two sides fought to the extreme, Fang Sha also subconsciously ignored this point, and it was only at this time that Chu Xiu finally cut out this deadly knife!

The blood energy absorbed from Fang Sha's body is not enough to condense into the blood-turning sword, but Chu Xiu condensed them on the blade and turned it into a blood-colored blade, which also has the ability to break the opponent's body protection. Gas effect.

Boundless demonic energy lingered on the blade body, surging, like a blade cut out from **** turned into a boundless wailing, and fell at the head of Fang Sha!

Although Chu Xiu's previous attacks were not weak, they did not make Fang Sha feel threatened.

But now this knife made Fang Shadang really feel a creepy So his first reaction was to retreat, and the second was to hide.

However, he just waited for Fang Sha to make a move, and he felt a strange air force locked tightly on his body. Fang Sha had just made a half-point movement, and Chu Xiu's knife momentum had already moved with him.

In the time of counting the breaths, Fang Sha changed his body 32 times, but Chu Xiu saw it through 33 times. In one of them, he didn't even change his body shape, and he was seen through by Chu Xiu!

For a master of the martial arts master level, a breath takes a long time, so after a few breaths, Fang Sha was shocked to find that Chu Xiu's knife had come to him, and he didn't even have the last chance to dodge!

Fang Sha roared angrily, and blood-colored qi burst out from his body, but Chu Xiu's knife was like cutting tofu, and it ripped apart his body-protecting qi, and the surging demonic qi burst out!

The characteristic of the blood-turning sword is that the qi and blood it absorbs from the opponent can easily break the opponent's qi defense.

Although now Chu Xiu is not using the full version of the blood-turning sword, but only attaching a layer of sharp blades on top of his own demon dance, but this feature is also retained.

Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance was placed lightly on Fang Sha's neck, and Fang Sha's hair stood on end with that sharp aura that stimulated Fang Sha's body. He still had an unbelievable look in his eyes, and he really lost!

Chu Xiu didn't put away the knife, but he just looked at Fang Sha and said lightly, "Acceptance."

In fact, just now, he could completely kill Fang Sha with one knife, but in this situation, killing Fang Sha, Chu Xiu is just as difficult.

Besides, in front of Guan Siyu and An Liunian, if Chu Xiu were to kill him, then he would really treat the two martial arts masters as a display.


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