Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 109: Flawless light of defeat

Text Chapter 109 The Flawless Light of Defeat

"Wait a minute, I'll look at it again." No matter how hard Beep was, Corleone continued to watch the fierce battle below with his binoculars.

For Corleone, this was an extremely large war scene. He simply watched it with gusto, knowing that as a child, he wanted to be a great knight or a heroic general.

However, his current identity is a member of a gang, and he is the most brutal blood gang. It can only be said that things are impermanent.

The current situation of the battle is that the small number of "little giants" forces have the upper hand, even if they are one enemy and two, it is not worthwhile. The only trouble is that a few rotten runners can't deal with it.

The heavy infantry of the "little giant" wore breastplates and helmets. Many of them used a combination of shields and long swords. There were also soldiers with spears.

The two parties have already fought and formed a group, and the crossbowmen in the back row are useless.

The combat skills and strength of these heavy infantry are much higher than those of the "flying" soldiers. As for the mutant infantry, they are just like cannon fodder.

Many mutant soldiers were festered and full of pustules. Their expressions were dull. They only knew that they were numbly chopping with weapons, and they were not opponents of heavy infantry at all.

It was the swift lizard cavalry who rushed into the battle line frantically brandishing their scimitars, and constantly slaughtering the resisting infantry, but when they encountered the heavily loaded camel cavalry, the whole offensive was slowed down.

The cavalry on the two sides were caught in a cruel hand-to-hand battle. They pierced each other's armor with their long spears and short swords. The horses neighed, and Corleone also watched the blood spurt, and even wanted to take the big sword and chop something to enjoy himself.

The Beep beside him was still talking, so Corleone turned his head and glanced at him. The desire for killing in his black eyes turned Beep and temporarily closed his mouth.

After a while beeping and then beeping quietly: "Corleone is really not big or small, so he dare to scare Big Brother Beep, hum, don't want Beep to help you wash your clothes in the future, there is always a smell of sweat! "

Several decaying runners on the battlefield finally met an opponent, that is, the female general "Flawless Light". She first penetrated a decaying runner's chest with a spear, and then continuously stabbed three mutant soldiers.

Then she threw away the spear that was about to break decisively, drew the long sword from her waist and slashed it towards another rotting runner.

The deformed monster spit out corrosive saliva forward, and several scimitars tied to its claws tried to divide the female general into pieces.

The long sword in the female general's hand burst out with silver-white light, and even Corleone who was watching was "blinded".

When Corleone returned to normal vision, he quickly wiped away his tears and picked up the binoculars to continue checking. The roaring rotting runner had been divided into two halves, and many mutant soldiers were also killed.

On the other side, the mutant general Bi Xu Boxu finally made a move. He is an intermediate mage, the most good at fire spells, and he is also proficient in the power of spells, can cast more powerful spells.

At this time, a wall of fire that was more than 10 meters long and 5 meters high suddenly appeared on the battlefield. This is the second-order spell [Fire Demon Wall] released by Bi Xubosu. It is a kind of battlefield spell, specially used to cut the battlefield. Or intercept the enemy's attack.

If ordinary people pass directly through this wall of fire, they are afraid that they will be burnt alive into coke, because this is not an ordinary fire.

Bisubosu’s spell burned many of his mutant soldiers, but the most important thing was to isolate the female general and her guards from the troops in the rear, and then the "flying man" Dobbins Order all archers to attack.

He didn't care whether he would accidentally injure his troops, just want to defeat the silver female knight in front of him.

At this time, the female general seemed to be in a desperate situation. There were only less than 20 cavalrymen behind her, and the other cavalry could only find a way to bypass this burning "hard wall".

A large number of mutant soldiers behind him entangled the cavalry force, including the "flying man" soldiers. This is a long-arranged tactic. As long as the female general is defeated, the morale of the "little giant" troops will definitely be Immediately collapsed.

Among them, the remaining four rotting runners were even more of a huge resistance. Some heavily loaded camel cavalry rushed forward desperately, just wanting to die with these monsters.

The camel in armor and the cavalry wearing heavy armor on it had an amazing impact when running. These cavalry stabbed the camel with a scimitar just to start the charge faster.

The rotting runners were knocked to the ground, and these camels were also killed by broken bones and internal organs. Some of the cavalry above were thrown to the ground, and some were photographed.

A sparse rain of arrows swept across the sky and screamed towards the female general. She didn't panic at all, because the enchanted plate armor on her body could completely block these sharp arrows.

However, the wildebeest under the female general's crotch was not as good as her protection, and was hit by dozens of arrows and fell to the ground.

Not only that, even the troops with many "flyers" in the rear were shot to death, and some soldiers even cursed them.

The female general avoided the fallen wildebeest corpse in a single jump. At this moment, she had no time to pray for her beloved mount, but rushed forward with her sword high.

"Flying Man" Dobbins launched a charge after ordering the archer to shoot the The elite cavalry near him also followed in his footsteps.

The cavalry unit of the "little giant" was about to bypass the wall of fire.

The scimitars on the rotten runners' claws cut these infantry into pieces of meat, but there were still many people who kept hacking with their weapons, and many soldiers even hugged their arms and thighs.

The four rotting runners were not without any injuries in the collision with the camel just now, and two of them were already vomiting blood.

In the end, under the desperate offensive, more than 100 heavy infantry were killed in total to kill these monsters.

However, the support of the follow-up troops was still a step late. The female general and the remaining guards had been surrounded by the cavalry regiment of the "flying man" Dobbins, and they were fighting together.

Corleone looked very worried. The few people in front of him needed to fight against the violent charge of hundreds of cavalry. As a bandit who rode on a horse every day, he naturally knew how terrifying the impact of cavalry was.

"Wow, Bippu finally got it!" Just as Corleone saw the crucial moment, Bippu snatched the binoculars and looked forward happily.

This Corleone was so angry that Corleone would definitely teach him an unforgettable lesson if it weren't for Beep's weak body.

In Bippu's eyes, he did not see the female general, because the smoke and dust brought up by the hundred cavalry was too great, which made it difficult to see the specific situation when the two were in contact.

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