Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 138: All Treasures

This is a C-level main combat faction——Doupai, which sells a whole 3D printing center production line.

Fang Che didn't dare to hesitate too long.

After all, this kind of low price, the products sold on the free market will appear on the first line of the first page of different types of products due to their ultra-low prices!

If there is a faction or individual silicon-based life that wants to buy a 3D printing center production line!

They are sure to be snapped up the first time.


I have to say I was a little nervous.

In particular, Fang Che thinks that the 3D printing center production line can bring extraordinary significance to Longpai.

The benefits to the entire faction are self-evident.

It is simply an artifact of factions below C level.

With the 3D printing center, they can produce those low-tech modules and materials, and no longer need to go to the free market to buy them.

After all, this is a production line worth at least 20 million energy coins! Although the things produced by the 3D printing center are worthless, they can only produce technology products that are below the second-level civilization, including the second-level civilization.

But it is related to the products, various small modules, and even the production of ammunition that every mechanical warrior can use.

I have so many energy coins, I must fight for it.

It can be said that as long as there is a 3D printing center, they can produce the armor-piercing ammunition of the first-level civilization, and there will be no shortage of I-level bullets in the future, and machine gun alloy materials can be produced.

Longpai can produce matter, and so on......

at the same time.

Indeed, the small factions of the entire mechanical world have seen this 3D printing center equipment, and it is sold on the free market at a price lower than the usual price of five million.

Even after buying it, they can transfer thousands and then sell it for a profit.

Almost at the same time.

Factions with 25 million energy coins are still individuals.

They all chose to buy!

This moment!

Even Fang Che felt that the quantum network was a bit stuck.

buy it!

Must buy!

next second.

【You bought a 3d printing center production line!】

"Oh my God!"


Fang Che felt that his hands were about to tremble.

But he knew that he didn't feel that way.

Because his body is very stable, this is a wrong perception given by his heart.

You must know that the 3D printing center is the equipment that almost every faction wants!

"I got it, Dongdong, you go to organize a 20x20 meter area on the base."


Fang Che also didn't want to continue wasting base resources.

Browse quickly to find what you want to buy.

Spend 5 million energy coins to buy rare earth mineral elements!

Spend three million to buy material base materials.

Along with the purchased chest Vulcan module.

Tactical shield module technology! Three million energy coins.

Beam saber weapon module technology set, six million energy.

Not enough at all, too much to want.

Within a moment, Fang Che consumed all the energy coins.

It didn't even feel like he bought anything, and he miraculously spent all the energy coins he earned.

It's a waste of money.

After all, buying technology always requires a lot of energy coins.

But now with the 3D printing center, the whole Longpai will be different.

He can produce by himself, he only needs enough to buy basic materials, produce them and sell them, and he can maintain the survival of the faction.

Beam saber weapon, saber like light!

It can become the standard equipment of faction legions, just like every soldier in the previous life must be equipped with a saber for melee combat.

There are Vulcan cannon modules and machine gun modules in the distance [the defense has a tactical shield module.

With this configuration, I believe that the strength of the entire tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior army will be qualitatively improved.

Just waiting for the 3d printing center to be built.

[3D Printing Center]: It requires x15 matter and thirty thousand energy.

It is worthwhile to spend 30,000 energy to build a 3D printing center.

Now the number of base materials is: 250,000 pieces, all of which are basic metal ore elements.

250,000 pieces of matter, the matter produced into other materials is not as much as imagined!

Now that there are a large number of rare earth elements, nano-smart materials can also be produced in large quantities!

The jet fighter production line is producing at full speed and at full capacity at a rate of three a day.

Fighter Corps is no longer a fantasy!


There must be a land corps. The tyrannosaur-type corps is very good to be honest, and you can consider staying...

Double Legion!

An army of fighter jets!

A land army composed of Tyrannosaurus rex-type mechs!

Fang Che withdrew his gaze from the Tyrannosaurus rex army following behind the base.

In this way, there are land and air.

Seventy-eight subordinates of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"It's just... for a while, it can't be transformed!"

Fang Che thought that it would take more than ten days to produce three jet fighters a day.

But for silicon-based life, which is eternal and immortal, this time is really nothing.

And with rare earth elements.

Fang Che's nano-smart 317 material is finally a reality.

[Your ultra-tungsten carbide body is transformed into nano-smart materials with 100% progress!]

Nano smart material body!

The reason why first-level civilized fighters cannot quickly transform into nano-organisms is the lack of rare earth mineral elements.

I don't know how many years, the mechanical world has no metal mines, let alone rare earth elements.

It can be said!

Now the rare earth elements in the entire mechanical world trading market come from the universe!

With the improvement of the level of civilization and the outbreak of industrial revolutions, the demand for resources will become extremely terrifying.

Like a behemoth devouring energy, every day is a huge, unimaginable energy demand.

Especially various rare earth elements.

Rare earth speed is not 250 of the 17 commonly used classes on earth!

The entire universe is too big, and there are many undiscovered rare earth elements waiting to be discovered!

Therefore, it led to the mother planet of the mechanical world, because the new species are all first-level civilization-level silicon-based ecology.

Of course, there must be a reason for the limitations of the mechanical world.

Only the elite can step out of the mechanical mother star and step into the sea of ​​stars!

In the distant starry sky, the stars are twinkling, and every star is a treasure for every mechanical warrior...

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