Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 459: Settling accounts (in)

On the way to the base of the Creation Organization, Chen Feng and the others came across several mechas of the Creation Organization. They were carpet-like searching in the mountains. It was because this was their territory that they were so confident.

Ye Qi is very familiar with the terrain here. Under his leadership, Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong escaped these searched mechas without any risk and returned to the vicinity of the village.

Chen Feng turned his head to explore the location of the village, and found that the village had been completely razed to the ground. The bodies of the villagers fell to the ground sparsely. Among them, the white-haired village chief was the most conspicuous. He was hung. The tree burned alive! These people who survived the catastrophe with the help of Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong still did not escape their tragic fate.

As Chen Feng watched the blood surge, he almost couldn't help rushing over: "Asshole! The people of the Buddha and the country are too cruel! The whole village was slaughtered!"

Zheng Zhirong couldn't bear it even more. If Ye Qi hadn't held him firmly, he would have flown out: "Damn! The Buddha, Ye Guo, is still not a human being, and he has been so cruel to these ordinary people. Hands, are they not afraid of being condemned by God?"

"It should be that the troops who searched last night found out that they had been cheated, so they came back to vent their anger and did it." Ye Qi learned about the village in the previous exchanges. He had a bad premonition at the time, and now it really works. .

"Asshole! Are we saving them or hurting them?!" Chen Feng couldn't figure out whether their shots were right or wrong?

Ye Qi sighed slightly. Although it looked cruel, he wanted to teach these young students how to deal with it better: "You didn't do anything wrong, but you can do a little more maturely and transfer the mecha fragments you smashed to more In a far place, the villagers can say that they don’t know the details, and the mechs that were raided did not fought with people until they left, so that Buddha La Yeguo would not vent their anger on them."

"So they will become like this. In the final analysis, it is because of us." Chen Feng closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look at the tragedy in the village. This lesson taught him to think more thoroughly in everything.

Unable to break away from Ye Qi's control, Zheng Zhirong blushed and transferred all his anger to the Creation Organization: "Damn, if it weren't for the Creation Organization always coming over to make trouble for us, we wouldn't be here. I won’t encounter this kind of thing, Genesis Organization! I'm never finished with them!"

"The more you are at this time, the more calm you are. There must be a mecha of the Buddha La Ye Kingdom watching around this village. We must not expose and control ourselves." Fortunately, there was a calm and calm Ye Qi beside them, who did not let them. Cause irreparable consequences in impulse.

After Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong calmed down a bit, Ye Qi took them to move again: "We have to find the base of the Creation Organization as soon as possible. If the mecha they searched outside comes back, there will be no chance."

Ye Qi's words reminded Chen Feng that now is not the time to be immersed in sorrow and anger. They have more important things to do. The hatred of this village will wait for real opportunities and capabilities in the future.

Chen Feng searched for the valley peaks near the mountains more carefully. They could only delineate a rough area. What the creation organization base looked like and how big it was were unknown numbers, and they needed to distinguish them with their own eyes.

Perhaps it was because he was very confident in the concealment of his base. Chen Feng had not encountered a mecha here. It could be said that it was the easiest part of the road since separating from the main force.

After determining the safety of this area, Ye Qi decided to search separately from Chen Feng: "I will go to the left to find, and you will find it on the right. Whether you find it or not, you must come back here to overlap in half an hour. Leave together, we cannot stay in danger for too long."

"I know." Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong immediately set off to the area allocated to them. They were suffocated by the tragedy of the village, and they were eager to find a way to vent. The creation organization's base is undoubtedly the most. A good choice.

Ye Qi also turned around and searched for the area he was responsible for. Although he wanted to uproot the creation organization, it was unrealistic. Destroying their base would still hurt their vitality, depending on whether the three of them had any problems. Good luck with this.

Chen Feng searched for it and came to a valley towering into the clouds. Nothing discouraged him. He controlled the mecha to sit down and think whether there was something wrong with the search idea.

Seeing Chen Feng sitting still, Zheng Zhirong said anxiously: "Chen Feng, why are you sitting down, don't you hurry to find it? We don't have much time."

"Don't worry, I haven't found anything after searching for so long. Maybe the base of the Creation Organization is not the same as other bases. I'm thinking about whether to change the way." Chen Feng called back Zheng Zhirong, who was about to run out.

Zheng Zhirong didn’t understand Chen Feng’s words. Now what they can do besides looking for traces of the base, he asked puzzledly: "But no matter what the base is in these mountains, right? Could the creation organization be able to build it? To the sky?"

Zheng Zhirong's words provided Chen Feng with another idea. He cast his gaze to the tall and tall peaks nearby: "Perhaps their base is not underground, but built in the mountains."

"It's possible." Zheng Zhirong thought carefully and believed that Chen Feng's idea was not unreasonable. They had searched on the ground for so long and found nothing. The base of the Creation Organization was probably not built underground at all.

Chen Feng went on to get distressed again: "But even if the base of the Creation Organization is in the mountains, we can't find it. The mechs take off too conspicuously, and they will be discovered by others before we find them."

Zheng Zhirong became happy and was hit by Chen Feng. The mecha sat down on the ground: "According to you, we can't find the Creation Organization to seek revenge? How can we go to the base if we can't take off."

Chen Feng is helpless, this difficulty is the least they can solve right now: "I don't know, let me think about it again."

After much deliberation, there was no solution. The two went to the outside for a while to no avail. Seeing that the time to converge was getting closer and closer, Chen Feng pulled up reluctant Zheng Zhirong and started to walk back.

Zheng Zhirong kept sighing on the way back. He was full of confidence and wanted to seek revenge from the people of the Creation Organization, but he saw that the village they had previously saved was actually slaughtered, and the base of the Creation Organization was nowhere to be found. It's very frustrating.

After walking for a while, Chen Feng suddenly reached out to stop Zheng Zhirong: "Don't move yet, do you hear any noise?"

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