Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 888: Night siege

Tangning watched the cultivator slashing at her with an axe. She stepped forward and flew up in a volley. The round bamboo in her hand shot down with a fierce force, knocking down the axe in his hand. At the same time, Yuan Zhu turned around and destroyed his dantian with one blow.


He only heard a muffled hum, a strong force from outside into his body. At that moment, he involuntarily snorted, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, vaguely aware of the fragmentation of the dantian in his body, and the breath of spiritual power seemed to vent. The ball of anger dispersed outwards.

"no no!"

He shouted in horror, but because of the force of the blow, his whole person fell to the ground, and his spiritual energy was dissipated. The cultivation base fell from the foundation to the spiritual master, and from the spiritual master to the qi refining, until, Without a trace of spiritual power, he became a mortal.

"No! My spiritual power! My spiritual power..."

The sound of horror came out, and he saw that his whole person quickly became old, wrinkled skin, dry hair, and thin and collapsed face, unlike the previous foundation-building cultivator.

Tang Ning glanced at the man on the ground, and saw that the two of them were beaten on the ground, and one wanted to run, so he kicked the axe on the ground and knocked that man out.


Han Zhi and Xing Tong hurried to her side, while Hei Feng looked at them and asked, "Master Tang, how do you deal with these people?" These people are abolished, but they are not dead.

"The city guard will take care of it in a while, don't worry about it, let's go!" She said, stepping out of West Street, and the three people behind quickly followed.

Not long after they left, Chengwei came over and saw the people whose cultivation base had been abolished. He was secretly surprised and asked the people around him. After learning what had happened, he also took those people away.

Axe helped the rest of the people to hear that something happened here, and when they rushed in, they only saw blood stains that had been cleaned up. They asked people around to find out, but no one dared to say more, only told them that those people were taken away by the city guard. Up.

On the other side, as soon as Tangning entered the hospital, she gave an order: "Heifeng, please confess, pay more attention during this period. If there are no accidents, those from the Axe Gang will come here soon."

"Yes! Master Tang can rest assured that when the master left, people will stay here to guard, those people can't get in." He knows that the master has confessed to someone secretly guarding the courtyard, and the strength is not low, so even if someone comes, it is estimated You can't get in either.

Hearing this, Tangning smiled, touched her bare head, her eyes flashed, glanced at the courtyard, and said with a smile: "No, if someone gets dark, just let them in."

In the dark, the monk who was responsible for protecting the safety heard this and couldn't help but glanced at each other, looking at the little person. Is he not afraid?

"Master Tang wants to close the door and hit the dog? Is it done?" Hei Feng's eyes brightened, and there was a war-thirsty factor in his eyes ready to move.

Tangning moved the knuckles of her fingers, and said in a tender voice with a little milky voice: "Of course, you can't keep the ones that came to the door."

"Okay! I see, I'll explain it right away!" Heifeng said immediately, leaving quickly to find Anyi.

As the axe gang in the city, even if they did not see those people, after inquiring, they knew where they lived. Therefore, after nightfall, the axe gang members quietly surrounded the closed door. courtyard.

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