Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 258: Dimension Ishiwa Rookie

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"Oh, why did you suddenly think of joining my team?" Corleone didn't deal with the rat people much, but the impression was not very good.

When he was in the blood gang, Corleone also had an arms deal with the Ratman, and the weapons and equipment provided were not bad, but many of them were not cleaned of blood, and he didn't know where the corpse came from.

Not to mention the dimensional stone weapons used by these rat people, ordinary people don't dare to touch them at all, and they don't even dare to look at them.

You know, the dimensional stone is a kind of "pure" magic crystal that exists in the main world, but it is different from other magic stones.

Other magic stones will not cause harm to life forms in their normal form, they are restrained and stable; while dimensional stones will directly hurt people's eyes, and if things are left around them for too long, they will be affected by them. distortion. (Chaotic radiation)

Although the shape of the dimensional stone is different, its shape is usually similar to flint, and it exudes an uncomfortable green shimmer.

It is not easy to check this kind of substance up close. Dimensional stone is a special substance that condenses and amplifies chaotic energy. Endless and deep corruption is its essence.

Anyone who comes into direct contact with the Dimensional Stone will have a lot of risk—disease, madness, and even mutation.

And anyone who is crazy enough to consume a part of this special magic stone will plunge himself into a terrible situation where both body and mind are distorted and mutated.

One is the dissolution of flesh and blood, and the gene collapses and dies; the other is the disgusting deformed beastman (not an ordinary orc, nor a green skin.)

Nevertheless, there is no shortage of reckless or ambitious guys in this world.

Although they know the instability and high risk of this material, they still use it as an extremely effective source of energy to invest in spells and sacrifices.

The rat people are the best in using the dimensional stone. For them, the dimensional stone is the flawless gift bestowed by the big horn rat god. The value of this gift far exceeds the golden treasure and is the most precious strategic resource.

Although Corleone also learned the one-eared information from the side, knowing that he was definitely considered a master alchemist and also a master of firearms, he was still worried.

"I think your Eagle Group has a bright future, and I also see lofty ideals and ambitions from your eyes. Only a strong like you is worthy of my follow!" said Uniear proudly.

"Interesting, then I have to make an appointment with you first." Corleone touched the stubble he hadn't shaved for a long time. He recently wanted to have a dwarf beard look.

"You say."

"It is forbidden to use any weapons and equipment related to Dimensional Stone in my team. I am very aware of the impact of this substance. Are you willing to accept this harsh condition?"

"This... Your Excellency, I am willing to accept it." One-eared obediently lowered his head. As for what he thought in his heart, I didn't know.

The life span of an ordinary rat man is only more than 20 years. Even if he is a noble white rat man, he can't live for too long. If he wants to extend his life, he will definitely use the dimensional stone.

Regarding the science and technology of the dimensional stone, the rat people are the most studied race at present, and have already developed a set of rituals that use spells and the dimensional stone to extend their life.

In theory, as long as there are enough dimensional stones, they can even get life close to immortality.

Corleone didn't know this, because this was a secret that belonged exclusively to the rat people.

In response to this reply, Corleone applauded with a smile on his face: "Okay, go find a smiling face and sign the contract, then you will be a member of the Eagle Group!"

"But if I find out that you are in contact with the Dimensional Stone, I can only expel you from the team. If it causes any serious consequences, then... Hehe." Corleone's tone changed and then continued.

"I see, you won't regret your choice today." After speaking, he turned and left, and began to plan the corresponding countermeasures.

Looking at the white rat man who was leaving, Corleone was of course wary of him, but with the help of a smiling face, he should be able to figure out his details soon.

"Old Martin, how long will it take to reach the Eagle's Nest Islands?"

"My lord, according to estimates by me and the navigator, it will take about 2 days to sail, and we will be able to arrive smoothly soon!"

"Yes, let the rest of the rum be opened, and have a good celebration tonight." Corleone said loudly, arousing cheers from the nearby sailors and members of the Eagle Group.

"My lord, this, is this a bit too wasteful, the rest is high-quality rum, which can sell a lot of money..." Old Martin whispered in his ear.

"Cut, am I short of this gold coin? Human heart is the most valuable thing, listen to me."

This night, everyone happily spent the night with laughter and coveting.

There are also several sailors who have the idea to join the Eagle Group, but their strength is too weak, at least they must be at the elite level to be eligible to join the group.

The purpose of Corleone's dignitaries is very clear-rather than lack of abuse.

The dinner party went on very late, many people went home drunk, and some just collapsed on the floor.

"Take a good rest. I will stand guard tonight." Corleone said to the flushed barbarian.

"Head, me, me, I'm not drunk! Let me stand guard!"

"You and he are all on the catwalk, you are not drunk, just roll back to sleep in the cabin." Corleone beckoned, let other subordinates pull these drunks back.

After he put on the armor himself, he walked onto the deck against the sea breeze.

At the same time, Corleone summoned the system again and looked at the latest data changes.

At present, some talents have changed, and this is due to the harvest in the nightmare world. Although the combat in the nightmare world cannot obtain experience points, those combat experiences will be transformed into the memory of the body.

This also allowed his various talents to be Bow], [Running], [Riding], [Riding and Shooting] were all upgraded to level 5, and [Tactical] to level 3. , 【Domination】 has been upgraded to level 4.

In terms of weapon proficiency, [Bow and Arrow Proficiency] has changed from 135 points to 160 points; [Throwing Proficiency] has changed from 70 points to 100 points.

All gains are attributed to the battle between the Bunnyman and the Tortoise Kingdom. It is estimated that within a few months of fighting, the Tortoise Kingdom’s army will be completely wiped out.

Corleone's attitude towards this is completely indifferent, let the dream body solve any situation, anyway, the two bodies only need to exchange memories occasionally.

The Eagle's Nest Islands that will arrive next does not belong to any country, and it is considered to be occupied by two groups of human tribes.

They are also known as Northern Terres and Nanterres. The two parties spent a lot of time in the war to strangle each other, especially the Northern Terres like to use **** looting methods, which caused even more trouble. Many casualties.

However, in recent years, the relationship between the two has been fairly good, and there has been no large-scale war. . .

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