Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 828 Taking off

Whether you like it or not, the sun will still rise the next day.

Lin's mother's mood has calmed down a lot. She and Father Lin didn't sleep a wink all night, fearing that they would miss the last chance to see their daughter.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the Star Channel broadcast live simultaneously, the collective award ceremony of all members of the Noah.

Because there are many crew members and they come from different forces in Lanxing, the honorees are also the heads of the various forces who personally announce it to the members of each party.

This was the first time Lan Xing's leaders gathered after Gro's attack.

There are more than a thousand crew members selected to join the shuttle this time. In addition to the administrative personnel responsible for the normal operation of the spacecraft, scientists and technicians in specialized fields, most of them are elite forces with strong military force.

The shuttle is not small, but many spaces have special uses, such as equipment and weapons.

There isn't much real space for people to live in. With so many people suddenly settling in, it is destined that the living environment for most people will not be very comfortable.

Among them, the elites who serve as crew members account for the largest proportion and have the smallest living space. They are arranged for eight people to a room, which is similar to a student dormitory.

However, these elite forces were originally accustomed to living in a collective life in the military headquarters. They were also mentally prepared for future adventure life and did not have such high requirements for the dormitory environment.

Bed, as long as you can sleep on it.

Besides, there is more room for movement on the spaceship, which is much more comfortable than some ships...

So, after a large group of "Lanxing Aerospace Special Contribution Medals" were awarded, Lin Fan took the stage.

She wore a bright red double-breasted gown today, with gold buttons and gold embroidery on the epaulettes shining brightly. Trousers of the same color, paired with black flat-heeled boots.

Because she is not from the military, she does not have a hat.

The hair has reached shoulder length and is trimmed neatly with sharp ends. It looks a bit like a Sassoon head, with the back high and the front low, with a side parting.

Such an outfit, coupled with the fact that she kept a straight face, made her young face look fresh and professional.

As soon as she stood still on the stage, her basic information was displayed on the large screens on both sides. Different from others, Xingchen's photo is also displayed on the side, and his multiple meritorious services are marked.

The people watching the live broadcast didn't even have time to wonder why the captain, such a young lady, was knocked down by the huge shock.

Did the stars actually look like this?

At the same time, all the mecha man information on the official website was refreshed, each bio-robot showed the original man's information, and the bionic man-a-man's driver information was published.

This is led by the H party. I want all heroes to no longer be unknown.

In addition to Lin Fan being awarded the "Lanxing Aerospace Special Contribution Medal" like everyone else, the old man also personally awarded her the "Aerospace Meritorious Medal".

This is a medal that was created a few years ago and is specially set to commend outstanding contributions to the aerospace industry. It is much more valuable than the "Blue Star Space Special Shared Medal" specially established for this interstellar journey.

After the awarding was completed, Lin Fan spoke on behalf of the entire crew as the captain of the Noah.

Father Lin and Mother Lin looked on with interest.

It turned out that their daughter had already done so many amazing things before they knew it. Over the years, she has not revealed anything. If she had not left Lanxing, she would have hidden it from them for the rest of her life...

Mother Lin was both proud and sad. She wanted to cry but didn't dare.

She kept reminding herself in her heart that Lin Fan was going on the road today and she shouldn't cry. It was unlucky...

She covered her mouth with both hands and bit her lip, not daring to make a sound.

Suddenly someone next to me said, "Look, what Minister Lin is wearing today looks like a wedding dress?"

"Yes, I heard that Lin Bu has been single and unmarried. The road ahead is dangerous. Is she marrying herself to Country H, to Lan Xing?..."

Lin Ma raised her blurred eyes to look at Lin Fan, only to see a bright red mass...

Since the Octobans' ship had been waiting in outer space for two days, the take-off ceremony was kept as simple as possible. A stage was set up in the open square in front of the Noah, with the huge Noah as the background.

After Lin Fan finished speaking, a group of people lined up to board the ship.

After everyone had boarded the ship, the vice captain and first mate were all standing at the door. Lin Fan finally got on the ship and stood by the door, waving to the people below.

There were many acquaintances below, so she glanced past them, pausing emphatically towards Father and Mother Lin, and then took a deep look at John Woo next to her. After seeing his solemn nod, she turned around and entered the cabin.

The cabin quickly closed, and the broadcast camera cut halfway to the perspective inside the cabin.

No one in the square left. They all watched the picture on the big screen next to them with bated breath, waiting for the Noah to take off.

Lin Fan and others quickly entered the main control room of the spacecraft.

She sat on the most advanced egg-shaped chair and skillfully brought up the touch podium.

I remember the first time she sat here, when she just discovered the shuttle. Because of carelessness, I accidentally clicked on the touch screen but did not dare to move it. I got stuck on the chair and did not dare to move...

Everything in the past seemed like yesterday, Lin Fan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and shouted an order.

"Noah! First voyage! Take off!"

The technicians who had been on standby in the main control room responded one after another and took action.

Soon, a huge jet of air erupted from the bottom of the Noah and spread to all sides, causing everyone who was waiting to watch the ceremony to retreat with their heads in hand.

The Noah took off slowly and steadily amidst everyone's embarrassment. Like a helicopter, it took off straight up and down.

It turned the bow while lifting into the air. When it reached about twenty meters, the bow was already facing the award podium, which was the position of the external camera. It swayed downward lightly, as if it was nodding to everyone.

Immediately afterwards, it accelerated into the air and turned, and soon disappeared from people's sight...

"Report! The power system is all normal! It is maintaining high-speed propulsion and is about to leave the atmosphere!"

"Report! The navigation system is all normal! The guide ship has been found!"

"Report! The air pressure inside the ship is normal and all personnel activities are normal!"


Report after report was urgent and fast, and all the operators couldn't care less about Li Chou and got busy in an orderly manner.

The crew members who were not busy were also staring at the shared screen in the activity room or their respective cabins, following the progress of the first official entry into space.

Lin Fan also has two deputy captains and three first mates, each of whom has his or her own responsibility.

As the captain, Lin Fan has the most power, but he has the least administrative functions. He doesn't really need to interfere with any actual affairs on weekdays, and he is almost the same as the mascot of the ship.

But the shuttle entered space for the first time, and she didn't dare to be careless. She is well aware of her abilities and responsibilities. Although she usually doesn't ask questions, she is definitely the supreme authority and ability on the Noah.

After successfully rendezvousing with the Octopus Man's boat, he followed them and flew level for a distance.

The Octobans determined that there was no problem with their flight operations, and notified Noah to prepare for a space jump. They have been stranded in the solar system for long enough. If they hadn't agreed to come back to pick up Lanxing's ship, they would have gone to nowhere.

Now, in order to take care of Noah's first jump, it was decided to try a short-distance jump from behind the moon directly to the vicinity of Pluto. If there are no problems, you can jump out again after a period of repair and jump directly out of the Kuiper Belt and out of the solar system.

The reason why we chose to stay near Pluto was to give Noah the opportunity to throw a communication satellite.

Otherwise, with the current technological capabilities of Lanxing, it will take at least ten years to send a new communication satellite. If you want to communicate with Noah, you don't know how long it will take.

Everyone on board Noah was surprised. Will it leave the solar system so soon?

Everyone was ready and determined the jumping point based on the positioning coordinates given by the octopus man and the relative positions of the two ships. After confirming with the octopus man again that it is correct, start the jumping process.

The shield of the Noah was opened, and the entire hull of the ship was passed over by the stream of light, and the originally bright white hull darkened.

The ten-minute space jump countdown begins.

Suddenly someone shouted. "Captain, there is a new communication request!"

"Connect!" Lin Fan replied decisively.

Jumping will block signal communication. After confirming with the octopus just now, the two parties took the initiative to cut off contact. Could it be that they have something to give you?

Many people think so. But when familiar faces filled the entire screen, everyone was stunned.

"Lin Fan! Let me in quickly!" Antonio grinned and smiled wildly, "Hurry up, hurry up! I don't want to get lost in the turbulence of space!"

Finally flying!

Okay, this volume is finished.

Starting from the next volume, it is equivalent to a new story, full of Lin Fan venturing into one planet after another in the universe. There will be more concentrated adventures, fighting and other plots. The warmth ends and things start to happen.

The rhythm and writing style will be changed a lot, and it won't be as slow as before. I hope you guys like it.


One step closer to the end, haha

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