Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 623: Get out

Nangong Mengdie’s eyes were not focused. In fact, she was thinking about the unequal treatment in the Southwest Military Region these days. She began to consider whether to use the power of the Nangong family so that the four of her could get a little support.

But in the end she chose to give up, not to mention that the power of choosing the Nangong family was greatly reduced, and there were many people in the family who wanted to make good friends with the Murong family, and they would definitely not agree to conflict with Murong Nanbo.

The most fearful thing is that they use this as an excuse to push the marriage of sister Nangong Huandie and Murongxuan again, and that matter becomes more troublesome.

Zheng Zhirong took out some books that Langba gave him before leaving, which recorded his many years of martial arts experience in detail. Zheng Zhirong has not fully grasped it yet, and is still slowly learning it.

He Wenyong was a little uneasy. Although he proposed that he should have a chance to escape, the fact hasn't happened yet. Now everything is just a guess, for fear of dragging Chen Feng's actions.

Chen Feng deliberately avoided contact with Sun Youwei. Sun Youwei also didn't want to have eye contact and verbal communication with them. It would not be good for him to let things happen in the training ground if something unexpected happened. result.

So Sun Youwei didn't say anything when he returned to the room. He glanced at Chen Feng and the four of them were in the room and went directly to the bathroom to wash up. After finishing up, he went to bed and rested without communicating with anyone during the whole process. Nor did they find Chen Feng and the others uncomfortable.

On the second day, Chen Feng woke up and found that He Wenyong was looking at Sun Youwei with his eyes wide open. He said in a low voice, "Wen Yong, don't have too much psychological pressure. The boat will be straight at the top of the bridge. We can always get away."

He Wenyong nodded slightly and relaxed a little, but Chen Feng's voice awakened Sun Youwei. He stood up blankly and rubbed his eyes and asked: "Chen Feng, what are you talking about?"

"I think it's almost time to remind everyone that it's time to get up for morning exercises." Chen Feng quickly found a reason. Fortunately, they usually have the habit of morning exercises, and they can still convince Sun Youwei.

Sun Youwei did not suspect him, and helped Chen Feng wake up the rest of the people together: "It's time to get up. After morning exercises, we should hurry to eat, and then we will continue to patrol outside the base."

Of course, Sun Youwei still followed Chen Feng and the others during morning exercises, and he never slackened in monitoring.

After a simple morning exercise and eating, the five-person team again drove the mecha to the outside of the main base and began daily patrol and guard tasks.

As expected by Wen Yong, Sun Youwei had no idea of ​​driving the mecha far away from him. It seemed that there was some embarrassment in his heart that he couldn't face as usual.

Seeing that he had the foundation for success, Zheng Zhirong gave Chen Feng a thumbs up, and drove the mecha with Nangong Mengdie and leaned forward, sticking to Sun Youwei's side from left to right. They will follow closely from now on. With Sun Youwei, so as not to make the other party suspicious because it is too abrupt.

Chen Feng and He Wenyong slowly followed behind, patrolling like they were away, keeping themselves in the sight of Sun Youwei, while approaching the location where he found the broken tree without leaving a trace.

All four crew members are under their noses, and He Wenyong, the one he least wants to see, is the furthest away from him. Sun Youwei is very satisfied and manipulates the mecha to fly slowly around the base.

Flying and flying, even Sun Youwei felt a little boring. The patrols for several days made him less and less vigilant. He also complained about Murong Nanbo's arrangement: "Deputy Commander Murong is too careful. He always arranges patrols. Mission, no one can see outside the base, where will they have the opportunity to create combat exploits."

Not to mention Sun Youwei's laziness, with the help of He Wenyong's cover, Chen Feng returned to the hillside where the broken tree could be seen, and there was no sign of anyone else in that area.

"Well, it's time to look for a chance to investigate." Everything is ready, but Dongfeng is owed. Chen Feng turned to find Sun Youwei's mecha. He had to let Sun Youwei see himself before leaving so that he could have more actions. time.

Sun Youwei patrolled for a distance, feeling that only two mechas were following him, and two mechas were acting on their own. Could it be that any accident happened to them? He looked back worriedly.

Sun Youwei's actions were in harmony with Chen Feng's mind. He deliberately pulled He Wenyong to squat down on the mecha and sat on the hillside, as if he did not intend to continue patrolling, but wanted to have a long conversation.

Sun Youwei was surprised when he saw Chen Feng's movements. What did this guy want to do, and he wanted to lean over to ask what happened.

"Leader Sun, Chen Feng is explaining to Wen Yong what happened last night, did you not fit in the past?" Nangong Mengdie's timely words stopped Sun Youwei.

Chen Feng is about to chase down along the woods, and He Wenyong's emotions are not well controlled, but he can't let Sun You add to the chaos in the past. Nangong Mengdie's words are simply magical.

Sun Youwei turned around and asked Nangong Mengdie: "What? Wen Yong still cares about my attack last night?"

Zheng Zhirong immediately grabbed the conversation and answered for Nangong Mengdie, trying to continue thinking with his grandson Youwei: "That's for sure! You think, if you were almost killed during training, how long will it take you to recover? Chen Feng has been enlightening him."

"Um, it's not that easy to get rid of. Forget it, let's continue patrolling regardless of them." Sun Youwei was successfully confused by them and shook his head to continue flying forward.

In Sun Youwei's mind, he did not think that Chen Feng and He Wenyong could do anything extraordinary. After the Southwest Military Region won the guard war, it became famous all over the world. The huge main base dared to approach the enemy, and the other groups went to the distance to destroy the enemy. Forces, how can they give them a chance to gain military exploits by the base?

Seeing that Sun Youwei had no intention of coming over, He Wenyong's clenched fists slowly loosened. If Sun Youwei really came over, he really didn't know what to do.

To be on the safe side, Chen Feng continued to observe for a while and confirmed that Sun Youwei would not come back again. During the period, when Sun Youwei looked back, he waved with Zheng Zhirong to indicate that there was no problem here.

After Sun Youwei looked back for the last time, Chen Feng felt that it was time to set off, and took He Wenyong to trot down the hill into the woods.

Why do you need to run while chasing? Because the mecha was too dynamic in flight, Chen Feng was afraid that he would attract Sun Youwei's attention just before he flew, so it is better to run a certain distance and then fly at full speed.

After entering the woods, Chen Feng also took a special look at the environment around Broken Tree. Except for the footprints he searched last night, he didn't find it. Only then did he confidently pursue the direction of the main base.

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