Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 453: Competition (medium)

After a while, Sergeant Chief Joey walked out of the small room and gave Chen Feng an ok gesture: "It's done, I told them that two Langya Mecha Academy students were scattered in my base, and they happened to be there. I'm looking for you and I will arrange for someone to come over immediately, so you can wait with peace of mind."

Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong were grateful to Sergeant Joey for their support when they were isolated and helpless, instead of falling into trouble. They no longer have the heart to guard against the invisible Sergeant Commander.

Chen Feng and the others could not contact their troops at all, and no one else saw them hiding in the base of the Gusu Empire. If Sergeant Joey really had a bad mind, it would not be necessary to quietly kill them in the base. It’s difficult. Chen Feng felt that he didn’t even have the opportunity to resist. Those mechas that looked at me were not for nothing. With their mecha status, I’m afraid they would have to fight with their hands after struggling. The second-generation mecha of the Ancient Godlan Republic Information is at your fingertips.

Not only did Sergeant Chief Joey not do this, he also helped them contact the people of the Southwest Army. If they had an accident, the most likely to be suspected was the base of the Gusu Empire. It was the Gusu Empire who didn't want them. Now they can completely relax.

"I will ask someone to put food and water next to your mecha, and just tell him what's the matter." Sergeant Joey arranged for a guard to take charge of the daily life of the two Chen Feng, and then left: "I There are other important matters that need to be dealt with, so I won’t say anything to you."

Others have done their best to do their best. Chen Feng didn't dare to ask for anything more. He watched Chief Joyce back to the command area: "You have done a lot for us. Don't care about us. We will wait quietly by the hangar."

The guard left by Chief Joey also quickly prepared food for Chen and Feng. The dining car was pushed to the feet of their mechas: "Food is prepared for you. You have to take it to the cockpit to eat. Huh?"

Chen Feng thought for a while. Sergeant Chief Joey was not hostile at all, and they couldn't always hide in the mecha. In this way, they didn't respect each other: "Just let it go and I will eat."

Opening the door of the cockpit, Chen Feng took the elevator platform to the ground. After a series of sudden blows, he could eat steaming food, which was really refreshing.

Seeing how delicious Chen Feng is eating, Zheng Zhirong couldn’t help but also come to eat with Chen Feng. While eating, he said, “I’ve eaten these dishes in Joey’s shop. They are much better than those cooked here. ."

"Aren't you nonsense? Boss Joey runs a restaurant. If it doesn't taste good, who will eat it. This is the Frontier Military Region. It is very good to be able to make it like this. Don't be so demanding." Chen Fengbai gave Zheng Zhirong a glance. In this situation, he was still very nervous about the taste of the food, so Zheng Zhirong could do it.

After swiftly solving the food in the dining car, Chen Feng got into the cockpit again and said to Zheng Zhirong: "Zhirong, please help me to be on guard. I was too tired to sleep for a night, so I can make up my sleep first."

"Go to bed, I don't think there will be anything else next. I will call you when the person who picks us up." Zheng Zhirong waved his hand carelessly to let Chen Feng go to rest, and let him contact the people in the Southwest Military Region again. His spirits are lifted up, which can be used to be responsible for vigilance work.

Chen Feng slept right up to the time for dinner. If Zheng Zhirong told him to come down for dinner, he might still sleep.

"Has the person picking us up yet?" Chen Feng's first sentence when he woke up was concerned about whether they could return.

Zheng Zhirong told Chen Feng everything he had observed and heard: "Not yet. I heard the mecha from the Buddha Laye country come and ask several times outside the base. They are still looking for the two of us."

"Fo La Ye Guo is still not giving up, I am afraid that the person who picks us up will not be able to make it for a while." Chen Feng sighed with disappointment, and at the same time thanked that the two of them did not leave in the morning, otherwise they would meet Buddha La Ye Guo. That would be difficult for the search force of the United States.

Zheng Zhirong stared at the ceiling with his eyes straight. After the safety issue was guaranteed, he thought about the war that he was going through before: "I still want to go back as soon as possible. I don’t know what’s going on with Commander Guan. Win that battle."

"Commander Guan made such a good arrangement. He must have won the battle. Even if the troops of the Buddha country break through the chaos, they will suffer heavy losses." For Commander Guan and his special plane "Xuanwu", Chen Feng has enough The confidence of being able to withstand the existence of the "Jaling Pinga" Miaoyin Cannon will not easily miss: "But having said that, the battle between the two special planes looks really terrifying, so if we go up there, we will be killed. "

"Anyway, I don't want to confront any of them." Zheng Zhirong shuddered involuntarily, and he was lingering fear of the combat effectiveness of "Xuanwu" and "Jaling Pinga".

Then Chen Feng expressed resentment towards the culprit of all this, thinking about how to teach them an unforgettable lesson: "The most heinous thing is the Creation Organization. He actually attacked us by night and ruined our view of the Buddha. It’s irritating to think about it because of the encirclement of the kingdom of Jesus, and such a good opportunity to be disturbed by them."

"That's right, next time I meet people from the Creation Organization, I will definitely give out this nasty breath." Zheng Zhirong also has no liking for the Creation Organization that always attacks them, and thinks about why the genesis in the Organization The level of pilots is so high: "Chen Feng, where did you say that the Creation Organization got so many masters? The synchronization rate of pilots inside is not much lower than ours, right? Especially the three that broke into first, which one? None of us can contend."

"I don't know, that black robe mecha chased us hard enough. I hope I won't meet him again when I return." Chen Feng's head is full of black robe mechas, his strange movements and moves. The deadly attack method definitely grew up in the blood of the corpse mountain. How many such people are there in the Creation Organization?

During the conversation between Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong, a special mecha sneaked into the base of the ancient Soviet empire with the help of the darkness in the evening.

Not long after the mecha entered the Gusu Empire, Chief Sergeant Joey sent a guard to summon Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong over: "The sir has something to do with you, please follow me."

"Do you know what's the matter?" Chen Feng was following up, asking the guard Chief Joey what his purpose was for them.

"The person who picked you up is here, right now with the officer. I didn't expect that the'Southern Spear King' would come here in person." The guard who was sent saw the person who got off the mecha, but that was in the Southwest Military Region. Famous people.

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