Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 842: Full fight

Seeing that the dean couldn't stop the breath and stepped back, Tangning immediately hit his back. Who knows, even with her help, the two of them were still knocked into the air by a powerful force from the other side's attack.


The sound of the impact of the airflow hit the dean's body with a bang. At the same time the dean was knocked into the air, Tangning was also knocked aside by the airflow.


The dean spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale and wanted to stand up from the ground, but he fell down a bit unable to hold his body, the blood in his mouth kept spilling.

"The Dean!"

Tangning exclaimed. She was behind, and the dean helped her block most of her strength, but she was still hit by the blow, and her chest hurt. The wound that stopped the bleeding from the sword wound was because of this. The blow was bleeding again.

But she didn't care about herself, but quickly got up and came to the dean's side. Seeing that he couldn't even stand up and his mouth was bleeding, she immediately took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

"President, I will help you up." She tried to lift him up, but at this moment, another magic sword was cut at her.

"Ning'er be careful!"

Tang Xiao, who stood in front of the Tang family’s gate, exclaimed. After the sword in his hand had cut off the two demon repairs in front of him, he swept forward and quickly came to her and stopped. The blow that Moxiu slashed.

"Ning'er, how are you?" Tang Xiao asked, seeing blood oozing from the wound on her chest, and immediately said, "Your wound is bleeding again. You must stop the bleeding first!"

"Youth!" He shouted and looked around.

Because of this melee, and because of the many magic repairs that have been transformed into soldiers, the secret guards and guards of the Tang family have come out to fight, and only some old and weak remain in the mansion.

As for the great elders and others, they guarded the Tang family's inner house in good name and did not come out.

"Father, I'm fine. First help the dean up. The force of that blow was taken by him. He was hurt very badly." Tangning said, let him help the dean up.

"Good." Tang Xiao responded hurriedly and quickly helped the dean up.

At this time, Qingzhi also rushed over from the other side to help the dean back to the gate of Tang's house.

"Unexpectedly, in this small place of mortals, there is such a person with merit and Buddha's light hidden. It is really nowhere to find the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it! Your whole merit, including your soul, deity I want it all!"

When the stern voice fell with a hint of excitement, the figure filled with black aura also attacked Tangning. The pressure contained in the hand that stretched out the attack was the aura of the peak of Yuan Ying, or It was because it was mixed with some dark energy, so that the breath coercion was extremely powerful, if it weren't for the ancient coercion in Tangning's body, I'm afraid it would be difficult to stand under this coercion.

"Idiot talk about dreams!"

Tangning snorted coldly, watching the figure hit, and when she moved her palm, the light flashed. When a golden light flashed, the holy heaven bowl flew out again and hit the figure.

"This deity is not Cheng Yang's useless thing! You bowl, why can't you stop me!"

A gloomy voice came out with arrogance. When the figure that had attacked Tangning saw the holy heaven bowl, it turned into a huge whirlwind and turned, the whirlwind rolled from the ground into the clouds and reached the top of the head. The sky above was all disturbed.

"Crazy dragon wobbles its tail!" The voice with powerful pressure seemed to come from the sky.

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