Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 308: Fire Giant Forge【1】

After further confirming with the blacksmith in Jinhuan Town, Corleone decided to bring dozens of his men to find the [Fire Giant Casters] who lived in the cave.

Fortunately, the journey is not too far away, and it won't take a few days to get there.

At this moment, Corleone did not wait for the backbone members with a smile, but only brought 40 soldiers from the North, and many snow carriages.

After packing their luggage, the group quickly set off to the west and rode along the bloodstone trail for 3 days, passing through the small forest and ice lake.

They set off in the early morning every day, letting the sun rise behind them, and didn't intend to waste any time. They stopped and camped just before the cold wind blows at night.

Fortunately, these northern soldiers have adapted to the environment here, so they talked and laughed along the way.

However, this year’s cold wave just passed and it was much colder than in previous years. All the soldiers wore thick winter clothes and cloaks.

"Head, do you need a cloak?" a member came over and asked.

Corleone only wore a shirt inside and a strange breastplate on the outside. He didn't fear any severe cold at all.

This is the benefit of the high-attribute [strength] and talent [King Kong is not bad], and it is already immune to damage from tens of degrees below zero.

"No need, hurry up and continue on the road."

In the coming of spring, the beasts and monsters that had hibernated in the cold zone came out to hunt for food.

They also encountered many wild monsters on the road, but when they found Corleone, they all chose to turn around and escape.

And Corleone didn't bother to chase after him. The key is to buy the equipment quickly, so that when the town is attacked by pirates, he has not had time to go back.

Finally, the group rushed to the vicinity of the Fangjian Mountain Range.

This tortuous Hengduan mountain area is covered by ice and snow, and is inhabited by thousands of snow goblins, giants and other humanoid monsters.

In addition, several dwarven villages are also established here, such as the Bloodstone Mine Village, where about 600 dwarves live, and they mine iron, silver and bloodstone mines in this mountain.

The well-equipped dwarf patrol patrolled the monsters in the harbor at the foot of the mountain.

But if you want to go to the dwarf village, you have to climb over this mountain range, which takes a full month and a half.

The most important thing is that the carriage still can't get up, and many trails can only be climbed hard.

So their goal is still [Bloodstone Cave], where they will trade with the Fire Giant.

After spending most of the day on the long snowy road, I found the conspicuous cave, and the surrounding trees were covered with ice crystals.

However, at the entrance of this huge natural cave, many iron fences and towers have been built, and hundreds of snow goblins are patrolling back and forth.

Unlike forest goblins and dark night goblins, their skin color is close to snow white, which is a good disguise.

As Corleone and others continued to approach, the Goblin Guard issued a warning: "Notify the owners! There is a situation!"

Several goblins stumbled towards the depths of the cave, and there was still a faint flash of fire.

Corleone didn't hide their whereabouts, so he rode forward on a horse-drawn carriage, until he approached the maximum range of the opposing goblin crossbowman.

"We are here to trade, and I need to meet your blacksmith!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" An astonishing sound came from the cave, and a total of five fire giants over 4 meters high came out in stride.

They have charcoal-black skin, fiery red hair, protruding jaws, weighing more than 3 tons, and they can live up to 350 years old.

This is the cruel fire giant, they often live in hot environments, such as volcanic areas or places with hot springs.

In addition, the fire giants live in a well-organized military group, and their leader is called the "king" or "queen".

All the goblins near this cave were conquered by the fire giant and became slaves.

The headed fire giant wore a black steel helmet and an oversized chain armor. He also held a blazing sword in his hand with fiery flames burning on it, which seemed to be an enchanted weapon.

"Do you still know how to enchant?" Corleone asked curiously.

Originally, he only planned to buy a batch of axes, arc helmets and lock armor. If the equipment can be enchanted, the money he carries may not be enough.

"Human, this is not where you should be." said the headed fire giant.

"I have a big deal, are you sure you won't accept it?"

The five fire giants walked out, with the big sword in their hands facing Corleone and the others, and the expressions on their faces were full of alert: "Human, leave, I don't want to say it again!"

"Bring things up." However, Corleone was unmoved and instead ordered his subordinates.

Several soldiers from the North unloaded a heavy iron box from the carriage and placed it on the ground.

Corleone stepped forward and kicked the box open, and dozens of golden gold coins rolled down from it, and the box was full of gold coins.

"I came here with sincerity, how should you call them?" Corleone said with a smile.

At this moment, the five fire giants whispered to each other, and the leading fire giant glanced at Corleone and walked towards the cave.

Among the remaining fire giants, someone said to him: " wait patiently."

A few minutes later, another 10 giants came, and a total of 15 fire giants stood at the entrance of the cave.

The fire giant standing in the front looked the oldest, with a fiery red beard covering his chest.

"I am King Sukh, humans, you should go back." In his right hand, he also held a three-headed hellhound. The vicious dog ticked off the falling saliva, and plumes of white smoke came out after falling on the snow.

"Dear King Sukh, I got the news from the blacksmith in Jinhuan Town. He just said that your fees are expensive, but why are you rejecting the deal now?"

The fire giant king opened his eyes angrily, and roared: "Get out of here! Starting today, we will never sell any equipment to humans!"

"Taking advantage of my good mood today, I quickly disappear in front of us!"

Corleone was silent for a moment, then took the chain saw sword behind his back and said word by word:

"Hey, old man, do you know how long it took me to get here? None of my subordinates have a good night's sleep these days."

"I can give you 5% more processing fee on top of your charge, how about it?"

After finishing speaking, Corleone released his aura, terrifying coercion, causing all the goblins to drop their weapons and fled in a hurry.

"... Even if you are a legendary swordsman, we are powerful fire giants! Kill them for me! Take off their skins and make blankets!"

The fierce King Sukh gave the order, and a total of 15 fire giant fighters rushed up!

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