Meet The Leader

Chapter 546: save oneself

It doesn't feel good to be hunted down.

The feeling of being chased and killed by a martial arts master is even more unpleasant.

In just a few months, it was quite uncomfortable to be hunted down by two martial arts masters.

This is how Chu Xiu feels now.

It's just that when he was chased by Qiao Liandong in the past, Chu Xiu still had the confidence to turn back and fight back, but now facing Nie Renlong, Chu Xiu didn't even have the chance to fight back.

So in the face of Nie Renlong's pursuit, Chu Xiu had only one choice, and that was to delay until Nie Renlong could no longer afford it.

It's just that Nie Renlong has completely lost his mind now, and his mood has been filled with obsessions. At this time, even Chu Xiu is useless. I am afraid that if Chu Xiu is not killed, Nie Renlong will definitely not be reconciled.

The power of qi and blood is burning fast, which has already depleted Chu Xiu's vitality.

However, Nie Renlong, who was behind him, was still chasing after him, but his complexion was extremely pale.

Nie Renlong is a master of martial arts, but Chu Xiu is also physically strong, so if Nie Renlong does this, he won't be able to take advantage of it, and in the end, it will only hurt both sides.

But Nie Renlong, who was only obsessed, couldn't think of this at all. All he could think of was to kill Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu frowned, Nie Renlong wanted to die with him, but Chu Xiu didn't want to die with Nie Renlong.

After escaping like this for half an hour, Chu Xiu's body suddenly froze, and the power of qi and blood in his body exploded to an extreme in an instant, but instead of continuing to speed up to escape, he used the power of qi and blood to go The stab at the mental power, so that Chu Xiu, who had finally recovered a little mental power, completely overdrawn this power!

The inner demon rotation Dafa was performed silently, but Chu Xiu's eyes were like a deep pool, completely pulling Nie Renlong's mental power into it.

As the name suggests, the Dafa of Inner Demon Wheels can even use spiritual power to seduce the opponent's inner demons.

Under normal circumstances, the use of Inner Demon Wheels is to create illusions and entice the opponent's inner demons, but at this time Nie Renlong has already been enchanted, Chu Xiu used Inner Demons Wheels again, but it is not an attack, but is helping Nie Renlong to get rid of his madness. status.

In the illusion, Nie Renlong's memories of his life are all fascinated, including the childhood he longed for in the arena, the apprehension when he just set foot in the rivers and lakes, the heroism when he became friends with his friends, and the unwillingness and anger when he was humiliated. , as well as the complete change of mind later, for the sake of profit, he will do whatever it takes, even at the expense of his former sworn brother, and finally achieve the prestige of Juyi Village, but he is already hard-hearted.

This is the real Nie Renlong, a portrayal of his life.

Human nature is inherently good or human nature is inherently evil, no one can say clearly.

But no one has ever been born a good person, and no one has ever been born a bad person.

Nie Renlong is like this. He has been a good person and a bad person. Even now, there are people who scold him in the arena, but there are more people who are grateful for his kindness.

Immersed in those boundless memories, the demonic energy around Nie Renlong's body gradually dissipated, but at this time he took a few steps back, blood spurting out from a big mouth, and even his body showed slight cracks. Bone is even deeply visible in places.

Nie Renlong's ability to have this kind of strength after going into the devil's way is completely supported by his obsession with devilish energy. Even if he kills Chu Xiu in the end, he will not be able to survive.

Now Chu Xiu has helped him get rid of the state of being obsessed with demons. Without the support of demonic energy and obsession, although Nie Renlong doesn't have to die, the hidden dangers of being infatuated before all broke out in an instant, making Nie Renlong completely lost his combat effectiveness and did not pursue it again. Chu Xiu's ability.

Sometimes saving people is saving himself. Chu Xiu saved Nie Renlong, but it was for his own sake.

At this time, Chu Xiu, who had overdrawn all his spiritual power, was already pale like a dead person, and his mind was even more chaotic. Now he only has one last thought, and that is to escape back to the Guanzhong punishment hall!

Motivated his last strength to escape, although Nie Renlong in the back had no demonic energy in his eyes, he still had a monstrous killing intent, but he was more than enough.

Closing his eyes, Nie Renlong let out a long breath.

His son died, and Juyi Village suffered heavy losses. Now he is also severely injured, and he has not even been able to cultivate well for a year and a half.

But it is not a loss for Juyi Village to be destroyed by such a person.

A person who can save himself by saving his opponent at a critical moment, at the moment of life and death, has a calm and terrifying state of mind!

At this moment, there was a faint sound from the rear, and some warriors from Juyi Village and the forces of the undead Juyi Village Alliance also came with people.

Although they didn't know what to do before, but after calming down, he could only follow the route of Nie Renlong chasing Chu Xiu, but he didn't expect to find Nie Renlong.

But after seeing Nie Renlong's injury, those people were shocked.

"Master, are you alright?"

Nie Renlong waved his hand and said in a tone without the slightest emotion: "I'm fine, this time I lost, and the Juyi Village Alliance also lost, go back to Yandong."

Whether it was the people from Juyi Village or those from other forces in the alliance, their expressions became extremely ugly.

After finally laying down the land in Liaodong County, they had to spit it out a few days before they got it. The most important thing is that they themselves suffered heavy losses this time. Now that they have withdrawn, it can be said that they have lost money.

But at this moment, Nie Renlong suddenly said: "Send someone to Fengmanlou and ask them to release a message for me, telling the whole world to hunt down and kill Lin Ye, the hidden demon lineage, if anyone can kill this Lin Ye , I will take him as the master and give up the position of the owner of Juyi Village!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked. Is Nie Renlong crazy?

Although it is true that Juyi Village was severely damaged this time, Nie Renlong is not dead yet, and Juyi Village also has a lot of warriors. Even if Dingtian has damaged some vitality, it will take a few years to recover. .

As a result, now Nie Renlong is going to give up his position as the owner of Juyi Village in order to kill someone. Isn't he crazy?

Nie Renlong said blankly: "Do you all think I'm crazy? Now I tell you, I'm not crazy.

Dongliu is dead, who can I give Juyi Village to in the future? Whoever avenged my revenge for killing my son is the new owner of Juyi Village! "

Everyone present was silent, they believed it at this time, what Nie Renlong said should be true.

Because although Nie Renlong didn't say it clearly before, everyone knew that Juyi Village was hereditary. The owner of the village could only be surnamed Nie. Those so-called cultivating talents were actually aimed at cultivating confidants for Nie Dongliu. .

But now that Nie Dongliu is dead, Nie Renlong is afraid that his heart is really ashes at this time, and using the position of a village owner to avenge his own murder, this is very worthwhile for Nie Renlong!

Three days later, what happened in Liaodong County had spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

The energy of Feng Manlou is very large. If there is very important news, Feng Manlou can directly use the array to transmit it, and it can spread all over the rivers and lakes within three days.

Nie Renlong hated Chu Xiu very much at this time, and offered a lot of money to let Feng Manlou use the array method to deliver the news, of course Feng Manlou was happy to do it.

The original action of Juyi Village did not cause any trouble even in Beiyan. After all, it is normal for a sect like Juyi Village to go to war and attack, but Juyi Village has always been famous for its reputation. , so no action was taken.

Now Juyizhuang has actions, as long as the object is not himself, no one will care.

So whether it was the Beiyan court, the Yannan Shenwumen, or the Yanxi Huangfu clan, they didn't respond when they heard the news.

But no one thought that Juyi Village would end up in the current situation.

The original Juyi Village Alliance, which was not weak, has completely collapsed, Juyi Village was directly hit hard, and even Nie Renlong himself was seriously injured.

And Nie Dongliu, a well-known young hero in the whole world, died in the hands of the people of the magic This incident also made many people sigh.

For a sect like Juyizhuang that has risen from the grass, the most fearful thing is that there will be problems with the heirs, because their background is too poor, even if they rise because of one person, they may be destroyed because of one person.

Nie Dongliu's strength and means are considered to be a top figure among the younger generation. If he inherits Juyi Village in the future, everyone can already foresee that Juyi Village will definitely be stronger in the future than it is now, and the foundation will be more stable.

As a result, now that people are dead and the lights are out, the prospect of Juyi Village is not so obvious.

But what really makes people care about is the conditions set by Nie Renlong, whoever kills Lin Ye can become the owner of Juyi Village!

That is Juyi Village, one of the six gangs of Renhe, and it ranks among the top forces in Jianghu Songs. Although this time he suffered a lot of damage, his strength is still there. As soon as the news came out, it caused the whole Jianghu to boil, and Lin Ye This name is also known by Jianghu people.

Here, I have to admire Feng Manlou's intelligence system. Almost all the information about Lin Ye's identity was dug up by Feng Manlou.

Whether it's the incident against Juyi Village this time, or the performance of the last time when the Fuyu Mountain was fighting against the demons, or even what Chu Xiu said and did as Lin Ye during the Demon Dao Alliance, they were all overwhelmed by the wind. Posted it.

At the time of the Demon Dao Association, there was a powerhouse like Wei Shuya, who was in the realm of real fire and refinement. No matter how strong the wind media of Fengmanlou were, they couldn't detect the situation, so Fengmanlou could know the details. Obviously, it was the undercover agent of the orthodox sect in the Ming Demon lineage or the Hidden Demon lineage who leaked the news.

The method of undercover camouflage is not unique to the Hidden Demon lineage.


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