Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 840: Not optimistic

Breaking the barriers under Chengyang’s cloth and also abolishing his contract beasts, causing him to shatter his Nascent Infant and suffer backlashes. After his strength fell to Jin Dan level, Tangning slowly fell from the night sky, and the holy heaven bowl he held in his hand followed A ray of light flashed and disappeared in her palm.

She stood in front of Venerable Chengyang, with a sharp sword transformed from Guanyin bamboo in her hand pointed at his throat: "What else do you have to say?"

"There is nothing to say about the winner and the loser!"

Venerable Chengyang opened his mouth and blood spilled out. His face was pale, and sweat oozing from his forehead. Looking at the long sword pointing at him, there was no fear in his eyes, only unwillingness and resentment.

With his dignified Yuan Ying, he would have suffered such a disastrous defeat! Unwilling! He is not reconciled!

"What a useless thing!"

A low and dumb voice suddenly came out, making everyone around him suddenly startled, and they looked around to see who was talking.

The dean and Tang Ning wrinkled their brows slightly, staring at Venerable Chengyang in front.

"Who! Who is it!"

Venerable Cheng Yang's complexion changed drastically, his eyes were astonished and shocked, because the voice seemed to come from his body, but it did not come from his mouth.

"Master Tang, go back!" The dean sipped, and pulled Tangning away in front of him.

As the two of them retreated, a cloud of black aura diffused out of Venerable Chengyang, and gradually surrounded him. As the cloud of black aura permeated, the surrounding aura changed again. Depressed, faintly stronger than before.


When the dean saw this scene, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately drank to everyone around him: "Go! Go all! Get out of here! Go!"

The people around didn’t know what was going on, but seeing that Cheng Yangzun had a black breath on his body, and his face became very scary, and the surrounding breath became more and more suppressed, the dean shouted, they Immediately backed up quickly.

"Quickly enter the mansion! Quickly go in!" Seeing that the situation was different, Tang Xiao quickly asked the elders and the others to return to the mansion.

"Quick! Fast into the house! Block the door!"

The elder hurriedly shouted and walked inside while carrying his clothes. He looked back from time to time. When he saw the black air that diffused on the body of Venerable Chengyang outside, his face changed in fright and his heels were wiped Like oil, it ran without a trace in a short while.

When Nangong Lingyun saw that scene, the whole person was a little startled. He didn't understand, why did his master suddenly become like this?

"Hahahahaha! What to run? Since the deity is here, no one can run away!"

The sullen and arrogant voice came out of Venerable Chengyang's mouth, and I saw that his face was filled with black energy at this time, and a black mark like a flame appeared on the center of his eyebrows, the hair that was originally tied, because The soaring black breath rushed away, messy and scattered behind him.

"President, what is going on with him?"

Tangning asked, looking at Venerable Chengyang who seemed to be a different person, the black aura from that body was constantly pouring out, as if he had repaired his broken Yuan Ying, and the whole body exuded again. A stronger primordial breath than before.

"He has a dark aura. Looks like this, he should be possessed by Demon Cultivation. The situation is not optimistic." The dean said in a calm voice. Unexpectedly, Venerable Chengyang Yuan Ying's strength would also be possessed by Demon Cultivation. body.

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