Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 490: midnight request

   Chapter 490 Midnight Request

Mother Lu suddenly realized, and said with a hurried smile: "I don't dare, sigh, our wife doesn't have any major symptoms, that is, after our master and old lady passed away, they were devastated and devastated, and they stayed in bed for nearly half a year. , but the spirit and energy are not as good as before. I don’t know how many doctors and how many tonics I have taken, but they have not had any effect. Now I go out, eat and sleep in the wind, and rides and horses are bumpy. It’s even worse than before. Have pity on my young lady, she's only so old, what if there is an emergency!"

Mother Lu said and sighed again, and suddenly realized that Su Jin and Qin Lang were outsiders, and she was a little embarrassed and hurriedly smiled: "Look at my old lady's broken mouth, the old slave has to go back to serve the lady, Master Qin, Madam, Goodbye old slave."

Su Jin smiled, "Get old. As the saying goes, medicine is three-fold poison, the weaker a person's body is, the more difficult it is to take tonics, otherwise it is not impossible for tonics to become poisons! I think your ladies are in good spirits, so what? To that point? Take good care of yourself and recuperate, and you will get better."

  Su Jin complained in his heart, does this big family have such a common problem? At every turn, say tonic tonic. It must be good to make up?

   She believed that the reason that medicine is three-fold poison must have been reminded by other doctors, but for those rich people, it seems that once they have any discomfort, they can't rest assured if they don't make up for it.

  Mother Lu smiled and answered politely, then said goodbye and left.

In fact, Su Jin's remarks are implying that she can diagnose and diagnose her lady herself, but the two sides have no friendship. There is no conflict today, and I have never even seen each other. Su Jin is a doctor. Naturally, it is impossible to take the initiative to rush to mention it. First, it will drop the price, and secondly, it will appear like a liar trying to defraud people of money.

   She believed that this mother Lu also understood what she meant, but she didn't say anything, and Su Jin smiled and said nothing.

  Who calls himself young?

   The reputation in Fancheng is considered to be made. How can anyone know her in Jinling?

   As soon as Lu's mother left, Qin Lang couldn't help but complain: "My family's A Jin took the initiative to mention that it was their destiny to see her lady's doctor. I didn't expect this old slave to be so blind!"

Su Jin's "puchi" was funny, and pinched him in the face, "I'm a stranger to others, and those words were abrupt, it's fine that they didn't treat me as a liar, they care about what they do. ."

  Qin Lang also smiled: "Yes, they are stupid themselves and have nothing to do with us."

  Su Jin: "."

The two were talking, and I don't know when it started to rain again. It was like a torrential downpour that the Tianhe River had collapsed as before. The thunder rolled across the sky and exploded, making people unable to help their heartbeats even in the house Accelerate, deeply appreciate the majestic power of nature.

The two had nowhere to go. After washing up, Qin Lang pulled the person into the bedroom, and used the cover of lightning and thunder outside the house to do the cowardly thing. He even whispered in Su Jin's ear that there was too much movement outside, and the house was too loud. No matter how much noise they make, they won't be heard.

   made Su Jin feel so ashamed, he turned around and wanted to beat him, but he hugged him by the waist with a low smile and rolled onto the bed together.

In the end, he was outside, Su Jin refused to let Qin Lang's temperament go wild, Qin Lang muttered that he wanted to talk about conditions to fight for rights, and before he finished speaking, Su Jin was impatient and kicked him down and didn't do anything at all. ready. Qin Lang had to stop, it is better to not be able to eat than to not be able to eat!

   Who knew that in the middle of the night, the two of them were sleeping soundly to the sound of the rushing rain, when Zhang Yan knocked on the door again, saying that the mother Lu who came in the evening came again.

  Su Jin was startled, and immediately guessed that it was probably her lady who had an accident.

Sure enough, when Lu's mother saw Su Jin, she hurriedly apologized and confessed that she shouldn't have disturbed her in the middle of the night, and said with red eyes and choked: "I don't know when I will wait for the doctor on such a heavy rainy day. I also asked Mrs. Qin to help me. Come and see our wife. Come on! Our wife suddenly vomited blood and her breath was weak."

  Su Jin didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly said: "Saving people is like putting out a fire, Mama Lu, please lead the way! Master, bring my medicine box."

   "Thank you Mrs. Qin, Master Qin, thank you!" Mother Lu hurriedly agreed, and she voluntarily wanted to get the medicine box for Qin Lang.

  Qin Lang didn't want to give it to her at first, so he glanced at the pitch-dark world outside. Even if there were lanterns illuminating it, it would still be pitch-dark on such a rainy night, and he didn't know how much water had accumulated on the ground.

   He solemnly handed the medicine box to Lu's mother: "Take it, break it a little bit, I'm not finished with you."

   Said Bi Diao and put Su Jin on his back: "Just lie down."

  Su Jin's face was a little red, but she didn't refuse. She hugged Qin Lang's neck loosely with both hands and said softly, "Be careful with your feet."

   Qin Lang chuckled: "Don't worry."

  Mother Lu looked at it with emotion and dazzling eyes. Even though she was in a hurry at the moment, she couldn't help but sigh: "Master Qin and Mrs. Qin are really in love with each other, it's really - Mrs. Qin is so lucky!"

  Su Jin smiled and was about to speak, but heard Qin Lang say, "I am so lucky!" That's why he was able to marry such a good daughter-in-law as his daughter-in-law.

  Su Jin blushed even more and mumbled lowly, this bastard, praising her and praising her, what is the matter with pinching her ass?

  Mother Lu was stuffed with dog food, so she couldn't even laugh.

   Zhang Yan did not dare to let Su Jin and Qin Lang go to other courtyards alone in the middle of the night, so he personally brought three brothers to play the lantern and followed a piece.

When    came, the eldest son had told me thousands of times that he must protect the safety of Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin, and do not make any negligence.

  The Lanyuan courtyard was brightly lit, and Su Jin just knew that this lady should be called Madam Tang.

  Mrs. Tang's illness may have been a very common thing for the servants. Although the maids were very anxious, they didn't mess up.

   The small figure of Miss Tang, who was not yet ten years old, stood in front of the bed, pursed her lips lightly, and looked at her mother with concern. Her eyes were red, but she was very quiet.

   Seeing Mama Lu and Su Jin coming in, Miss Tang's tears rolled down, she hurriedly took out her handkerchief and wiped it away, and quickly stepped forward: "Mother Lu, is this Mrs. Qin who knows medical skills?"

   "Yes, miss, ask Mrs. Qin to take a look for her first!" Mrs. Lu also sincerely loves and cherishes the little master, gently hugs her and backs away, and asks Su Jin to accompany her with a smile.

  Tang Lan suddenly said: "Mother Lu, is this Mrs. Qin really a doctor? Our wife's illness has always been seen by a famous old doctor, this Mrs. Qin."

   Tang Lan's implication is very obvious, Su Jin is too young and not famous, can she see it?

   (end of this chapter)

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