Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1419: Xuan Yi Man

Tangning leaned slightly on the recliner, looking at the grandfather who had also entered the barrier under her cloth. When he saw a relieved smile on his face, the corners of her lips curled up slightly. , Seeing that the grandfather who had closed his eyes slowly opened his eyes.

As those eyes opened, there seemed to be something different in his expression.

"Aning, thank you." Old Tang looked at her with a smile, looked up at the dark night sky, and looked at the few people who were still in the martial arts field.

"In this short period of time, it seems that I have lived a whole life. In that illusion, I have been persistently chasing that untouchable dream all my life. I made myself very embarrassed. Humiliation, pain, and suffering. At the end of my life, I realized that I was wasting my whole life. I learned to be relieved in my whole life, and I realized the truth."

At this moment, he seemed to feel that the whole person and the whole state of mind had changed differently. It was as if he himself had crossed a threshold that he could not step over. That feeling was very comfortable. The whole person seemed to be in a relaxed mood status.

Seeing this, Tangning smiled and said, "Grandfather, although you are already a cultivator at the peak of the Nascent Soul, the experience you had in the cultivating world in the early years will accompany you throughout your life and always exist in your memory. I just Let you go through the mood journey again."

She smiled, looked at the people in the martial arts field, and said: "They are the same. I gave them a mental journey. With their experience, I will realize the meaning from this mental journey. Break the shackles they have never dared to break, and cross the barrier that they have never dared to cross."

Elder Tang looked at the people in that scene and smiled. Everyone’s life is different. He thinks that their mentality is naturally different, but he knows that their moods follow. This mental process has changed...

In the imperial city, Mo Ye looked at the information on the table, and finally picked a person out of them, and ordered the guard beside him: "Let him wait in the hall."

"Yes." The dark guard responded and went out.

At this time, another dark guard stepped forward and reported respectfully: "Master, there is news from Qingyun City. On the day of the Tang family banquet, Master Tang personally pointed them out, so many people have made breakthroughs in their strengths. The ancestors of several families have successfully advanced to Jindan cultivation."

Hearing this, Mo Ye nodded: "Is it the ancestors of the Situ family and Ye family?"

"Yes." The dark guard was slightly surprised, surprised that he knew.

Mo Ye sorted out the information on the table, and said, "Understood, you go and ask, how am I going to prepare the bride price for the count? Bring the list over for my review."

"Yes." The dark guard responded and stepped back.

After a while, another secret guard came to report: "Master, the man has arrived."

"Yeah." Mo Ye replied, and walked out with his hands under his hands. When he came to the front hall, he saw the Xuanyi man waiting there standing up and bowing respectfully to Mo Ye.


Mo Ye's deep gaze fell on him, and he saw the person in front of him dressed in mysterious clothes. He was about thirty years old. He had a fortified appearance and outstanding bearing. There was a murderous aura on his body. That was the aura accumulated in the body of the long-fighted .

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