Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 111: Go to Black Gate Prison

Chapter 111 Going to the Black Gate Prison

Right now, the red flag of "Little Giant" has been captured. It seems that the Legion of "Flying Man" and "Dark Lord" won the final victory. I don't know what happened to the female general in silver armor.

"Hey, we were a bit too late and missed a lot of wonderful fights." Beep said with a sigh.

Corleone and the others are indeed a little late, after all, avoiding risks is the most important thing, not really watching the show.

So they only saw the battle coming to an end, and the scolding between the two armies was actually very "exciting."

"We will move on when the warlord's troops are withdrawn. There is still a lot of road ahead." Kushner walked over and said to several people.

Corleone was thinking, if he became a general, how would he lead his soldiers to fight? Anyway, he would not rush to the front as recklessly as the female general.

However, the experience of the next few decades proved that even ten Kodo beasts could not hold him when he was reckless. . .

What followed was a long journey of more than 2 months, during which the blood gang also encountered many caravans, but Giuliano asked his men not to looting any caravan because they needed to keep their whereabouts secret. This involved The next rescue plan.

On the morning of March 2, the blood gang finally arrived near the Black Gate Prison. Giuliano arranged for others to rent a lot of camels from a village. These camels were their next mounts.

In this rescue plan, the blood gang is divided into two teams, one is the rescue team and the other is the support team. The captains with the most obvious appearance are not involved in the rescue team, but wait for the leader's signal in the nearby desert. .

The rescue team will all disguise as a small caravan and follow the leader to the Black Gate Prison.

And Giuliano's purpose is very clear, that is, to avoid direct fighting to rescue the two brothers, and he is ready to pay a lot of money.

In addition to the leader of the rescue team, there are 21 members, including Corleone and Beep. As for why Beep was added, this is what he strongly requested.

Beep took this rescue as an opportunity to formally join the blood gang, and he was born and died with the boss. Isn't he still not eligible to join?

Corleone also warned Bippo not to talk nonsense, and must not reveal the identity of a group of blood gangs, otherwise it would be extremely dangerous to be trapped inside.

Among the 21-person rescue team, one person has already set off early. This member is extremely eloquent and proficient in deception. He will rush to several taverns in the Black Gate Prison in advance to spread news about the upcoming blood gang.

This is also Giuliano's plan to use false news that a blood gang haunts a certain village near the village to deceive a large number of bounty hunters and mercenaries from the Black Gate Prison, so that their activities in the city will be safer.

It takes close to three days from the village to Heimen Prison, and six days to get back and forth, so the next six days will be the golden period for their rescue plan.

He believes that these people will definitely be moved. After all, Giuliano's own head is worth 15,000 gold coins. This is really a moving golden mountain.

In the past, the whereabouts of the blood gang was uncertain, and it was naturally difficult to be caught in such a vast suburb, and the blood gang was strong. If the number of bounty hunters was not enough, it would be completely dead.

Many people in the Black Gate Prison now know that two members of the blood gang have been arrested. They will surely rescue their brothers with the reputation and prestige of the blood gang. Therefore, they have secretly arranged a large number of traps and waited for their prey. As for whether the prey will become a hunter or not, it depends on its own means.

Giuliano understands that his fake news can only deceive some people, and there must be some old bounty organizations waiting for him.

Not to mention the lame gang hiding in the dark, these mad dogs will never be easily deceived by this news.

Now the rescue team took some simple cargo and rode into the Black Gate Prison on a camel. Although the name is still a prison, it looks like a large settlement as a whole. The outermost part is a low earth wall, which looks a bit decayed and worn.

The Black Gate Prison was built in a basin with an oasis. Now it is surrounded by countless small houses from high to low. The huge rectangular earth-colored brick building in the center is the Pakistan that could accommodate 800 people. Luss Kingdom Prison.

There was no inspection when entering the city, and all the people entered the city after paying the entrance fee.

The houses on the outermost floors looked very dirty. There were **** and excrement everywhere on the ground. A strong sour smell made people breathless. Some people’s houses didn’t even have a roof built, they just took a piece of it. The rag blocked it.

As Corleone and the others continued to deepen, the streets of the houses in front of them became more and more tidy, and even looked a little gorgeous inside.

In addition to the mercenary union branch occupying a space, several gangs that manage the local area also occupy the innermost position.

Corleone rode a camel to observe the surrounding environment. Unlike the first time he arrived in Scone, he now appears a lot more calm, and he will not be full of strong curiosity about all kinds of novel things as before.

But he still thinks too much. When passing a loft, the few pigmen in cool clothes standing on it were glaring frantically at Corleone.

Although Corleone's face was blocked by the face towel, and no one else could tell who he was, his strong body and clean skin still attracted greedy gaze.

When he saw the pig girls waving their fans and laughing girlishly at him, Corleone admitted that he was This scene was too shocking, no less than being caught in front of a wildebeest. Got hit.

Corleone hurriedly lowered his head and couldn't help thinking: If the wild boar comes with him, he will definitely think this is heaven!

And half a day ago, with his amazing eloquence, that blood gang member had spread the news that the blood gang appeared in nearby villages in several taverns. They could see many people coming and going on the street, most of them were Carrying weapons.

As for the member who retreated decisively after completing the task, he would leave the Black Gate Prison directly to join the support team, so as not to be caught in the settlement.

Giuliano chose a hotel, and the remaining 20 members checked into their rooms one after another. They first had to contact a local gang, the "Waste Gang", which was also the only local gang that had a good relationship with the blood gang.

The "Waste Scum Gang" is one of the managers of the Black Gate Prison. Their main business is to collect materials from various ancient ruins, and then sell the valuables to merchants or exiled nobles.

Several years ago, when the leader of the "waste gang" was trading with an exiled nobleman, he was almost hacked. If the blood gang passed by and shot in time, he would probably die, and this time he owed the blood gang's favor. Someone needs to pay it back.

However, the blood gang had not been with him for a while, after all, the Black Gate Prison was not a suitable place for bandits or bandits.

Here is the headquarters of the most powerful bounty hunter organization "Tem Armed Forces", among which there is a bounty hunter whose strength is about to approach the legend-Tem Healy.

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