Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1677: terribly upset

Finally, the village chief came, asked someone to help the woman back, and apologized to Tangning. At the same time, he said to the young men and women: "A few, tomorrow morning, please leave a few others. Right!"

Although the woman was wrong when changing the medicine, these brothers had also done it. How could the people in the country resist the temptation of the city's medicine and gold coins? Now that a person died after changing the medicine and failing to take the pill in time, it is naturally impossible to keep them here anymore.

When the village chief said this, Ouyang Mingyue couldn't help but glanced at Young Master Lin, and turned to leave.

"I can't blame me for death, I can only say that he deserves it." Seeing that Ouyang Mingyue was blaming, Young Master Lin also felt a little unhappy, so he went back to rest with the flick of his sleeves.

The few others left after seeing this. After everyone had dispersed, Tangning gave the old woman and the woman some spiritual tea, and said, "I'm going to rest too."

"Okay, thank you Fairy." The two continued to Lingcha, thanking her gratefully.

The next day, when Tangning woke up naturally, it was already at the end of the hour. She stretched her waist and walked out to move, but she did not see the woman. Only the child named Xiao Lei was drinking porridge.

"Fairy, you're awake! I'll help you get the bowl and chopsticks." When the child saw her, he spontaneously went to get Tangning bowl and chopsticks.

Tangning asked, "Where is your mother?"

"My mother went to Aunt Liang's house, it seems that some of them are sick." The child said, drinking porridge and eating buns.


The old woman came in and saw that she was still relieved, and said anxiously: "Fairy, it’s not good. Suddenly many people in the village fell ill. The symptoms were a bit like Ahao when they sent them back. The village chief is now I was at A Liang's house and said that he would burn A Liang's body, but his mother refused, changing the body and crying, and the whole family seemed to be sick."

Hearing these words, Tangning frowned slightly: "Their disease is mainly caused by internal heat, and it is impossible to be contagious!" Then, she remembered what the people said when they sent the two back, saying it was the present in the city. Many people have this disease. After thinking about it, they said: "Let me go and see!"

"No! You can't burn, you can't burn, you can't burn!" The voice of the old woman's crying piercingly heard, and many people surrounded her house.

Tangning shook her head when she saw it, and thought to herself, if it is really contagious, if so many people are here, it is estimated that it will be infected.

"The village chief." She didn't squeeze forward, but called out.

The village chief inside heard the sound and quickly walked out: "Fairy." He wiped his sweat, and was upset by the incident early in the morning.

"I heard that many people are sick? The symptoms are the same as the two who were sent back yesterday?" She asked directly.

"Yes, it is A Liang's family. The two children kept shouting hot on the bed, and they were very hot. His mother and his wife were also hot, their faces were flushed, and their sanity was a bit unsatisfactory. A Liang was absent last night. Some people came to see it last night. These people got sick this morning, with the same symptoms as them. Fairy, is this disease contagious?” The village head was also worried about this.

Hearing what he said, Tangning pondered for a moment, and said, "It should have only begun to spread after death. It may be that the heat in the lungs spread out and let them inhale it after death. Let everyone go home! Don't encircle you. Here, I will look at their situation first."

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