Meet The Leader

Chapter 1101: change of mind

When the news of Chu Xiu's death spread all over the world, everyone's first reaction was disbelief.

That Chu Xiu, who rebuilt the Kunlun Demon Sect and called himself the Demon Lord, made the whole righteous world powerless, just died like this?

Moreover, Chu Xiu's 'dead' is still somewhat unclear.

The details in the space in Licheng were not revealed by everyone, because the matter was a bit complicated and involved too many ancient secrets.

It doesn't matter if these things are known to powerhouses like Rama and Xu Ci, but if they are known to other warriors, it will actually cause more trouble.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The deeper reason is that even they don't know how Chu Xiu died.

Although Chu Xiu was submerged in the collapsed space in the end, if there were not those strange seven blood arrows before, Chu Xiu would never have happened. Those things that went back to the Kunlun Demon Sect to count the harvest.

So the crux of the question now is, who shot the seven blood arrows?

Chu Xiu had a lot of grudges on the rivers and lakes, and there were almost too many people who wanted to kill him.

However, the power of the seven blood arrows is so powerful and so strange. This person who can have such power in the rivers and lakes also has a grudge with Chu Xiu, so it is very easy to find.

The Lord of Tianmenmen, Wushen, is the most suspicious person.

Of course, this is not important, and no one will go to Jun Wushen to verify this.

The dead Chu Xiu is naturally better than the living Chu Xiu.

The death of such a big devil is a good thing for the whole arena.

So after learning about Chu Xiu's news, almost the entire rivers and lakes were cheering, which also covered up some other things.

For example, the beggar gang is also cheering. Their gang leader who has been missing for decades has finally returned, and they will not really be regarded as stinky beggars.

At the top of Kunlun Mountain, in the newly built Kunlun Demon Sect, almost all the high-level executives affiliated to the Kunlun Demon Sect were full of disbelief.

The Kunlun Demon Sect has just been established, and the Righteous Path Alliance has just been forced back. At this time, it is at its peak, and it may not be possible to reproduce the power of the old Kunlun Demon Sect in the future.

As a result, now Chu Xiu is dead, and their master of the Kunlun Demon Sect is dead, what's the joke?

The news just came out, and the Kunlun Demon Sect was already a little unstable.

Those newly joined disciples are okay to say that they have no strength, and the Kunlun Demon Sect is not something they can come and leave if they want.

The real troubles were Qin Chaoxian and Yu Moya, who belonged to the Hidden Demons before.

They originally joined Chu Xiu under half coercion. At this time, Chu Xiu died, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not have other thoughts.

Qin Chao first coughed: "Everyone, since Lord Chu has passed away, should we..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Jianghe.

"Who said Chu Xiu was dead?"

Qin Chao was stunned for a moment and said: "It's all said in the Jianghu, and you have all seen the original scene, haven't you?"

Lu Jianghe snorted coldly: "We didn't see Chu Xiu dead, we just didn't see Chu Xiu come out of that space."

Qin Chaoxian smiled bitterly: "It doesn't make sense."

"Of course it doesn't mean anything!"

Lu Jianghe said coldly: "Chu Xiu has an immortal magic pill in his body. The magic pill is immortal, and the true spirit is immortal. There will always be a trace of vitality left."

Yu Moya said from the side: "But the indestructible magic pill is not really indestructible, but the power that is enough to annihilate the two world passages collapses, and the true spirit is difficult to keep, even if Zhong Shenxiu and Jun Wushen come. , I guess I can't bear it."

"They can't bear it, it doesn't mean that Chu Xiu can't bear it!"

Lu Jianghe glanced at the people around him, wisps of blood and evil spirits spread all over his body, and the dignified pressure dissipated, he said coldly, "I haven't seen any strong winds and waves in my holy religion? Twice, I don't believe he's really dead anyway.

Hold it all up for me, don't blame me for not being sympathetic to whoever treats me as an anti-bone boy at this time!

Do you know how my Holy Religion dealt with traitors before? Abolish the martial arts meridians and hang them on the flagpole in front of the Longguan Gate as an air-dried chicken. When will they be dried, and when will they be thrown out to feed the wild dogs! "

Lu Jianghe changed from his usual sloppy appearance. The blood in his words was so frightening that no one doubted that what he said was a lie.

It was only then that everyone remembered that although this person was not very reliable before, he was also the strongest among all the hall masters of the Kunlun Demon Sect 500 years ago. The warriors of the same level were in public and could be compared with him. It can be counted, even he has dealt with a legendary existence like Ning Xuanji.

In the past, the Gorefiend Hall followed the Kunlun Demon Sect to conquer the world, but his blood demon magic was all forged with the blood sacrifices of the strong men five hundred years ago!

Mei Qinglian and Chu Wuji could not help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time when they saw that Lu Jianghe had restrained the crowd.

Although they all felt that this guy Lu Jianghe was a little unreliable, but now it seems that Lu Jianghe is the one who really has the ability to calm down the situation.

Mei Qinglian was a woman after all. When Chu Xiu was around, everyone knew that she was Chu Xiu's henchman, so they gave her face very much.

After all, Chu Wuji's strength and qualifications are still relatively low, and Wei Lao is almost the same, but he, Chu Wuji, has no qualifications to dominate the market.

Other Chu Xiu's friends like Lu Fengxian and Luo Feihong, although they will never betray, but they have no foundation in the Kunlun Demon Sect, and their words are useless at all.

As Lu Jianghe opened his mouth, Shang Tianliang also said solemnly: "The mall is merged into the Kunlun Demon Sect, and everyone loses and wins together.

Don't say that no one saw Chu Xiu die, even if that kid Chu Xiu really died, why, are you still planning to break up? "

Shang Tianliang, the supreme powerhouse in the realm of Heaven and Earth, opened his mouth to confirm his attitude, and all the people present suddenly fell silent.

When it comes to strength, no one can compare to Shang Tianliang.

When Chu Xiu died, everyone thought that Shang Tianliang would stand on his own, but Shang Tianliang would not do such short-sighted things.

All the people in the mall had been brought out by him, let alone Chu Xiu's absence, even if Chu Xiu was there, it would have threatened him.

But for so long, Shang Tianliang has followed Chu Xiu in the east and west, fighting this and that. His interests have long been closely linked with Chu Xiu and the Kunlun Demon Sect.

In the eyes of other Jianghu people, he was from Chu Xiu's side. Even if Shang Tianliang wanted to break away from Kunlun and stand on his own, he didn't have to worry about anything, but the entire mall would definitely be suppressed.

The current status of the mall is almost the same as that of the affiliated sects of the Kunlun Demon Sect five hundred years ago.

Even if your name is not the Kunlun Demon Sect, other people will kill you as a member of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and they will never be tolerated.

At this time, Lu Jianghe suddenly saw Master Yuan Ji, who was probing his brain among the crowd.

He went straight to lift Master Yuan Ji out, and said with a stern face: "Didn't you get the inheritance of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable? Exactly, let me calculate how lucky that kid Chu Xiu is now?"

Master Yuan Ji said with a sad face: "If such a big thing happened, I would definitely have to do the math first, but there was no result in the slightest.

Master Chu has a causal rebirth on his body. With ordinary divination methods, he can't figure out anything at all. Only with extremely personal objects can he find a little clue. "

Lu Jianghe scratched his head and said, "How close do you want to be?"

Master Yuan Ji said: "The kind that is very personal, and even has a certain causal connection with Master Chu itself."

Hearing what Master Yuan Ji said, Lu Jianghe scratched his head even more.

Where to find this kind of thing? There is Chu Xiu's clothes, but this kind of thing has nothing to do with Chu Xiu.

At this time, Mei Qinglian stood up and said, "I seem to have something like this."

Lu Jianghe looked at Mei Qinglian with a very strange look.

You have this kind of thing, how close is your relationship with Chu Xiu?

Mei Qinglian glared at him angrily: "What do you think? This is just to help Chu Xiu keep it, maybe even he himself forgot."

While speaking, Mei Qinglian directly took out a few pieces of the weapon, and everyone looked familiar, this turned out to be Chu Xiu's sword sword dance.

The Tianmowu shattered in the battle of the Six Realms of Illusory. At the beginning, when Chu Xie died and the Tianmowu shattered, it was Wei Shuya and others who took away the fragments of the to leave a memory. But then Chu Xiu came back and had a new magic weapon in his hands, so he forgot about Tianmowu, but Mei Qinglian kept it in his collection.

In fact, this knife is the one that has been with Chu Xiu for the longest time, and it is also forged by Chu Xiu himself. Naturally, it is too close to the body.

Moreover, Tianmowu followed Chu Xiu to fight the rivers and lakes for so long, and the cause and effect were naturally deep and could not be deeper.

Master Yuan Ji's eyes lit up and said: "If there is it, there should be no problem."

Having said that, Master Yuan Ji began to lay out the formation and deduced it with all his strength.

Before his attainments in the way of divination, he was already at the master level, and later he obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable.

But under the full deduction, he couldn't find Chu Xiu's figure, not even a vague phantom.

After a long while, Master Yuan Ji's head was slightly sweating, he let out a long breath and said, "Tang Master Lu, I have tried my best, even if I use Tianmowu to calculate, I have not found any trace of Master Chu. , he is no longer in the whole world."

Lu Jianghe picked it up, his eyes staring like copper bells: "What did you say? With the inheritance of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, you have calculated such a **** result?"

Master Yuan Ji hurriedly said: "Tang Master Lu, don't get excited, although I haven't figured out the trace of Lord Chu, but I can't figure out the life and death of Lord Chu.

Life and death are the best fortune-telling, life is life and death is death.

But obviously, the state of Lord Chu is beyond my ability now. Anyway, he will definitely not die so easily. "


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