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Chapter 1403: I swear to kill Chu Xiu and destroy Kunlun!

ps: Thanks to the book friend Yunge i for the reward of 10,000 starting coins


When the people of Luo Baosha heard the name that day, everyone was stunned. They never thought that this person would be Chu Xiu.


Because most people in the whole Tianluo Baosha have a very good sense of Chu Xiu, including Zen Master Ji Shan and others, although they can see that Chu Xiu has some impure intentions at the beginning, but they also regard Chu Xiu as half-hearted. Allies to see.


The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Chu Xiu has an inextricable feud with the Brahma Religion. He rescued their disciples from the Brahma Religion once, and also joined hands with Tianlu Baosha twice to re-create the Brahma Religion. This is already a good thing. allies.


They couldn't believe that Chu Xiu would actually wipe out the two top sects of their Buddhist sect in the lower realm, and then joined forces with them in Daluotian's side without changing his face.


Faming, who was rescued by Chu Xiu in the past, even stood up and scolded Xu Yun: "Impossible! How could Cult Master Chu do such a thing?


In Da Luotian, the Cult Master Chu and I have joined forces with Tianlu Baosha not once or twice. If there is no Cult Master Chu, my Tianlu Baosha would not have achieved such an advantage in the face of Sanskrit.


Moreover, based on what I know about Cult Master Chu, he has always been someone who doesn't offend me and not others. You must have provoked Cult Master Chu first, and that's what happened now.


You say that you are disciples of Buddhism, but ten thousand years have passed, who knows what your Buddhadharma has evolved into, and whether it is still in the same line as ours? "


Some of the warriors in the Tianluo Temple also looked at the people in the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple with questioning eyes, with suspicion in their eyes.


It's not that they are right and wrong, but what Fa Ming said is indeed reasonable.


Ten thousand years have passed, and the practice has been somewhat different. What about Buddhism? Will there be any changes?


And this kind of thing is to pay attention to the first come first.


They knew Chu Xiu earlier than Xu Yun and others. Chu Xiu had already left them the impression of an honest and reliable ally.


Now that Xu Yun came over and said that Chu Xiu had destroyed the two major sects of their Buddhist sect, it was no wonder they were suspicious.


Xu Yun stared at the crowd in the Tianluobaosha in a stunned manner. He never expected that the other party would react like this.


Shouldn't they be helping themselves to denounce Chu Xiu together with righteous indignation? But why did they all seem to be on Chu Xiu's side?


What on earth did Chu Xiu do in Daluotian to make the Buddhist warriors of the Tianluo Temple protect him like this?


Chan Master Ji Shan shouted: "Shut up! They are all people of my Buddhist sect. Even if the Dharma changes again, it is still the Dharma!


Xuyun, Rama, tell me, what is going on? "


Faming couldn't see the details of Xuyun and Rama, but Zen Master Jishan could see that the aura of their exercises could not be faked, and they were indeed in the same line.


And from the very beginning, Zen Master Jishan felt that Chu Xiu was full of lies and deep in his mind. He could not believe what he said, but he could not believe it completely. Now it seems that there is indeed a problem.


Xu Yun glanced at Rama and said with gritted teeth, "Chu Xiu is the absolute devil of the world! Second only to 500 years ago... No! He is better than the sect leader Dugu and me 500 years ago. Even more!


This person has vicious methods, deep scheming, uncompromising actions, shameless and unbelievable. He is definitely a demon among demons, causing the entire lower world martial arts to be restless and bloody! "


Xu Ci's death made Xu Yun fall into hatred obsession. He almost put all the vicious adjectives he could think of on Chu Xiu, and made Chu Xiu rise from the rivers and lakes to the destruction of his Great Guangming Temple. Said it all again.


After listening to this, the warriors of the Tianluo Baosha looked at each other in dismay. They couldn't believe that the Chu Xiu described by Xu Yun was the same person as the Chu Xiu they knew.


According to what Xu Yun said, Chu Xiu is no longer a human being, and it is possible to say that it is possible for an extraterrestrial demon to destroy the world.


Rama shook his head and sighed, "It's up to me."


As he spoke, Rama repeated the matter, but what Rama said was much more objective, and he spoke from the perspective of a bystander.


In fact, to put it bluntly, the grievances between the Buddha School of the Lower Realm and Chu Xiu are the disputes over the position of righteous demons.


Since Chu Xiu has chosen the line of magic, those conveniences are doomed to not be able to coexist stably.


In the end, Rama sighed and said: "After the destruction of the Subhuti Temple, although I only had the body of the Primordial Spirit, but because I merged with the Subhuti Zen Treasure Tree, I realized the power of rules and touched the martial arts. Fairy Barrier.


At that time, I no longer had a physical body. Although I had the method of taking home, my fellow disciples were willing to give up their flesh and take the initiative to let my soul take over, but I refused.


Because my Primordial Spirit has already been contaminated with the power of rules, even if it is purely in the form of Primordial Spirit, it can still exist.


At this time, I met a pregnant lady who was killed by a robber halfway along the way. She was about to give birth. Although she died, the fetus still had a chance of life.


I didn't want to be troubled by hatred and obsession in this life, so I chose to disperse the true spirit, the primordial spirit merged into the pregnant woman's body, and gave birth to a baby. He will be the abbot of my Subhuti Temple in the future. As for whether he chooses revenge or leads Subhuti Temple to rebuild It was his choice to establish a sect.


But I didn't expect that the wave of vitality hit me two years ago, reviving the true spirit in my body, and making me regain the memories of the past.


I, Subhuti Zen Institute, are willing to join the Heavenly Rajabharata, but what I ask for is not a reward, but an inheritance.


I only ask you masters for one thing, and that is to take back the sect of my Subhuti Temple in the hands of the Kunlun Demon Sect.


Whether to kill Chu Xiu or not to destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect, the choice is in your hands. "


Hearing Rama finished speaking, the eyes of Zen Master Jishan and others looking at Rama have completely changed.


They finally understand what Rama's state is now, the reincarnated soul boy!


In the eyes of most people, reincarnation is a bit of a nonsense. If you die, you will die, but can you come back to life again? Isn't that the whole world is strong.


But in fact, there are similar records in Tianluobaosha.


If there are some top superpowers who take the initiative to disperse their vitality before their lifespan is exhausted, and save a little bit of true spirit, it is possible to put them into the body of an unborn baby.


The baby was born with a high level of talent, but it may not have memories of previous lives.


It can be said that only a very coincidental event can awaken the memory of his previous life, and the reincarnation is successful. Otherwise, it is not called reincarnation, it can only be said to be premature death.


As for the probability of such a thing, it is almost zero.


Because this matter is only a record, there has been such a thing, as for whether it was successful or not, there is no record.


Rama is also considered fate. He didn't think about reincarnation, he just wanted to be liberated, but he didn't expect the reincarnation to be successful.


Chan Master Ji Shan digested what the two had said, and said solemnly, "So now, what the two of you are asking for is to kill Chu Xiu and destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect, and the other is to return to the Subhuti Temple? "


Xu Yun and Rama nodded at the same time.


Master Ji Shan thought for a while and said, "It's impossible to kill Chu Xiu and destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect."


Xu Yun said in shock: "Why!? Could it be that with the strength of the Tianluo Baosha, Chu Xiu can't be killed?"


Chan Master Ji Shan was a little embarrassed and said, "It's not that we can't kill him, but that Chu Xiu has something we are concerned about, so we can't kill it."


Hearing Rama and the others talking about 500 years ago, Zen Master Ji Shan and others had already guessed that the existence banned in the Lingxiao Sect should be the leader of the demon sect 500 years ago.


As for why Chu Xiu didn't release Dugu and I, Chan Master Jishan wanted to come, it should be Chu Xiu's selfishness.


He is now the leader of the demon sect. If he releases the leader of the demon sect five hundred years ago, how will he handle himself?


So now, as long as they don't force them too hard, Chu Xiu probably won't let Dugu Wei me out.


But on the other hand, if they want to kill Chu Xiu now, unless there is a chance of one-hit kill, and it is too late to even activate the formation, otherwise, once Dugu and I are released, the scene five hundred years ago will be repeated. .


The events five hundred years ago were a bit embarrassing, so Zen Master Ji Shan would not tell Xu Yun and others too much.


He just said: "You two, don't be in a hurry, Chu Xiu overthrew my Buddhist lineage in the lower realms, there must be an explanation for this matter.


Although it is impossible to destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect and kill Chu Xiu for the time being, but with the current power of my Tianlu Baosha, it is not a problem to temporarily bring the Subhuti Temple back. "


Rama nodded indifferently. He had seen through many things, but now he is not in a hurry.


Although Xu Yun was a little unwilling, he also knew that this was already a game at the Martial Immortal level. Since Zen Master Jishan said that it was impossible, it should be really impossible.


It's just that Xu Yun doesn't Is Chu Xiu really the bell of luck? Even if he got to Daluotian, he would be able to mix well, even to the point where Tianluobao would be afraid.


At this time, in the land of the southern barbarians, all the people under Chu Xiu's command had returned to the land of the southern barbarians to do ascetic cultivation after finishing the matter of Beiyan.


Perhaps because it has not been developed on a large scale, the energy of heaven and earth in the land of the southern barbarians is actually very rich, and it is almost the same as the land of the southern barbarians on the Daluotian side.


Therefore, as usual, only Shen Feiying and Bai Wuji were left in Beiyan. The real elites of the Kunlun Demon Sect were all cultivating in the land of Nanman.


At this time, Chu Wuji suddenly hurriedly knocked on Chu Xiu's closed room, and said with a nervous expression, "It's a big trouble!


The Tianlubaosha brought a group of people to our holy religion, and some disciples reported that they saw the existence of Xuyun around the people in the Tianlubaosha, and there were also disciples from the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple! "


Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh, right? I thought they would hold back for a while and show their faces, but I didn't expect them to come so quickly."

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