Meet The Leader

Chapter 1168: Da Luotian's troubles

Xu Fengshan is not a talkative person, and Chu Xiu's prestige in Cangwu County can now be said to have reached its peak, higher than the previous Cangwu County governor.

At least the past Cangwu County Governor would not kill anyone casually, but Chu Xiu, if you are disobedient, he really dares to kill someone.

"Is there anything in Cangwu County recently? Is there anything in Huangtian Pavilion?"

Xu Fengshan smiled bitterly: "Yes, there are many things."

It has been so many days since this grandfather left, and the county governor's office is the same as where he stays at any time. Although they have obtained great power, they would rather not have these powers than be so tired.

"Oh? Did something happen?"

Chu Xiu didn't feel anything at all, and he just walked for 'more than a month', can the sky still collapse?

Xu Fengshan said: "Last time, my lord, you killed Ye Tianqing, and I, Huangtian Pavilion, did not give an explanation to Hanjiang City, so it attracted Chen Bing's borders in Hanjiang City.

The old pavilion owner went to Hanjiang City in person. He didn't know what he said and did, and finally let Hanjiang City retreat. However, it is said that the old pavilion owner's face was a little ugly, and he began to retreat after returning.

The pavilion master even sent a message saying that in the future, when you do things, you can bear it, don't be so impulsive.

There is also Lingluo County. After you killed Ye Tianqing, they have another leader, but it is more difficult than Ye Tianqing.

The other party was Ye Weikong's direct disciple, Qi Wuhen, the 'Ice God Lord'.

This person is tough and ruthless, and his strength is outstanding. Ye Weikong has trained him better than his own son. It is said that he is the successor of the next generation of Hanjiang City Lord.

Recently, the caravans traveling between Cangwu County and Lingluo County have often been intercepted, asking for offerings, etc. Especially the caravans directly belonging to our Emperor Tiange have been targeted more clearly.

Moreover, the other party is still encroaching on our Cangwu County territory step by step, and his attitude is extremely arrogant. We don't dare to conflict with them when you are not there. "

Before Chu Xiu spoke, Lu Jianghe gave a strange smile: "Yoyo, someone is doing something? That's right, pinch them to death! By the way, let the deity have a taste of it!"

Xu Fengshan glanced at Lu Jianghe with a strange expression, where did Master Chu find this guest Qing, why is he so unruly? With your strength, do you want to kill the powerhouses in Hanjiang City?

But Chu Xiu didn't say anything, and Xu Fengshan didn't talk too much.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Are they still at the border now?"

Xu Fengshan nodded and said, "It's always been there."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "Okay, you don't need to worry about this matter, call the Master, and I will solve it."

The Kunlun Demon Sect in the lower world is the foundation of Chu Xiu, and the things he manages in Da Luotian are also the foundation of Chu Xiu.

Without the area of ​​Cangwu County, what can he do to ensure the safety of the passage in the land of Nanman? Without the area of ​​Cangwu County, what would he use to settle the warriors from the lower realm?

When Hanjiang City wants to do something, it is not the interests of Huangtian Pavilion, but the interests of his Chu Xiu.

At this time, in a city at the junction of Lingluo County and Cangwu County, there were already guarded checkpoints on the official road, blocking the traffic.

The middle-aged man in the ice-blue armor was sitting at the head of the city, his eyes slightly closed, and his posture had never changed, like a statue.

Beside him, a martial artist from Hanjiang City said cautiously: "Sir, otherwise, let's get rid of the people. The city owner has already said that the Huangtian Pavilion will not last long, so there is no need to force the Huangtian Pavilion at this time. There is no need to compete with Chu Xiu at this time."

The warrior from Hanjiang City was the one who followed Ye Tianqing in the past. He had seen the horror of Chu Xiu, so he didn't want to confront Chu Xiu head-on at this time.

Qi Wuhen didn't open his eyes, he just said lightly: "No matter how weak the Emperor Tiange is, it will not become a dead dog, it is time to do it, or do it.

Ye Tianqing was careless, he dared to act without any information on the other party, and he was beheaded by others under reckless efforts. The death had no value at all, stupid!

Since this Chu Xiu is determined to help Huangtian Pavilion, he will definitely be the enemy of my Hanjiang City in the future. At this time, he has investigated some details of him, and when he does it in the future, he will be more confident.

But it's been more than a month. I've been pressing me step by step, but Chu Xiu hasn't responded, not even sending someone to ask questions. This can't be called forbearance, but cowardice!

Are you sure that it was such a person who put on an extremely strong attitude and ended up killing Ye Tianqing? "

Before waiting for the warrior from Hanjiang City to say anything, Qi Wuhen suddenly sat up and looked into the distance of the road.

Although he hasn't seen the figure yet, he can feel that the other party's breath is very strong and very strong.

On the border, Xu Fengshan, Shen Hui and the others followed behind Chu Xiu helplessly.

In fact, they didn't want to come, and they wanted to persuade Chu Xiu not to come.

They really weren't afraid of death, but they were afraid that Chu Xiu would kill Qi Wuhen, or cause trouble.

Having experienced the scene of Chu Xiu beheading Ma Lihe and Ye Tianqing, Xu Fengshan and others had strong confidence in Chu Xiu's combat effectiveness, and they were even a little blind. As long as they didn't encounter the powerhouses of the Martial Immortal Realm, they even thought that Chu Xiu and the others were the same. Everyone has the power to fight.

But the problem is that killing is easy, but the trouble after killing is constant.

The last time Chu Xiu killed Ye Tianqing, the Emperor Tiange paid a huge price to suppress this matter.

Chu Xiu was even ready to take action. In case he killed Qi Wuhen again, Huangtian Pavilion probably wouldn't dare to ask for such a troublesome guest.

Lu Jianghe curled his lips aside, thinking in his heart, a bunch of cowards.

In the lower realm, Chu Xiu had already told him about the general situation of Da Luotian and the distribution of forces.

On the way just now, Chu Xiu told them about Huangtian Pavilion and Hanjiang City.

After listening to it, Lu Jianghe was very disdainful of the actions of Huangtian Pavilion.

The grand sect has been inherited for thousands of years, but it did not inherit the power of the ancestors. Instead, it developed a look of forbearance. In the face of an emerging force, he dared not even give a shot, and he could only retreat again and again. What is not a coward?

Standing on the tower, Qi Wuhen looked down at Chu Xiu, who was downwind, and his expression remained unchanged: "You are the Chu Xiu who killed Ye Tianqing? Gu Zun's successor, worthy of being a world leader."

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "The direct disciple of City Lord Ye of Hanjiang City, the future heir of Hanjiang City is very naive, a trick like a child's anger.

Hanjiang City is ready to reveal this matter, which proves that Hanjiang City will not start a war with Huangtian Pavilion now. In this case, you are uncomfortable for both parties here. Is it interesting? "

Qi Wuhen shook his head and said, "To be honest, it's very boring.

Beating snakes and hitting seven inches, killing people, naturally, you should also be happy and agile.

If I were sitting in Master's seat, Hanjiang City and Huangtian Pavilion would already be at war. "

The expressions of those behind Qi Wuhen changed slightly.

In the entire Hanjiang City, it is estimated that only Qi Wuhen dared to question Ye Weikong's order.

But this is also normal, Qi Wuhen is the heir of Hanjiang City, not a puppet who only obeys.

If he doesn't even have any ideas or opinions of his own, he can't be the heir.

Looking back at the people around him, Qi Wuhen said lightly, "But I'm not a master after all, so I can only do what my master asks. For the time being, I won't touch your Huangtian Pavilion.

However, you killed Ye Tianqing too neatly, Ye Tianqing deserves to die too, it's pointless to die.

Now that I am in charge of Lingluo County, if I don't get some interest back, what will happen to my heart?

Things are childish, but they work.

You say I'm mad, but I'm actually mad.

Life is still alive, and you have to fight for steamed bread. It took me hundreds of years for Hanjiang City to reach the position that it took me 10,000 years to reach the top sects like you.

Chu Xiu, the decline of Huangtian Pavilion is the general trend, you can't stop it, and you will not be the county governor of the entire Cangwu County for the rest of your life.

Today, I will give you a chance to move the border of the two counties back and assign Nan'an Prefecture to Lingluo County. I will let people remove all the checkpoints, and the two sides will be safe from now on. "

Lu Jianghe glanced at Qi Wuhen in This fellow is a person, even in the lower realm, he can support a top-notch powerhouse.

At this time, Xu Fengshan and others could not wait to let Chu Xiu agree.

It was undoubtedly a good deal to use the Nan'an Mansion, which had been abandoned by them before, for the Hanjiang City group to step back.

However, this is very cost-effective for Huangtian Pavilion, but it is not cost-effective for Chu Xiu.

Nan'an Mansion is close to the land of Nanman, that is something he has to control and must not let it go!

Looking up at Qi Wuhen, Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Then what if I don't want to give up Nan'an Mansion?"

Qi Wuhen frowned slightly. Is this Chu Xiu so tough? He shouldn't have threatened his bottom line. He didn't want to make such a small concession?

"Since you don't want to let me out of Hanjiang City, I can only fight for myself. Anyway, I've gotten used to fighting for so many years!"

Chu Xiu moved his neck, clenched the scabbard in his hand for a while, and said solemnly: "It's just right, I'm not used to it, go talk to people with my head up!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the knife was unsheathed, and the sharp edge of the knife twisted the void.

After merging and listening to the spring rain for a while, its sharpness has greatly increased. It not only has the effect of returning all the powers of Yuanyuan, but also added the power of tearing the rules.

The two powers are superimposed together, and there are very few people of the same rank that can withstand this knife, even if it is replaced by the existence of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm.

Lu Jianghe winked at Lu Fengxian and the others and said, "Don't be idle, let's take action together and see how these Da Luotian warriors are doing!"


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