Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1650: Reveal the demon body

"call out!"

That sharp knife gang cut down, and the powerful demon power was turned into by the round bamboo. It was obviously just a piece of bamboo, but the knife that even the big demon could slash was not even the knife mark there. Bamboo leaves.

The Demon Empress did not believe in evil, holding the demon knife and then slashing towards the round bamboo that had flown in, but found that when the demon knife cut it down, it was as if it had cut something as hard as a profound iron, making a clanging, crisp sound.


After the demon sword and Yuanzhu struck each other, Yuanzhu was knocked away and bounced back. Tangning moved forward and grabbed Yuanzhu and struck forward again. After fighting her a few strokes, Yuanzhu held a strong inner strength. The force shot down in the abdomen of the Demon Empress.


When the stick was shot down, a heavy blow could be heard, and the demon queen's body also bends down due to the blow, and her footsteps stepped back a few steps at the same time. Perhaps it was too angry, but she shrank when she saw the big demon. Looking aside, he yelled: "Are you dead? Give it to me!"

"Yes!" Seeing that the Demon Empress was glaring at him, the big demon had to bite the bullet and stepped forward, but unexpectedly at this time the Scarlet Demon Lord stepped forward and blocked him.

"Hey, in fact, I think it's better for you to abandon the dark and cast the light as soon as possible. This old witch is not our opponent. If you stand on her side and oppose us now, then we can only kill you." Looking at the big demon in front of him, he said in a nice tone: "I don’t want to see a big demon in your dignity. It just dies in confusion. You have to figure it out if you really want to We are the enemy."

Hearing this, the great demon couldn't help but hesitated. He didn't know the strength of the Scarlet Demon Lord and Tangning, but he knew that their strength was very strong. As for how strong they are...

Seeing the demon empress who had been beaten by Tangning at this time, he had a vague understanding.

When the demon queen saw that the big demon was hesitant, she couldn't help being furious: "You two monsters actually want to cooperate with this human? Are you crazy? As long as you help me kill her, I will not treat you badly. !"

Damn it, didn't this come from the lower realm? Why is this fighting power so terrifying?


Because of the flashing **** at this moment, I saw that the round bamboo in Tangning's hand turned into a sharp sword. The sharp blade slid across the demon queen's neck very quickly, but because she dodges so quickly, it can only be left on her neck. The next blood stain.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity." Tangning looked at the demon queen holding her neck and retreating quickly, regrettingly said, "If my sword is a little faster, I can chop off the demon head."

"Tangning! You deceived so much!"

The Demon Empress drank furiously, her eyes turned blood red because of her anger, and her fist's hand was swollen because of this, her face was wicked and she looked a bit hideous.

Tangning chuckled, turning the long sword in his hand, and leaning across a stream of air, pointing diagonally to the ground, looking at the demon queen who was so angry that she said idly, "You are not a human being. , Why is it so deceptive?"

Hearing these words, the demon queen's anger overflowed from her anger. Seeing that the two demon were both standing by Tangning's side, the demon queen stared at her surreptitiously: "I will make you worse than dead. Let you know the cost of irritating me!"

When the cold voice fell, she saw the demon power gushing out of her body, and as a burst of smoke spread from her body accompanied by the demon power, her demon body gradually appeared...

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