Meet The Leader

Chapter 1151: The Inside Story of the Barbarian Riot

The Heluo tribe has been very high profile among the barbarian tribes in the southern barbarian land recently, and it can even be said that everyone knows it.

The other party didn't know what was going on, always accusing other tribes that what they worshiped was the evil god, and only what they worshipped by the Heluo tribe was the true god, and then used this as an excuse to attack other tribes madly.

The most important thing is that the strength of the Hei Luo Department has suddenly skyrocketed, which is simply incomprehensible.

The location of Heluo's department is outside the southern barbarians, while the Lunuo department is farther away from the southern barbarians. In fact, the two sides have never had any intersection.

So when the Heluo clan came to the door, the patriarch of the Luno clan was stunned, not knowing what the other party was doing.

The chiefs of the Lunor tribe are somewhat different from the chiefs of other barbarian tribes.

The patriarchs of other barbarian tribes are almost all muscular men, while the patriarchs of the Luno tribe are tall and thin, and are not used to wearing battle armor. Instead, they wear a splendid black robe produced by the human race, like a sacrifice generally.

Hearing the report of the people below, the patriarch of the Lunuo clan snorted coldly: "Is it possible that the Heluo clan still wants to unify the Nanman? It's arrogant!

My Lunuo clan is not one of those small tribes that are bullied by others. Since the people of the Heluo clan dare to come, don’t even think about leaving! "

With that said, the head of the Luno tribe immediately rushed out with the people.

Chu Xiu didn't make a move in this battle, but he followed behind the Hei Luo clan. If the Hei Luo clan was a little short of being able to destroy the opponent, it would not be too late for him to help out a little.

However, when he saw that the barbarian warriors of Lu Nuo's tribe all came forward, Chu Xiu suddenly frowned.

It's not because these Lunor barbarians are too strong, but because something is not right in their hands.

Chu Xiu had already given Heluo a lot of battle armors and weapons in his capacity as Emperor Tiange. As a result, Lunuo had more weapons and armors in their hands, and their quality was even better than Chu's. Hugh gave Heijie and the others even more.

Fighting against barbarians has always been very simple. There is no such thing as arranging troops at all, and the fight will start directly. This time is the same.

It's just that the strength of the two sides is a little too close this time, and the winner has not been determined after a full hour of fighting, but both sides suffered heavy casualties.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Luno tribe saw that the casualties of his own people were somewhat serious, and he immediately shouted: "High priest!"

As the words of the head of the Luno tribe fell, the high priest of the Luno tribe hid in the depths of the tribe, and immediately opened the formation. In an instant, on the entire battlefield, all the soldiers of the Luno tribe were covered with a layer of clothing. Wrapped in a silver-white halo, the warriors of the Hei Luo Department were covered with a layer of black gas, constantly corroding and swallowing their power.

Chu Xiu's expression moved violently, this is definitely not a power that the barbarians can control, but the formation, the formation of the human race, or the formation specially created for the barbarians!

Although the figure of the Luno clan leader looks thin, his strength is amazing.

A silver-white streamer long knife in his hand slashed down, with a hint of dragon roar.

His knife was a superb weapon, and last time Chu Xiu got him a low-quality weapon after Hei Jie's beast bone hammer shattered.

It's not that Chu Xiu is stingy, but the weapon like the hammer is originally a niche weapon. Unless it is specially refined, it is very rare.

The huge warhammer collided with the seemingly fragile long knife, directly severing a huge crack in the warhammer in Hei Jie's hand.

At this moment, the sword light like a bright moon fell, and the powerful sword intent that was inexhaustible directly repelled Patriarch Lunuo who wanted to continue to shoot.

The strength of this Lu Nuo patriarch is not ordinary, even with the current Chu Xiu's strength, it is not an easy thing to completely solve it.

Just now, Chu Xiu actually wanted to attack him with Hei Jie, but in the end, Chu Xiu gave up this idea.

He is now a divine envoy, how can divine envoys besiege other people?

The most important thing is that he wants to give Hei Jie and others the impression that at a critical moment, only he, Chu Xiu, can save you.

Hei Jie first bowed to Chu Xiu and said with a look of shame, "Sir, Hei Jie is useless."

Afterwards, Hei Jie glared at Patriarch Lu Nuo and said angrily, "I didn't expect your Lu Nuo tribe to use the Human Race formation!

The formation of the human race is something we will never learn. If you can use it, you must have colluded with the human race! "

Patriarch Lu Nuo also sneered: "You are still talking about me? Who is standing next to you? Isn't he also a helper of the Terran? No wonder your Heluo tribe has developed so rapidly, and I didn't expect to collude with the Terran!"

Hei Jie sneered and said, "The Lord of God is transcendent, he is not only a human race!"

"What divine envoy? Hei Jie, I think you are seriously ill!"

Patriarch Lu Nuo snorted coldly, looked around, waved his hand, and directly asked the people of Lu Nuo to withdraw, and expanded the formation to cover the entire tribe.

Patriarch Lunuo was not afraid of Chu Xiu and the others, but continued to fight fiercely. The losses were too great.

The strength of the two sides is evenly matched, and the strength of that **** envoy is also unfathomable. If they continue to fight, their Lunuo division will really have the risk of genocide.

And Chu Xiu has nothing to do for the time being.

Chu Xiu is not good at breaking the formation, the level of this formation is not low, if Chu Xiu directly uses the strength to break the formation, he will make himself very embarrassed.

There were wizards in Cangwu County, but Chu Xiu didn't want them to know what happened here for the time being, so he gave up his plan to find someone from Cangwu County.

Seeing this scene, Hei Jie couldn't help but ask: "Lord Divine Envoy, now that Lu Nuo's department has surrounded themselves in this formation, what should we do?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't worry, a strong attack can be done, but it will cause heavy losses to the soldiers of the Hei Luo Department.

It’s enough to be surrounded here, and keeping the formation open all the time consumes a lot of money. "

Seeing that Chu Xiu was still thinking about the soldiers of their Hei Luo tribe, Hei Jie was immediately moved.

Chu Xiu didn't care about this at this time. He suddenly asked, "Do you know what happened to the last barbarian riot?"

Since becoming the county governor, everything Chu Xiu has done is for his own interests. How did the last generation of the county governor die, and what did it matter to him? He was under no obligation to avenge the ex.

However, he remembered that Lu Sanjin seemed to have said that the last barbarian riot seemed to involve the participation of Hanjiang City.

Thinking of the fact that Lu Nuo's department had a lot of equipment and formations, Chu Xiu couldn't help but suspect this.

Hei Jie knew Chu Xiu's identity, and thought he was blaming something, so he quickly said: "Master God, my Hei Luo group did not participate in the last riot."

Chu Xiu said: "I know you didn't participate, I just asked about the situation."

After hearing what Chu Xiu said, Hei Jie breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Actually, the last generation of county guards was not bad. When he was there, he didn't come to disturb the Diluo Mountain Range, but traded a lot of things with us. , the price is also fair.

But I don't know what happened that time, many tribes were provoked, and the reasons for each tribe were different. Everyone gathered together in a mess, and they started to do it without knowing why.

The people of Huangtian Pavilion seemed to kill the people of other tribes first, and then there was a melee. Several tribes attacked together. In the chaos, no one knew who killed the last county guard. "

Hearing Hei Jie finish speaking, Chu Xiu was almost certain that the last barbarian riot, even if Hanjiang City was not involved in it, there are other forces.

Just relying on the brains of these barbarians, they can't play this kind of means of combining vertical and horizontal.

"You guard here first. You don't have to fight with Lu Nuo's team. It's enough to just leave them here. I'll go back to Nan'an Mansion first."

If Hanjiang City is really playing a role in this, now that Chu Xiu is going to destroy the Lu Nuo Department, it is impossible to guarantee that no one will come forward to stop them. He has to stop those people in time.

He must destroy the Lu Nuo Department. If the passage to the lower realm is here, then Chu Xiu must firmly occupy this place.

At this time, the high priest of the Lunuo department asked: "The Why don't you continue to take action? The strength of the angel of the Heluo department is so strong that even you can't match it?"

In other tribes, the status of the high priest is usually higher than that of the patriarch, but in the Luno tribe, because the Luno tribe leader is resourceful, his prestige is even higher than that of the high priest.

The head of the Luno tribe said with a dark face: "I can't see through that guy's strength. Although he didn't really fight, my intuition tells me that he is very dangerous, just like those who seem to be small in the jungle, but can tear apart. Tiger and leopard's Gu wolf is normal.

Besides, even if I could beat him, the Heiro team would act like lunatics, and I didn't want to wipe out the entire Luno team.

The cunning foreigners in Hanjiang City have received enough from my Lunuo Department, and now it is time for them to contribute.

Using the formation they left last time, tell me the news of the call for help, and let them help me.

If they don't come, I will release the news that they are plotting to kill the last emperor of the Emperor's Pavilion, and let them die in Hanjiang City and Emperor's Pavilion! "

There was a wicked look in the eyes of the Luno clan chief.

He does not act like a barbarian, but more like a human race, the so-called credit and honor, etc., but he is not as important as other barbarians.

At this time, in Lingluo County, which is close to Cangwu County, in a high tower belonging to Hanjiang City, a deacon of Hanjiang City looked at the news from the Lu Nuo Department, and he suddenly said angrily: "Damn this bunch. The barbarian! What does he think of me in Hanjiang City? Their thugs? To even let me Hanjiang City participate in the disputes within their barbarian race is outrageous!"

Inside the tower, there are many high-level warriors of Hanjiang City, and seeing the news, everyone's expressions are a little ugly.


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