Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 836: Scared

   Chapter 836 Scared

  Mother Zhuang and Butler Su were furious when they heard Cui Jinglan open her eyes and talk nonsense. They knew that Miss Biao was not at ease, but they didn't expect her to be so shameless!

   "Miss Biao, what's in your mind? This is obviously a young lady, how can you say no? Threat us? Bought for benefits? What are you talking about!" Madam Zhuang was furious.

  Cui Jinglan's eyebrows stood upright, but she had a bit of the imposing manner of a young lady of the Houfu Biao: "Presumptuous! Mammy Zhuang, who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? Clap your mouth!"

Su Jin glanced at her: "With so many masters here, it's your turn to be a concubine who can't stand on the stage? Mammy Zhuang is the nurse of Miss Guangning Hou's mansion, and Prince Qian's mansion invited someone to come, When you come to the door, you are a guest, Concubine Cui, are you teaching the guests on behalf of the Qian Palace, or are you showing your stupidity and vulgarity on your own behalf?"

Cui Jinglan was dangerously angry, and she gave Su Jin a hard look and said: "I am the watch lady of Hou's residence, and Zhuang Ma is a servant of Hou's residence, and she is also my servant. If I teach her, what should I do? "

Su Jin smiled "puchi", "I'm afraid it's time for Aunt Cui to learn the rules again. Your concubine doesn't even have any relatives in her parents' house? The Qian Palace is the most disciplined place. If you spread such words out, I'm afraid that To make people laugh at the entire palace!"

King Qian glanced at Cui Jinglan coldly when he heard the words, what else did Cui Jinglan want to say, but when the sword-like gaze pierced into his heart, his blood was instantly cold. ?

  What Su Jin said was not wrong at all, as soon as Mammy Zhuang came to the door as a guest, what was it like being taught by a concubine of Prince Qian?

  Secondly, a concubine, that is, half a slave, how can there be any relatives? Naturally, it is even more impossible to pose in front of Zhuang Ma.

   You must know that even when the child she gave birth called "Uncle", it was Tian's brother, not her Cui's brother.

  From the day she became Zhao Ming's concubine, the Quang Ning Hou residence has no relatives like her!

   She is still arrogant and confident to call herself the young lady of Quang Ning Hou's mansion, isn't it ridiculous?

"Nanny, don't know me like a concubine," Su Jin smiled soothingly at Mammy Zhuang, and said lightly, "Aunt Cui, I'm also wondering why so many people recognize me, but you insist that it's not, and you still tell Mammy Zhuang. Full of hostility. I also want to ask, did someone threaten you to do this? Or did you benefit from it?"

"shut up!"

"What do you mean?"

  Princess Qian and Zhao Mingan couldn't bear it any longer.

   They didn't want to talk about it, and if they did, it would be three hundred taels of silver here.

  But even if they don’t get along, there is still no silver here—who else can threaten Cui Jinglan, or benefit Cui Jinglan, besides Zhao Mingan?

  King Qian's expression really changed, staring at Cui Jinglan and asked in a deep voice, "Aunt Cui, tell the truth, is Su Shi really your cousin?"

  Cui Jinglan was startled and looked at Zhao Mingan subconsciously.

   King Qian was furious: "This king asks you what are you looking at!"

   Zhao Mingan secretly scolded idiots, I have never seen such a stupid person before! Why didn't she just be stupid!

   "Father, Aunt Cui is timid—"

   "Shut up for me!" King Qian reprimanded even Zhao Mingan, and at the same time felt a deep disappointment in his heart.

   This son is really confused.

  Is it a disadvantage for the Su family to have a Hou family background? Could this affect his status? how is this possible!

  The Su family has a good background, which means that he has all the face of the Qian Palace, which is a good thing! He really asked the princess to lead the way, and he was obsessed with fighting against the Su family, regardless of the overall situation.

   actually dared to let Concubine Cui lie.

   "Aunt Cui, this king will give you one last chance. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame this king for being rude." King Qian's eyes were full of coldness, and every word was cold.

  Which one should be chosen by Miss Biao and Miss Di of the Houfu of Quang Ninh, King Qian is very clear.

  What kind of thing is the Cui family? Besides, Concubine Cui is now a concubine, and he really wants to deal with her, so he doesn't have to have any scruples.

  Cui Jinglan was trembling with panic, gritted her teeth, and still said: "Back to the prince's words, no, she is definitely not the cousin of the concubine."

   "Come here," King Qian said coldly: "Drag it down, call me, and stop when you tell the truth!"

   "My lord! The maid and concubine are wronged!" Cui Jinglan was shocked.

   Zhao Ming'an was also shocked: "Father, are you trying to subdue?"

   King Qian's eyes were cold and sneering: "Is it a trick that you don't know about yourself? An'er, you really disappointed this king!"

   Zhao Mingan's face turned pale, and he stayed there in a daze, only to feel a coolness rising from the soles of his feet and spreading throughout his body.

  Princess Qian said in a trembling voice: "My lord, what did An'er do? Isn't it too unfair for the lord to say that?"

   King Qian gave her a cold look, too lazy to talk to her.

  Princess Qian was so angry that Cui Jinglan, who kept shouting for help and was wronged, wanted to go down to beat the servant, and said resentfully, "Concubine Cui, change your tune!"

   Princess Qian knows exactly what Cui Jinglan is. Even if she doesn't say so at this moment, she won't be able to hold it if she has a few boards.

   Instead of being so embarrassed, it would be better for her to say so on her own initiative. It seemed that King Qian was unreasonable and forced her to change her words, so that she could save two points of face.

  Where has Cui Jinglan seen this kind of battle? I was already scared, if it wasn't for the fear that Princess Qian and Zhao Mingan would have already confessed, and at this moment, Princess Qian's words immediately shouted without hesitation: "Yes, yes. Su Jin is my cousin, my cousin! Wangye , Fang is that I didn't recognize it at once, and I didn't dare to recognize it, please forgive me!"

   "Okay, very good!" King Qian was furious.

  Princess Qian saved two points of face, but made King Qian a wicked villain. How could King Qian not be angry?

"I didn't recognize who told you to speak indiscriminately? You need to be careful when you speak, and disaster comes out of your mouth, do you understand? The death penalty is inevitable, and the slap is twenty! I will remember it for this king in the future, and keep your mouth shut! Also, In the future, you will be locked up, and you will not be allowed to see any outsiders, so you don’t have to lose face!”

   This time, no one asked Cui Jinglan for mercy, so she was held in custody like this, and she was slapped twenty times in the face, making her cry, and her cheeks were red and swollen like fermented steamed buns.

   After the fight, he had to kowtow with his hot face to thank him.

  King Qian gave a disgusted glance and said coldly: "Remember, what you just said, if you dare to do anything more, this king will not spare you! Go on!"

   Cui Jinglan cried and was dragged down.

  She was not favored in the first place, and King Qian said again that she is not allowed to see any foreign guests, even if she serves Tian to meet foreign guests or go to a banquet.

   (end of this chapter)

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