Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1287: reach

   Chapter 1287 Achieved

The Queen    had to take a step back.

   Today, she is going to accomplish this no matter what, otherwise, what will the emperor think of her?

   Stealing chickens is not a matter of losing rice, the queen will never do it.

   "That being the case, based on the princess's understanding of the prince, the prince thinks that if you can bring a few people back, the prince won't blame the prince?"

  The queen was still mocking Su Jin in her heart for being able to bend and stretch, but now it was her turn to be able to bend and stretch, so she had to put away the pressure she deliberately released, and asked Yanyue with patience.

  Su Jin's "righteous words" and "righteousness and awe-inspiring" embarrassing queen, in fact, more than half of them are intentional.

   She is not afraid of angering the queen, but wants to see what the queen's bottom line is about this matter? The bottom line of the queen is naturally also the bottom line of Emperor Yanhe.

   Seeing the Queen's gloomy and sullen face pondering for a moment, she changed a negotiating tone to talk to herself, and when she asked herself this way, Su Jin understood in her heart.

   There is still some discussion on this matter.

   If she can bring back a few less, she will of course be happy.

As if thinking about it very seriously, Su Jinfang slowly said: "This, I can't guarantee 100%, but I can generally understand it. The prince's grace is naturally accepted by the prince, but he has to respect it. Elder, just twelve people, what do you think of the Empress?"

   Originally, she wanted to say ten people, but since Emperor Yanhe "specially valued" the crown prince, it would be difficult for him to be the same as King Wu and King Ning.

  The odd number is not good-looking, so let it be even.

  Queen: "."

   This person is so preoccupied with this, that he is so stingy!

   There is almost no need to think, the Queen understands how Su Jin thinks in seconds, it is called speechless.

   This is also the bottom line of the emperor.

  The Queen really doesn't understand, why is the Emperor so concerned about the Prince and the Su family?

   But the Empress was obviously not satisfied, and frowned, "Is it a little bit? Look at this palace, Sixteen!"

  Su Jin suddenly had the illusion of buying pork in a vegetable market. I'm afraid this is not a joke!

   "The concubine thinks that twelve is just right. If there are more, the concubine will not dare to call the shots."

  The queen choked. After struggling with Su Jin for a while, she was already exhausted and lethargic. In terms of physical strength and energy, how could she be Su Jin's opponent?

The Queen    also has no energy to compete with Su Jin. More importantly, she understood that even if she wanted to compete, there would be no satisfactory consequences.

So be it!

   "It's okay, then the Crown Princess will pick twelve people to take away! If the emperor comes back with more rewards, then let's talk about it."

How could    look back?

  The emperor made such a big detour to let the queen find him, but he didn't want to face Qin Lang head-on, which showed that he was actually afraid of Qin Lang in his heart. In this case, how could there be?

  Su Jin naturally wouldn't let the queen down too much, so he didn't contradict and expose this, and answered yes.

The queen also instructed the palace servants to fetch the jade ruyi and kesi brocade that the emperor gave to Su Jin, "This is what the emperor gave you, don't let down the emperor's kindness, treat these women well, and keep the East Palace in harmony. "

   "Yes, the concubine thanked the father and the emperor! Thank the queen!" Su Jin thanked Dade, respectfully thanked him, and ordered someone to accept it.

Of those twenty people, she did not choose them herself, but glanced at them and said lightly: "Bengong wants to choose twelve people to go to the East Palace, Bengong doesn't want to force it, and whoever wants to go will be listed on your own. The first twelve people follow along. This palace leaves."

  The beauties were startled, and subconsciously looked at the people around them.

   Their destiny was never up to them to choose, it was always what others said, whether they liked it or not, they only had to do it obediently.

   It is the same at home, and it is the same when entering the palace.

   At this moment, Su Jin gave them the right to choose, even if it was just such a simple option, it made them a little dumbfounded and at a loss for a while.

  They never made this choice.

   But they can understand what the princess means.

   Someone quickly responded and hurried out of the queue.

   One after another, there were enough twelve people soon, Su Jin stopped.

   The complexion that took a step slowly changed slightly, and he couldn't help showing a bit of pity, and looked at Su Jin timidly and pleadingly.

  The Crown Prince is still young, and he is the Crown Prince, so following the Crown Prince is the best choice.

   It's really annoyed by the rest of the people. If I knew earlier, I should have gotten out of the list sooner. Just a little bit late!

   One step too late, the fate is completely different

   Several pairs of eyes looked at Su Jin pitifully, praying silently. But no one dared to speak out.

  The palace is no better than the outside, and the ten-day training left a deep impression on them.

   In front of the Crown Princess, there is no place for them to take the initiative to do anything. It is even more taboo to cry and kneel down to beg for mercy.

   They can only answer unless the princess asks.

  Su Jin was expressionless, just did not see, and led the twelve people to bid farewell to the Queen and left Kunning Palace.

   The remaining few are pitiful, but what does it have to do with her? Whether forced or not, she couldn't sympathize, she could only say that everyone was strangers to each other, that's all.

   The group happened to meet Zhao Mingan on the way. It seems that he should go to Kunning Palace to greet the queen.

   "Prince Concubine!" Zhao Mingan nodded to Su Jin and greeted him.

   "Prince Zhong!" Su Jin also nodded and smiled in response.

   The two sides parted ways, and Su Jin murmured a little.

  Just now, she should have read it right, Zhao Mingan subconsciously glanced at these twelve beauties, as if he was looking for someone.

   He probably didn't find the person he was looking for, so he quickly looked away.

   Although the glance was quick, Su Jin was sure that he was not mistaken.

   As a doctor, he has always been more sensitive than others in observing words.

  Meeting Zhao Mingan in the palace, how could Su Jin not pay attention to him?

   Who is he looking for?

   This is interesting

Su Jin's carriage would never take these twelve people, but fortunately, the queen thought it out very thoughtfully—mainly because she wished Su Jin could get the people away quickly, and never gave Su Jin any more excuses to shirk, so the carriage was already ready. .

  Two very large carriages, enough to send people away.

   saved Su Jin's troubles, she smiled and ordered to lead twelve beauties into the car and go back to the East Palace together.

   "Prince Concubine, are you going to let them go to the Nameless Court directly?" Yin Zhu asked unhappily on his face. Thinking that there are so many fox spirits in the East Palace all of a sudden, who can be happy?

  Su Jin said: "Send it to the east side hall of Qingluan Palace first, let them rest for a while, and I will come to ask questions later."

   Qingluan Hall is the living place of the Crown Princess, but since moving into the East Palace, Su Jin and his son have been living in Ruihe Hall with Qin Lang, and Qingluan Hall is just a decoration.

   (end of this chapter)

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